smuggies infighting, when a user chooses to mock Nazis for being untersmenchs.

58  2019-08-25 by 2Manadeal2btw


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  1. smuggies infighting, when a user ch... -,,

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that 90 year old "nazi" looks like a jew


Horseshoe law.

There are people who claim that Hitler was a Zionist agent and funded by the Rothschilds.

I wish I could actually believe that, because it would be fucking awesome.

How else could Hitler have faked the Holocaust if it weren't with help from the Jews?

It's weird how reddit simultaneously thinks:

this is what modern "nazis" look like

But also they think:

Modern nazis are a huge problem

This but antifa


Both sides unironically

Even the actual Nazis realized they were the true Untermensch for loosing the war. That's why they all offed themselves

They didn't win, so it actually wasn't real National Socialism. They barely got it off the ground floor!

I love the sub but hate their stupid mayo nonsense

They need to learn how to shit on themselves online. They seem to be able to do it ok IRL, but online they only seem able to shit on others. Weird.

The fact that its upvoted proves they can shit on themselves.


Of course, it doesn't mean they take well to criticism.

True. I just assumed Chapo brigade. I have not been to smuggies for a while.

I mean, the thread is full of people coping.

Lmao I loved seeing one comment talking about how there aren't anymore Nazis than the one right below it seething about how much he hates Jews

back when i spent alot of time on discord we used to raid other servers for shits and kicks and one time we raided a nice little place called public health watch. it was an unironic nazi server, like full blown celebrations for hitlers birthdays and shit, constantly posting propaganda about the "kikes" and the "long noses" and boy i cannot confirm enough how fucking accurate this smuggie is. every dude in that server was like a NEET or some lazy fat incel fuck who worked an entry level job and that was high status for that server. a job of all things.

anyways yeah this shit is too accurate

This is the most, downvoted comment. Looks like it hit too close to home for the sub 😹👌

I have a plan.

Join communist party

Become General Secretary

Start revolution (and succeed because I'm not a communist so I'm not completely retarded)

Lock rightoids in Gulag for being rightoids

Lock commies in Gulag for being counter-revolutionary

Implement neoliberal policies and call them socialist

Have high GDP and low cost of living

haha yes

Tito is that you?

Maybe Titoism could have succeeded if he didn't try to wrangle the Chad Balkanoids

That wasnt real Titoism, real Titoism has never been implemented.

Hating jews is a bipartisan thing. Even us Muzzies hate jews.

[](Based Jordan Peterson explaining the truth about the Jews)

Hating Jews existed long before the founding of the NSDAP.