User gets dabbed on for defending Chinese property investors

24  2019-08-26 by JOHN_OLIVER_


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Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


  1. User gets dabbed on for defending C... -,,

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This hurts :(

Good. Chinese shouldn't own anything in the United States. Same with the Russians.

we should get cuban on their asses (you know when cubans nationalized private businesses ?)

That's fucked up. Chinese are already getting slaughtered in the pussy market here. Let them have their Lambos and Lake Union condos 😡

Chinese shouldn't own anything. Same with the Russians

Chickity China the Chinese chicken

You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin'

lmao they were the first concert i went to

Do they still tour? But by “tour” do they play janky ass bars in random places?

damn i have no idea. i went to their concert when i was like 10

I remember a few years back Hoobastank was playing a random ass bar in Dewy beach Delaware lol. And there was like 20 people there.

oh wow, the reason.

I've found a reason for me To change who I used to be A reason to start over new And the reason is you

here's my favorite 90's song