Proof of the horseshoe: /r/MensRights 's reaction to Mommy Contrapoints' new video.

63  2019-08-25 by aruyais


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If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. Proof of the horseshoe: /r/MensRigh... -,,

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Thirdly, we need to be kinder to men in our everyday lives. Stop ignoring men, and give them a little attention when you can. I've been trying to do that in my interactions with men. For example, the was a young guy at the checkout at my local supermarket the other day, and I deliberately went a bit further than the normal small talk

Now I'm imagining some sweaty neckbeard harassing a random minimum-wage employee and trying to educate him on the femoid menace while he scans through the Hannah Montana DVD sets and copious amounts of vaseline.

More like the opposite. Harassing a young guy instead of just scanning his fucking food

The obvious solution is to start catcalling men in the streets so they don't feel "ignored."

Chapo check

0 of KaaraRaven's last 266 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.

Get naenae'd :>

Lol you clearly chapo post on an alt. Don't lie to us now.

Literal cope

A leftoid tranny that isn't a chapo πŸ€”

Rude, I'm not a leftoid. Γ’vΓ³

Hmmm. Alright, I'm keeping my eye on you

v< <3

You need to lose weight.

I'm a fit Asian, not a fatass neckbeard. Try again.

For example, the was a young guy at the checkout at my local supermarket the other day, and I deliberately went a bit further than the normal small talk

Who are these trustfund babies that never worked customer service? The conversation is a performance FROM them FOR the customer. If you want to make their day better: keep your fucking mouth shut and answer anything they ask you in as few words as possible.

I dont think a mentally ill tranny is a great voice of authority on 'healthy' masculinity tbh


It's brigaded by her army of trannies and numales. The comments there are all negative.



Are you antimeme or wot m8

OK m8, I'll just page your mra libertarian overlord u\AnnArchist to ban you.


AnnArchist top mod


Edit:Fuck you reddit you removed pinging from r/Drama

It's still over for dramacels.


Firstly, the government can play a significant role in producing positive change for men. I think we need kind of official role whose job is to provide expertise on men's issues, monitor the status of men, advocate for men's interests, comment on how proposed policy changes will affect men etc. A Commissioner for Men, or a Minister for Men.

"I hate how retarded feminism is. Can us whiny babies have an equivocal experience, though?"

Dude, if you think men are being systematically oppressed by fat retarded bitches and trannys on twitter and it being a big deal? Go outside.

That's even more retarded than feminism. There's no women's minister/commissioner. Nor are there government-run programs to help women's feefees like this guy is suggesting for men.

Please dont hide the brave actions of saint Anita and Zoe who died defending all the women in the tragic Gamergate wars of old.

I'll definitely take the word of cultural-misandry . com. They don't seem like they have an agenda at all

Someone having an agenda doesn't diminish the value of any facts they present, since almost everyone have an agenda one way or the other.

I like how you edited this comment two hours after posting it to get the insults just right. Definitely not mad at all

Damn, I have been caught

Someone is mad I didn't reply to low effort bait lmao


There is here in Canada, actually.

Day of the take when?

it's weird how this random nobody's opinions have so much power and people actually care. like who is she? why should i care what they think about anything? it's stupid, i can't fkn stand how every time she shits out a video everyone acts as if it's important.



Contra only has an audience because (s)he tells people what they want to hear in a way that's dumb enough for them to understand it, and she maintains their attention because a transgender talking about sucking dick is the funniest thing ever to them.

He has hypnotised them, don't ask me how.


Tsw babe, she's pewdiepie for trans folks.


Contra is the fun that even neolib or radfem leftards can take.


Why do we even pay attention to trannies at this point? Also, contra is not mommy. Hilldog and her big booty are.

It’s ironic he’s stealing content from Jordan Peterson.

Also ironic, a man asking for his rights back.

Firstly, the government can play a significant role in producing positive change for men. I think we need kind of official role whose job is to provide expertise on men's issues, monitor the status of men, advocate for men's interests, comment on how proposed policy changes will affect men etc. A Commissioner for Men, or a Minister for Men. Not only would this help the government do better for men, but it also signals to men that we are not ignoring them and are working to make things better for them. It also counteracts the 'men are bad and dangerous' narrative.

Secondly, we need more male-targeted and male-focused social services. If men are in distress from existential angst or any other reason, we need to support them. That support needs to be in a very accessible format, and we know that men respond well to male-targeted and male-focused services.

Thirdly, we need to be kinder to men in our everyday lives. Stop ignoring men, and give them a little attention when you can. I've been trying to do that in my interactions with men. For example, the was a young guy at the checkout at my local supermarket the other day, and I deliberately went a bit further than the normal small talk and recognised his good work in checking that there were no cracked eggs in the previous customer's packet. Everybody can do little things like that and it will start to add up.

This level of extreme fragility and externalized locs of control is hard to comprehend

Imagine being a man pretending to be a woman pretending to care about issues men face, which are caused by women.