Girl guesses another girl's weight almost perfectly, yet everyone is still butthurt

327  2019-08-26 by Geraffe_Masturbator


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. Girl guesses another girl's weight ... -,

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Fuck that’s good.

It’s so easy with Twitter.

Twatter is too easy to seethe not even resetera or Reddit will get as uppidy

No way. Ever since FPH was banned reddit has been full on fat acceptance.

Not really. HoldMyFries is a big sub.

Surprised its not banned yet. Fat people are a protected class on Reddit if you didn't know. You can make fun of anyone and anything but make fun of fat people and you'll quickly get a Be Better response followed by some incorrect information about thyroids.


I recently served a 3-day Reddit ban for saying I wished fatties would choke on their snacks and die.

The 3-day ban gave me time to reconsider my toxic views, and I no longer wish they'd choke and die on their snacks.


What would you rather they choke on?

Nah, it's just on reddit such a post will sit at 0 karma and won't be seen by many people, and there are no dislikes on Twitter.

That takes all the fun out of it, and no the response isn't the same. The low effort stuff gets a "fuck you" here and there, and maybe a few likes on that comment. With a real high quality comment, you get retweets, death threats, creative KYSs, and overall higher quality responses.

You are probably right. I’ve seen them get pretty fired up over simple stuff too though.


I want to date a hot bitch so bad. Like just hot as hell and mean as fuck. Has caused like 23 suicide attempts and given 72 people crippling self esteem issues for life. But when you're together she's super sweet and rubs your feet and bakes you cookies.


I want the exact opposite.

You want an ugly ass hoe who sucks everyone else's dick but stumps on your balls and fucks your ass? Ok.

Nah, just a dude.

same thing?


You just want a friend.

Don't we all?

I don't see the lie.

lol yeah she'll totally be different for you, bro.

Obesity isn't shamed and ridiculed enough. Look at how fat everyone is. Clearly we aren't shaming them enough.

Fat people are covered in disgusting toxic goo because the are lazy and eat too much.

There has been studies that my therapist has showed me that fat shaming does NOT help. I know you won't listen because you're clearly an alt right incel spreading propaganda but I hope others reading will.

No meme, but it actually does help a little bit.

But, the biggest problem isn't the shaming part, the biggest problem is retards thinking it's okay to be obese because no one's caling them landwhales anymore and the internet is now sucking off their concave dicks.

It literally is okay to be obese. You are an incel not a doctor.

Considering med school, pretty sure both aren't exclusive.

Considering med school

Aka you're going to be a CNRA

Wait what, I thought there were hella babes awaiting in med school. Have I been lied to?

Sounds like something a fatass would say

I’m pretty sure all morbidly obese people are also incels 😂

You’re right though let’s just all stuff our face and just give into our base most primal instincts and kill ourselves with food to smash the patriarchy

Wrong. That's Incel M.D. to you, fatty.

It's really not. It's really important to be healthy.

It literally disgusting y'all

upvotes the lolcow you idiots

Dont downvote randy you tards

good job randy

Imagine eating so much you get sick from it while millions are starving. Eat the fat

The biggest problem is that people consider it shaming when you voice legitimate concerns to friends and family

This conversation is too civil for r/drama



Snog off fatty

randy are you certain that everything this therapist tells you is in your own best interest?

Yes. Of course, yes. Dr. Murray has been there for me since the start. Right now he's helping me define my moral compass and how I navigate through the world.

well a therapist who's trying to tell you exactly what is wrong and what isn't must certainly be trustworthy

Not at all. He actually brings people into my sessions to argue against me so I strengthen my ideas.

Is the next step of your voyage where you realize that the industrial revolution has been a disaster for white race and our children?

Your therapist is stupid and wrong Randy.

I'm not trying to help lmao

Sounds like something a fatty would say.


Randy! You’re back!

this is my favourite take

Eh. I think it's better to just tell people they need to lose weight. If you're too harsh some people will then not take you seriously. Because if it's too the point where you're just being mean, it overpowers your message. The better thing to do is say "hey, you need to lose weight, this is unhealthy." If you say "you're a disgusting fatarse" all that's going to do is make them upset. Then they think about how mean you are instead of the fact that they need to lose weight. Same thing happens when teachers go out of their way to yell at students in front of their peers. You don't have to sugarcoat it, just make sure your message is effective.

Fat people is self destructive and/or can't control their impulses.

I'm not talking about those with 10 extra kilos. I'm talking those who double their healthy weight.

