This is literally me

111  2019-08-26 by RandolphCox


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. This is literally me -,

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Did you get this from witches v patriarchy?

A gentleman doesn’t ask and a lady never tells.

Probably did though.

Randy do you have any ideas for your costume this year?

Mistress Randy, just make sure you don't get in a witch battle with your mother!

And these people expect me to take them seriously


a community for 11 years


As the top mod of r/classified, all I'm gonna tell you is that we have a long and rich history.

Is it classified?

Stricly need-to-know. 😎

But seriously this incarnation started a few months ago to be a sub that's actually about conspiracy theories since TMOR is just politics now. u/ acidoverbasic has been providing a steady diet of crazies every day and I'm inspired to start hunting them down myself.

Missed opportunity for use of the word 'coven'

Reminder that retards on this level can vote, and definitely do

I would recommend shielding in a situation like this, and a stern talk with your mother about how she has no right to control this aspect of your life.

This always fucking happens. They mix in legitimately good life advice with the hex casting. There was another post where someone wanted to BTFO their roommate with dark magic and the top reply was literally "you should cast communication spells to talk out your relationship together instead". I'm convinced it's all a scam by some well-meaning parents to give teenagers sensible advice in a way they'll actually listen to.

I used to play wizards with my younger brother when I was like 8 years old. Literally (wo)manchildren

I love october and halloween

No one cares, Randy

Can we start banning people who pay to ban lolcows, larping lowcows are still lolcows



Why do we allow these extremely unfunny gimmick posters to exist here?


Summer is objectively the worst season. Winter gang rise up!

More vidya in October fuck yeah

I am the one hiding under your bed

Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red

Halloween is the most kino holiday