Things get hairy when black crime statistics get pulled up in a Roblox meme sub

159  2019-08-25 by ardasyenden


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No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. Things get hairy when black crime s... -,,

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Zoomer humor isn't humor and shouldn't even be considered humor at all

Imagine what horrors the generation raised by zoomers will come up with.

Implying zoomers will have kids.

Furbabies yes

With how many zoo(mer)philes there are nowadays, I'd be surprised if that didn't become literal.

They will rebel by unironicly posting boomer memes

This person could have being aborted you know

say that again but lose the extra chromosome

The extra chromosome protect me from srd psyops

That's true, there haven't been any attempts to exempt the white women from abortion laws.

Mayo foids 😡


black peoples are disproportionately charged with crimes

Because they disproportionately commit crimes


Dude it is SO fucking hard to have an objective conversation about this subject.

I feel like both sides are using numbers to lie and that the truth is somewhere in the middle of both their narratives.

Considering neither side cares about the truth, I doubt the truth is even somewhere in the middle.

Oshit a srspost. Fack u

I feel like both sides are using numbers to lie

Just curious what the rightoid lie is.

I think her idea is something like that the blacks are not as subject to heritable criminality, perhaps to higher testosterone and lower iq leading to poor impulse control and less empathy, as righties would suppose; more of their terrible (in aggregate) behavior is due to their crummy "culture" (for lack of a better word) and the reflexive bigotry of someone dealing with the fourth violent crackhead met on the job this week.

Well their is something because while I don't like Urban white trash for a host of reason they are not in the same ball park despite living in basically the same area.

DMX says crime is cool so ergo all blacks do crime. Black people are like ants with a hive mind, except good at basketball and slamming homos with sick burns about their moms or something.

So to stop crime, you have to put down the lead black, DMX.

It’s over for DMX

you have to put down the lead black, DMX.

He seemed scary when he sang the Rick and Morty song, so no thanks.

X has been givin' it to ya longer than Richard and Mortimer have been around, sir 😤


It could also be a combination of everything which wouldn't surprise me , inborn/racial, Cultural, Economic, Locational.

to get a full Magnitude of difference something extreme got to be up.

perhaps due to higher testosterone levels

Proof that the real problem is moids

Real answer is poors

The rightoid answer has traditionally been culture. The new rightoid answer of genes came to be because trad rightoids are uncool, but the leftoid answers don't bear the data.

Given how African immigrants and their immediate descendents greatly outperform mayos and even some Azns in education, it's probably that.


The whole "it's only culture, they can assimilate!" argument has started fading away, except among the most Israel-loving Boomoids.

Given how recent African immigrants and their immediate descendents greatly outperform mayos and even some Azns in education, it's probably that.

Dude that is exactly what I'd love to know because I'll be 100% honest, I REALLY don't like how these stats make me feel.

Like if their narrative is SPOT ON, then it's like 10x worse because 13/50 isn't even 13/50 when you consider that most crimes are committed by men.

I really super do not want to live in a world where this stat is true at face value regardless of context.

Fuck I'm sleepy, probably nothing I said makes sense.

We don't know if it's still true because FBI stopped making that statistic because it made people uncomfortable

Well shouldn't it fuckin make us uncomfortable? It's a horrific statistic.

Like I said I do not want to live in a world where this is true.... It's fucking awful, no other words for it

We don't know if it's still true because FBI stopped making that statistic because it made people uncomfortable

You're confusing the with France or something

Are you stoned? Haha

Was blasted on sleeping pills yeah

Damn dude get a grip


I mean if we're serious posting about the 13/50 meme, I'd say if you were able to find a way to rebuild the black family structure that stat would massively begin leveling out in a generation. Considering there was a time where the average black kid was born into a strong family unit (at least considering the overt racism leveled at blacks and the disenfranchisment it caused) its not like its some biological thing 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock.

Like, how many bastard kids have a chance in life if any race? The sexual revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

I have an idea about how to rebuild the black family unit.

Let's stop putting them in jail lol

It's circular.

Are slash enlightened centrism

Radical centrist take: da blax are dumber, more violent, and commit more crime, but it has little to nothing to do with genetics and is instead because of centuries of mayo oppression leaving them in an uneducated, economically depressed state.

If we eradicate racism through cancelling people on twitter and race becomes less of an indicative factor in the education, home life, and quality of neighborhood that a kid grows up in, da blax won't have such a shitty culture and they'll stop being so retarded.

But in lieu of this, mayocide is a painless and efficient alternative to solving the problem, as no one who cares will be left to complain.

thats a most logical take my friend

that’s my take except it’s not about mayos anymore

It’s about their retarded culture

a study was done that showed blacks have the same shitty SAT scores regardless of their being low or upper class

i don’t believe blacks are predisposed to low intelligence, the Q coefficient theorized to indicate IQ level found in the genome doesn’t really show too large of an effect, so I think it’s silly to say blacks are unga bunga from birth.

however, black americans have been shown to have less inhibition. so that is a factor that could play into all this.

And remember, mayos aren’t the only ones complaining, ergo mayocide won’t solve this. I’d go so far as to say other ethnicities hate blacks way more than caucasoids

this all felt like a bunch of stupid nonsense tbh but thanks for your efforts

Stereotype threat is also something that may be a factor. This is something I've ever looked into but I remember my psych prof telling me about it and he had Memerson videos on his recommendations on YouTube so he wasn't a raging leftoid or anything

Cancelling is retarded but mayocide good

That part was satirical. If we eradicate racism by_____________, and I filled in the blank with the thing least likely to do so.