Wait, what? Why do so many people think shaming other people for ANY reason, including this, would be helpful in any way?

/r/drama posting isn't shamed and ridiculed enough. Look at how many people are subbed. Clearly we aren't shaming them enough.

/r/drama posters are disgusting.


How has the word fatcel not been coopted yet

Damn. Ive struggled with my weight as a man but never topped 220. That thot must be quite rotund.


He's 5'3"

Ok the story about that chick assaulting a carribean lady with a can of peas is hilarious and obviously bullshit




Oh boy another empty quote account




I was at a walmart and some sour cunt of african/carribean american descent cut in front of me so I hit her in the head with a can of peas and she blacked out and couldn't remember anything so I told the police that she was asking for it and they let me go #MyWhitePrivilege


@AmberHall1989 pls marry me

Ew, why would you want that, she’s 30

too old for you?

New to this sub?

Volcel if you wouldn't

That's a pretty lame fantasy. Aim higher, mayo.

The most shocking thing about this for me is that the obnoxious twat who posted with the "LGBTQts" hashtag appears to actually be gay.

Also this tweet chain is pretty based.

225 and proud

You clearly aren't since you crop your pictures to hell and back and do fatty angles.

110kg woman. yikes

Damn that thread is even better. I love when it gets to the point where they start talking about fighting irl because their brain is too small to find another insult on par with their other ones such as: "i bet you're also fat".

That's literally Dallon Weekes! Ermerghard!!!


Hoes mad

the comments piss me off bc everyone's like "shut up she's beautiful" and it's like,, nobody said she wasn't ?

y'all just think being called non-skinny = ugly, but guessing someone's weight is not a personal attack and calling someone disgusting for doing that is honestly really rude

Subconsciously, fat = ugly by default. Anybody who isn't thinking this would just know it to be true consciously.

Beauty is an extension of good health, The most attractive bodytypes are the healthiest ones, symmetrical faces are a sign of good development/health so they are inately attractive.

Being fat literally means you've got a visibly unhealthy and by extension ugly body.

The only difference between having an ugly face and an ugly body is that having an ugly body is your fault and you can actually fix it if you stoped eating cake every meal of every day.

Fat women were super hot in the past tho 🙃🙃


The thing is that it's all about what was rare during the time. If you were fat during the middle ages you were likely a well off landowner serfs and the like, as back then most people were on the skinner side and probably pretty fit. Nowadays junk food is everywhere and its far from difficult to be fat.

You're right, but that's irrelevant, since fat was unhealthy back then too, and my argument was that health doesn't necessarily direct beauty norms.

I meant to reply to adramolino I was on mobile.

y'all just think being called non-skinny = ugly,

Yes, of course.

exactly. she didn't even say the word fat much less ugly

Beauty is an extension of good health, The most attractive bodytypes are the healthiest ones, symmetrical faces are a sign of good development/health so they are inately attractive.

Being fat literally means you've got a visibly unhealthy and by extension ugly body. Hit



Named the manlet too!

Manlets on suicide watch

sorry, what? I can't hear bitch.

This is what happens when we don't talk down to manlets. They can't hear the rest of the world.

It should be illegal for White people to be at that height. That is Asian height.

Is that mold on her ceiling?

Spiders mating

"who the fuck are you...i don’t think you understand the amount of people who love this chick and will fight for her. don’t ever come here again thinking you can disrespect her or any other woman for that matter cause the second you do any inch of dignity you have will be snatched" White Knights of Twitter reporting for duty!

By looking at the feed it look troll AF.

That's a mighty big herd of hefty heffers on that thread.

I ain't seen that many head o'cattle since the Great Chipsolm drive to Abeline back in '67.

🐄 🐄 🐄 🤠


Say what you want about reddit, but I'd rather put up with "THE WIFE" and "thanks for the gold kind stranger xD" than with this shit on twitter

Someone hit me with that king duck pic

Wow, you must be blind. That girl is gorgeous.

Not calling her ugly is already doing her a favor.

"Proud Fur Mommy" What does that even mean? is she just saying she owns a pet? or is she a Mom to a furry?

She feeds her cat sometimes and that is somehow a thing to be proud of in the dysfunctional reality of Twitter.

Oh okay. So she is one of the 85 million american families that have a pet. What an achievement



I don't get it. Is the other girl famous or did she just find some random woman's twitter and call her fat? Pretty based if you ask me.

probably found through that hashtag since it was trending