Trump wanted to nuke hurricanes to get them away from the US lmao

133  2019-08-26 by The_Live_Ghost


This is why we need mayocide.


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Trump wanted to nuke hurricanes to ... -,

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Virgin HAARP cloud seeding silver oxide to little effect vs CHAD nuking the shit out of a Cat 5 Hurricane

Remember all those satire articles about Amerilards shooting at hurricanes to scare them away? 😂😂😂



Name it Hurricane DeShawn and a sizable portion of Floridians are gonna strap up.

But seriously though

This is where you lost

Le epic Reddit speech too much for you?

Really... makes you think

Hurricane Arthur is about to get its bussy blasted😫😫

Gonna fuck that eye of the storm harder the Enola gay fucked Hiroshima 🍆🛩🔥💣💥⛩

"I got it. I got it. Why don't we nuke them?" Trump said at one such White House briefing, a source who was there told Axios.

"They start forming off the coast of Africa, as they're moving across the Atlantic, we drop a bomb inside the eye of the hurricane and it disrupts it. Why can't we do that?" the source added, paraphrasing the president's remarks.

The source told Axios that the briefer responded with something to the effect of "Sir, we'll look into that."

You can't make this shit up lol

Well why can't we? It worked on the japs.

It'd only work on typhoons

You just have to launch it at the hurricane from East to West. Same thing


The mainstream media would NEVER make something up or misrepresent something!


Haha now say seeth

Have sex

thats assuming that you its not made up

guess I should see a doctor

Call 911. Time is brain.

Rightoids will believe the Clintons are running an under ground sex ring and murdered Epstein but can’t believe their elderly dumbass daddy floated some retarded idea about something he knows nothing about

And leftoids will believe that Daddy talked to the Russkies to get them to hax0r the excel files to make him president. The radical centrist take is that Mommy and Daddy are good people out to do their best for this country and they deserve a nice hug.

Or that theyre both lizard people sent here to destroy humanity

You can’t make this shit up!

Except that’s exactly what happened and you believe it.


build a straw man

tear it down

You’re retarded. No wonder you believe the headline.

looking forward to your future cope. make sure you service the balls and keep eye contact, daddy is very particular

the man literally tried to buy Greenland. why give him the benefit of the doubt?

We've wanted Greenland since the 60s

HAHA Drumpf wanted to buy Greenland! It's 2019 people! 2019!!

The fox who longed for grapes, beholds with pain

The tempting clusters were too high to gain;

Grieved in his heart he forced a careless smile,

And cried, ‘They’re sharp and hardly worth my while.’

Yes cope I know I know

Instructions unclear, accidentally tried to buy Greenland.


We should be for this because when it doesn't work it'll rain radiation water all over Florida

It's about time that Florida Man turned into an actual mutant.


Is there any proof this isn’t fake? This seems almost too absurd even for trump

"Too absurd for Trump", said only three days after he volunteered to buy Greenland for no obvious reason.

After he refused a diplomatic meeting with the Netherlands because they refused to engage his attempt to buy Greenland



Boomer pls

with the Netherlands

It's over for danecels, and that's a good thing.


Another senior administration official told Axios, "His goal — to keep a catastrophic hurricane from hitting the mainland — is not bad. His objective is not bad."


(((Journalists))) are actually reporting his offhanded verbal shitpost trolling as real statements

"" trolling ""

real statements

NSC memo

The NSC memo is to Daddy in DC in 2019 what the cocktail napkin was to Henny Youngman at Grossinger's Catskill Resort Hotel in 1963.

They are the kind of people who have no achomlishments

COPE more

is there a word in english that means cope but is stronger than cope?





Don't worry, big guy. I'm sure daddy loves your dank memes 😊😊😊

Are you a delivery driver for

How much does daddy pay you to defend his honor on internet forums?

Oh wait


Might as well nukes are useless otherwise

The people still clinging to the delusion that Trump is some sort of mega-genius aren’t even going to bother interfacing with it, they’ll just say it’s a made-up quote, if there is video documentation of it they’ll just say it’s a deepfake.