Uhhhhh, what if it's black cops shooting black cops 😎

O shiet when u out I lik dat 🤔

Stupidity is systemic in the police system.

To all the rightoids that thought it was a good idea to upvote this agenda post: out

A starving parana doesn't take to bait as quick as you do.

The mental gymnastics they go through to explain away the statistics would win gold

It's easy. Blacks have more testosterone.

More like testoxicmasculiniterone amirite.

Once again we can blame toxic masculinity

Nah they couldn’t call black men toxic because that’s not woke

Being poor = murder is ok

It's always funny when they bring up the whole "blacks just get arrested more because discrimination" as if white people who murder other people are just being let go with a slap on the wrist constantly.

Isnt it because they are more likely to live in poverty and poverty = less education/crime?

People trying to suggest that black people are biologically more likely to do crimes seem intentionally stupid to me.

Shhhh... don't tell them the truth! Goodness forbid being protagonists instead of antagonists all the time.

I’d like to see what the murder rates of whites, asians and hispanics is in poorer areas compared to that to poor black people. That would give you your answer.

Also African American crime is all Ching’s fault

Then look up the stats and be disappointed?

Never bothered to study it but I feel like poor whites would be more common in rural areas, and I think it's pretty universally true that higher population density tends to lead to more murders per capita, but I'm also just conjecturing and I'm a retard in drama so I guess just bussy lmao

Well thats obviously part of the equation but it doesn't explain a 10X difference. It also doesn't explain why Poor whites commit a lot less violent crime than well off black people.

People trying to suggest that black people are biologically more likely to do crimes seem intentionally stupid to me.

It might be purely cultural and have no biological factors, but why would biological factors be stupid to you?

biological factors

People are scared of biological factors, they always assume people can change but that not all true when you become older and see people around you never changed, people who you think changed simply you never knew them.

It's impossible for me to blame someone who is scared of that.

It's a very scary thought.

Only if you're a neurotic lip-wrist pearl-clutching pussy tbh

But what if you a "neurotic slack-jawed limp-wrist pearl-clutching pussy" for biological reasons :(

lol rekt

"I'm the real victim here!"

I think an individual can will himself to change within a certain amount he was gifted at birth. But a population cant unless the circumstances governing change.

I just don't think we are all equal at birth sure we can change the path of our life but no amount of work can overcome more gifted people in a certain area who also work toward something.

There are often average physical difference among the races like Height, athleticsm, arm length to height so it seems like there would be some differences that affect behavior. Whether or not it makes a huge, or negligible change in how that people functions as a whole compared to other peoples in the same conditions I do not know.

Biological factors seems a bit silly because we are helpless sacks of meat without culture and learning. Infants. We are nothing without it. There was nothing before "you", and you were created. Invented. Crafted by a childhood and the countless hours of effort that went into that.

Biological factors makes good beasts. We're more than that- that's what makes humans different.

Humans are just more intelligent beasts.

Biological factors didn't give us guns. We gave it to ourselves. We're literally on the cusp of outgrowing evolution with genome-editing viruses.

Our intelligence plays such a huge role in our success and manner of existence that I couldn't imagine anything else having even remotely the same level of effect.

Intelligence plays a huge role in the success of most mammals, Biological factors did eventually give us guns. Just like how monkeys can use simple tools or orcas can develop hunting strategies that get passed down in their pod.

If you're flexible enough to say that we should be giving biological factors credit for what our uniquely high intelligence has accomplished then I honestly don't have an adequate reply to that.

But seriously, we're on a whole other level. Simple tools, hunting strategies, these allow other mammals an edge in their environment. We're building our own environments from the ground up, destroying and remaking the world as we see fit, creating armor that animals could never hope to defeat, achieving speeds the could never hope to match. All within 300 years, more or less. A fraction of a blink of an eye, in biological terms.

dang that's tight

Essentially biological factors bring up a ton of horrific implications.

E.g if you know for a fact that groups of people are genetically predisposed to do crime, then suddenly racism and profiling is fine, then you start to regress back into lynching and systemic racism etc.

Of course i dont think its actually genetic since i dont really see why it wouldnt be cultural or economic factors at play.

These implications disappear when you actually think about it for two seconds.

Sure in a vacuum knowing someones race allows you to predict many things about them, but in practice we almost always have more information that makes this redundant. For example, when your Asian friend is clearly bad at math, you don't go on thinking they're good at math just because you've noticed many Asians are. And to the extent that profiling does make sense, everyone does it anyway, eg not entering ghettos.

And no one is arguing groups are genetically predisposed to do crime. They are claiming that people from different groups differ on average, but this does not justify judging any individual by their group membership. The basic individualist argument against racism survives any genetic discoveries.

I think we should be able to talk about this subject openly while still disavowing racism regardless of what is true.

Trying to reduce biological processes to something as simple as more testosterone = murderers is beyond retarded

Also American blacks are more white than African. Claiming "biological factors" for them is just stupid.

ITT: salty mayos

black peoples are disproportionately charged with crimes

That doesn't apply to homicide, you fucking utter morons.

Lord have mercy with the COPEcels.

Can you REALLY blame someone for not wanting this statistic to be true?

I mean you see that they're trying to do what's right, right?

Someone who actually cares doesn't want this stat to be true, because then it's impossible to correct.

Can you REALLY blame someone for not wanting this statistic to be true?

No, but I can blame them for refusing to believe it.