(NSFW) The absolute state of foids - "Playing in my menstrual blood with Lilith" - Consider y'allselves witchpilled

85  2019-08-26 by Goes_Down_on_Women


Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.



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When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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What the fuck...

She's pretty cute tbh

Shame she's batshit

Crazy in the head, crazy in bed

Not worth the knife in the neck.

Correct, but ineffective deterrent

Just gotta hit it and quit it


That kid is going to need soooo much therapy.

It's official. GC and /r/itsafetish are now no longer allowed to get mad at trannies for having menstruation fetishes and shoving frozen clamato juice up their assholes. Not until someone answers for this.

Earlier today I considered making a collage of cutouts from a GT magazine. I decided against it because the idea was too provocatively erotic and it lacked subtlety imo. Then I go on /r/drama and see this degeneracy.

"I lighted two candles"

Big brain on this foid

Way to mansplain candles to foids.

Um, lit is alt-right dog whistle sweaty

I bet she smears her shit on stall walls in the bathroom. There's no difference in doing this and that .

*white foids

Yes, when I read you I had that strong feeling of also collecting my menstrual blood and almost in a ritualistic process storing each bleeding and mixing it with dyes of different colors to form a picture. I don’t know if it was a channeling or I also want to join into the menstrual art

It's so apparent that we have such horrible (mental) healthcare in the USA.

Its not healthcare, the problem is that the church lost influence and witchhunts arent accepted anymore.

"Mental healthcare" ends up encouraging this shit. (((Self expression))) haha

A real witch would use the blood of an aborted fetus or a child that happened to be playing nearby. Using your own gussy goo is just hands-down sloppy and lazy. Fucking millenials can't even into satanism right

Ignoramus... if yahweh and satan were football teams, a fat witch's stretch-marked belly would be the field that they play on.

Ok. Nah, I can't come up with a joke.

This bitch had a finger sized clot fall out of her. Wtf is wrong with gussy

so how is this different than painting with your shit and piss again?

Because only women leak blood and foid is power

these rebuild of evangelion movies are fucked up

I'm just commenting to say that I blocked this post because 🤮(x24)

Further proof that trans women are the best women

I can’t find the right words to express what I feel about this, so I’ll just nod in approval with a discrete but solid smile.

Yeah, I've seen people do decent art with blood, this is terrible.