Breadtube copes, seethes and dilates about contra-mommys newest radically centrist video.

55  2019-08-27 by 2Manadeal2btw


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Breadtube copes, seethes and dilate... -,,

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Stupidpol is the new chapobraphouse, right? That's what I'm getting here

Yeah, but they are also openly racist so you can use slurs if you dress it up with a side of word salad.

Yeah, pretty much


”I don’t understand! If we imposed Socialism as the only option for civilization to regular people who can read a history book, it will catch on!”

It will surely work next time

a fools errand, that wouldn’t be crazy at all.

also, not to gaslight anyone, but those other times... we’re probably not really Socialism...

Real Socialism hasn’t been tried... just sayin’

What do you mean next time ? Socialism has never actually been tried before.

But Bernie has a real chance this time!

There are still a whole lot of people that find these kinds of ideas mind-blowing because they weren't exposed to similar thinking before.

Jesus fucking Christ on a stick. Apparently centrism is no longer a reason to bring out the guillotine as long as you're wearing a dress. Remember that dudes


her recent videos could do with being ten minutes longer


She really is mod material. Lefty reddit thinks she gave men too much credit, and the MRA types think she was just paying lip service and didn't go far enough.

How much time do these people have where they can write paragraphs of analysis on a YouTube commentator?

Most of them are unemployed.


There is something psychologically telling about 22 year old lefties and how often they talk about support, empowerment, alienation, inclusivity, etc.

Contrapoints goes centrist... and I still can't watch that shit. Sorry, I can only handle about 90 seconds of that grating voice and condescending attitude. Someone want to tell me what Contrapoints said?

Men aren't all bad, some are dad, have fun boys.

From what I could gather, Contra says that patriarchal systems and the system of today, equally disadvantages men and women.

This is in stark contrast to what either side believes, with her side firmly believing that women are more disadvantaged (which they're not), whilst the other side believe that men are more disadvantaged.

Essentially, she chose the option that would piss everyone off. And for that, she is somewhat baste.

And so the inevitable progression begins.

From 1. "South Park / Chapelle is so revolutionary. It's not just that it's funny, it really makes poignant points about the

Lol bunch of fags listening to a failfag (who hoped to be treated better as a woman than as a skinny incel) discuss men's issues

It's beyond absurd

I get that Contra doesn't talk about class in her videos but maybe we s h o u l d start talking about it instead of complaining she isn't talking about it

I'm not defending her btw it's a very legitimate criticism