Yeah exactly. I forgot to mention, their third biggest COPEing mechanism when faced with the fact that daddy has the verbal IQ of an inner city malnourished ten year-old with down syndrome, is to say “oh yea he was just joking lol” aka “pretending to be a retard”-type shitposts except irl

oh yea he was just joking lol

You still seething over the Medal of Honor joke

To be fair that probably was just a joke

He was only pretending to be retarded. He is a master ruseman.

Where’s the joke? Him going on and on about he didn’t do it because his aides and advisors says he can’t doesn’t really sound like a joke.

Oh McFluff your charming TDS strikes again, it's even taken humor from you

The people who believe this headline are the delusional ones. God. So. Many. Retards. It’s a shame you’re allowed to vote. We should require people to own land or a business to vote.


Well then republicans would be like 10% of the electorate.

A-grade cope 👌

I always just tell myself he is a comedic genius who manages to keep a straight face no matter how retarded what he says is. That way i can always stay positive about the worlds situation.


and nukes

i too, have seen the movie Armageddon

Pretty sure this plan is taken from Sharknado, in which Trump was set to play the president in vol. 3. Except he was elected president and all.

Day Of The Pillow, when?

You gotta nuke something.

evil orange man tell joke!!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1! Imbeach111!1!11!1!

COPE and SEETHE-pilled

No one insults my orange daddy durrr1!1 r/orangefanmad

Rightoids proving how fragile they are take 5

Trump suggest a dumb idea, and then someone else explains why its stupid.

Another senior administration official told Axios, "His goal — to keep a catastrophic hurricane from hitting the mainland — is not bad. His objective is not bad."

"He's got good ideas, he's just incredibly retarded"

People ask this question so regularly that NOAA addresses it in its FAQ. Needless to say, it's an atrocious idea, as explained in this 2016 NatGeo article.

The energy part sounds very unconvincing tbh. So a 1 megaton nuke matches the total hurricane energy output for two minutes, sounds like it could be disruptive enough. Why compare it to conventional energy output of human civilization, that only drives home the idea that nukes are retardedly powerful compared even to hurricanes.

How clean such a nuke could be made? How much pollution would it create compared to all the nuclear tests?

Yeah the idea just might work under the right circumstances.The problem is that we have no way to test it safely.

And the environmental fallout would be catastrophic. You've probably just turned a hurricane into a nuclear hurricane,. But even if it dissipated, the downstream effects would be death and destruction.

And the environmental fallout would be catastrophic.

Again, I'm not so sure a priori about the fallout because we did way way more atmospheric nuclear weapon tests already. It's surprisingly hard to find out what damage they did by the way, because everything I managed to google was written by seriousposting environmentalists who purposefully include all kinds of stuff like the Soviets marching 50k troops into a fallout area to see if they can operate immediately after an explosion. So it's very unclear how many additional deaths detonating the cleanest nuke we can make in the middle of the gulf of Mexico would cause. Then we have to compare that number to the number of deaths the hurricane will cause.

You've probably just turned a hurricane into a nuclear hurricane,.

It's an interesting question, I'd expect a hurricane to actually get through a lot of air and water instead of recycling it.

On the one hand he is the greatest president for this sub in all of history. On the other I am literally not having kids because his presidency seems to confirm my theory that there is something in our drinking water making us collectively angrier and dumber.

Call it a wash!

It's either tribalism or fluoride. Actually it's probably the inevitable outcome for the infinitely flawed system of governance that is democracy.

Almost makes you yearn for the days of George "pray away the hurricane" Bush

Daddy is based! Send those hurricanes away! Us warm blooded Americans will send it to all those poor countries who deserve it.

This isn’t real right?

According to sources

This guarantees its fake like 90% of the time

Welp. Time for bed.

This warms my heart, to know that someone as important and powerful as donald trump, is as autistic as me.

I feel a real human connection.


Are you denying hurricanes are dangerous now?


I never make funny shirts really... but i couldn't resist this one lol

Nuke the Hurricanes shirt: