Ethan Klein of H3h3 Productions posts bussy.

228  2019-08-25 by Orc_of_sauron


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. Ethan Klein of H3h3 Productions pos... -,

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That might be the worst ass ive ever seen

Thats a hank hill ass

You take that back


Don’t insult Hanks ass like that again 😡

wtf I love H3H3 now

Serious hail damage

Moon craters

i dont understand, I've seen 300 pound 70 year old men with asses not at all busted like his

But have you ever busted in 300 70lb men? Yeah, didn't think so bud.

twinks 🤢🤢🤢

I love twinks too, /r/cuteguys and /r/twinksgonemild for all my twinky pleasures.

But there's nothing sadder than a boy over the expiration date who still fancies himself a twink 😞

Wait arent you the asian pedo guy?

Since when is it pedo to be attracted to an adult woman who is 22 years old?

22 but looks exactly like a 9 year old

As I said she's almost a bit too small for what I find attractive in a woman but she's still cute and I also like her personality. Overall I wouldn't be at all opposed to dating her.

Is there such a thing as a deflation fetish

Has he been like 440 lbs and dieted down to half now?

more for me

Mmm cottage cheese

Somebody exorcise this comment




Dude looks like oogie boogie without the sheet

Looks like a collapsed mineshaft...

Jesus Christ. That is one sad anus.

Reminder that this guy can get laid and yet most of you guys somehow still can't.

He's white


the same thing tbh

Mostly. Just add a few dollars

Jews are just white people with free speech

Jewish pride is white pride


He's married to his sister.

and carer. She's too emotionally attached to refuse

DAE legit think Hila was trans until she popped out a kid?

What is this monstrosity...

This why we need to lock up men with BMIs above 30.

Why is it all bunched up like that?

It's what happens when you clench too hard all the time to keep the cummies from leaking out.




Is this mod material right here?

Pretty sure even this hellhole has bussy standards.



Yeah I saw her facial profile side on when they were showing her get an ultrasound. Puke

Volcel if you wouldn't

Damn I used to say some people walk like their ass cheeks are glued together, now I’ve finally seen someone’s whose is.

This is negative ass.

It's a response to this apparently:

Could make a good virgin vs chad template. The virgin untouched ass vs the chad obliterated glutes.

Jesus. At least Ethan has a face

Id smash that bussy😤😤

This but unironically

Who said i was ironic? If most twinks had that sort of ass id be gay as fuck

Must be all the drugs I'm on post surgery that made me read this, but are people in twitter finally rising up against creepy kpop obsessive weirdos?


No, but why are they all over twitter? Who are these people? Idk if I've ever met someone that was into kpop in my entire life in the US. Are they all zoomers?

Idk it's wild, although probably not as fun as these painkillers are making it seem.

are you having this much fun on 5-325s?

Some people only need Busch light to have a good time.

But yeah 10-325's. Not even the good stuff as I understand it. It may also be some combo of not eating enough and having odd sleep. I'm trying to take them only every 4 hours but after the nerve block wore off its been more like every 2.5-3.5 hrs.

10-325s are still a good time to me, I just compare all opioid experiences to being locked in isolation getting 1mg of dilaudid every 3 hours and being fucked out of my mind for like 10 days

If this is what warrants 10-325 I don't want to know what sort of pain or procedure gets you whatever that is. I'm pretty over this, and I can't put weight on my foot for....5.5 more weeks

dont ever get a pleural effusion, your lungs are very sensitive

They are all zoomer girls from 12-18 years old.

Looks like a pastel painting

it would be gay not to fuck that ass goddamn

This whole calling nice asses "cake" thing makes me really uncomfortable. All I can think of is fucking cake farts.

That being said, that's a fine bussy, no homo.

What's a cake fart? It sounds delicious.

An old cake sitting shock video. It wouldn't perturb me nearly as much had Chris chan not made his own rendition.

He has a nicer ass than I would have thought.

Sucks when god gets distracted while making you and forgets to inflate your ass

Dem dimps

T_T I've never been more straight in my life lol

Sorry Ethan posting nudes is not going to make any care about your dying Youtube channel.

wtf the old woman in the shining has a better ass



That is foul

That's some middle age mayo foid ass.

Do some squats. Like, 1,000.