Drama in r/antinatalism when a user's accuses most antinatalists of being depressed

8  2019-08-24 by TheBestEagle


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We all will all suffer so whats even the point of living

Depressed isnt the right word, I think the term retarded or mentally ill fits better

It's projection on a global scale. "My life is unfulfilling and boring so everyone else on Earth must feel the same way".

The quandary of antinatalism: if they all had their way, they'd die out and their philosophy would die with them.

The only way to escape this is to convince other people to engage in antinatalism.

The people who believe that having children to carry on their legacy somehow have to find a way to propagate their ideals.

The irony is lost on then. Then again, the fact that the movement is a death cult also escaped them so I'll never accuse them of being intelligent.

Make sure to always thank antinatalists for not reproducing so your own children can have more resources.