8chan investigated for kiddie porn

88  2019-08-25 by SitOnItShortcake


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  1. 8chan investigated for kiddie porn - archive.org, archive.today

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The government has to know by now that pretty much every white expat has a sizable CP collection- right?

The expression is "If you haven't seen cp on 8chan, you haven't been to 8chan". I don't go to 8chan myself, except when I want to read a manifesto from the latest white nationalist mass shooter. I know that 4chan /b always seemed to have cp any time I ever went there, which was rare, but every goddamn time I ever went there was a cp thread. 8chan is billed as an edgier version of 4chan so it wouldn't surprise me at all.

In 2019, edgy means "attracted to children"

Pretty much everything is edgy in 2019, I got called edgy for bashing fat people smh

I mean, self-deprecating humor is kinda edgy

If you're talking about loli threads, then yeah, there's a bunch of those on /b/ all the time, but I don't think I've ever seen any 'real' cp there, although I didn't spend much time there before deciding it was mostly just dick pics, traps, and loli threads and moved to /s/, /gif/, and /ck/ for my carnal needs. The 'worst' I've seen on 4chan is slutty outfit/bathing suit jailbait, which isn't cp, or a questionable mirror selfie, which the jannies quickly y'all. I dunno how active the jannies are on 8chan, but I know they banned jailbait like a year and a half ago, and I've never seen anything worse than on 4chan, although I mostly only visit political boards there on rare occasions.

I know there are people posting it because now and then someone will dump it in a thread to burn it, and I'll enter and witness the fallout, usually there will be a hundred or so replies in a thread linking a comment that has been pruned

So I know it's there, just never seen it myself. Plenty of loli porn though


It’s not 2008 anymore dude. The last time I saw child porn was a couple weeks ago on /int/ and it was the edgelord kind that you turn on the VPN to post and giggle about

Hey now,just because I think I want to live in Japan doesn’t mean I collect CP 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡

Well it's not like mayos go for the thrilling xenophobia and awesome 14-hour work days.

he does enjoy working himself to the point of a stress/exhaustion fueled suicide

Fucking gaijin, no work ethic

Are you implying that being a weeb is somehow any better than being a pedo?

Lmfao imagine sexpatting to the Philippines for kiddies instead of trannies

¿Por qué no los dos?

you're thinking of thailand dumdum

Trust me, the 🇵🇭 has the trannies too 😎

Elon Musk was hated because he told the truth

4 & 8 are honeypots imo. Intelligence services haven’t been doing the busy bee thing.


lmao it's the largest most effective free detective agency of all time. The FBI has already been confirmed monitoring 4/8chan. I wouldn't doubt they were using the site to get info on epstein and other people as such.

I’m thinking they actually own both.

actually thinking a bunch of NEETs on internet boards can accomplish anything useful or investigative.

Are you a boomer?

Why the fuck would I watch your boomer conspiracy YouTube video. Who let you out of the retirement home?

That's not a conspiracy and you're actually retarded

Have then check your head the next time you get your blood pressure taken. You gullible ass tart.

You honestly sound older than me.

Neither scenario is a winning look for you my dude.


Based and cheesepizzapilled

A pedo site being investigated for kiddy porn? Wow who could have imagined this turn of events

Q predicted this

White dudes who move to the Philippines or Thailand are always child rapists. Investigating their hard drives should be a part of the boarding process.

Every single white male expat should have his computer monitored and his movements tracked. I believe this completely unironically btw, literally every mayo moid who goes to SEA is going there to fuck children, no exceptions.

you were so close, let me clean this up for you

Every single white male expat should have his computer monitored and his movements tracked.

I remember when. Elon Musk (in an authentically spergy moment) pointed out some British expat diver in Thailand was exactly this, everyone got mad, but no one said he was wrong.

Imagine a McAffe/Musk administration.

Stop, I can only get so retarded.

Did Q predict this? 🤔

Didn't 8chan administration go hard against cp tho? No CP is literally their only global rule.

Then again, I've never hung out in the seedier parts of 8chan because I don't have autism, so what do I know, really?

"Hanging out" in any parts of 8chan makes you an autist

You're not wrong, but there's /r/drama-tier autism and then there's the kind of nth-dimensional superautism you need to post on somewhere like /pol/

Seeing as how their zoophile board is alive and active and was at one point a featured board I don’t think they care all too much

You know that zoophilia is not CP right?

Leave it to a dramacel to lack reading comprehension 🙄

You're insinuating that because zooshit isn't banned cp won't, as if the two are equivalent. I suggest you stop posting and finish grade 5.

Doing, recording and sharing videos of both is punishable by law in most states and hosting it can get your website y'alled by gubberjannies.

I didn't say both aren't fucked up, retard. I said they aren't the same.

Can both of you not shut the fuck up and keep arguing? I like this original drama.

lmao nerds forever angry and making shit up about chans

why do people think its some mystical dark web shit when its just a forum without reddit janitors

If you never saw CP posted on the chans you either didn’t spend any time there, or are a fucking liar. In your case it’s definitely the latter.

What kinda boards do you go on where you see CP all the time? I spend more time then I'd like to admit on /tv/, /int/ and /vg/ and the closest thing I've seen to CP is the occasional 2D loli porn.

/b/ all the time back when I could still tolerate the site for more than 20 seconds at a time. On 8chan it feels like almost every time I went I’d see some unbelievably fucked up shit - those people were truly evil degenerates.

If you're dumb enough to go on /b/ you deserve to be exposed to CP tbh.

It was the call of the void - don’t pretend you’ve never been called to its song.

lmao spoken like someone who literally never went and also subscribed to foldablehuman on youtube

I don’t even know who that is. I gather you do - only you can tell us what that means.

the guy who started the omg 8ch child porn thing in 2014 by literally uploading child porn that he personally downloaded and then screenshotting it

google dan olson and look at the kf or lolcow wiki pages its pretty well documented

hes buddies with laurelai

Imagine being this guy.

No, I refuse to.

I love how you never miss an opportunity to blow the chans

heh yeah i use the chans. I know redditors probably wouldn’t understand but there’s like no mods aha. Ever heard of HWNDU? It was epic 😎

theyre a great indicator of how clueless someone is about the internet

if people are scared of chans it means theyre boomer series of tubes level tbh

omg its terrorists and child porn! lol pls

its terrorists and child porn

This but unironically

t. frightened old man who trusts msnbc

Settle down before you have a heated gamer moment

mark makes up 95% of the loli porn posted

8chan has been down for close to a month and people are still trying to scapegoat it

