Athiest nincel seethes over the slightest references to religion in a game

66  2019-08-26 by The_Live_Ghost


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Athiest nincel seethes over the sli... -,,

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Mayocide can't come soon enough.

I have a feeling he'll be prepared.

Imagine getting told to grow up by a bunch of gamers

Soylent gamers at that

I laughed my ass off at the “wit, intelligence, and hard work” part. Nice bit

Sad cucklord



come on bro

\encouraging effortposting


uh yikes bad spelling is literally fascism

You must be fun at parties.

Will redditors ever come up with some new original insults

I think that was more a statement of fact rather than an insult.

The jannies deleted my response :(

Mayocide now.

It's like 2012 Reddit all over again in one post.

Obviously bait, but:

Of course it's just a game, and I'm not raging, but I personally (yes, just my opinion) find the very idea of religion odious and medieval

This part is gold because the game has a medieval setting

Not raging, just seething.

Uhm, no ty, I'd rather use my wit, intelligence, and hard work to solve problems, not engaging in childish wishful thinking, i.e., prayer.

Saying this in a game setting where divine intervention is frequent, and magic is real is just dumb.

The best depiction of religion in fiction is "the church of science" in Asimov's foundation series. Where the church leaders ritualize the manufacturing and maintenance of technologically advanced artifacts without actually having to teach the followers how the underlying tech works. This means the church is able to expand with actual miracles while maintaining a monopoly on their tech.

What I'm getting at is that there is nothing at all stopping atheists from writing and and enjoying fiction that features religion and faith. You just have to be atheist for a reason other than rebelling against your parents.
