Zoomers call out millenials for being faggots in r/starterpacks, they respond by ...discussing communism?

146  2019-08-27 by ardasyenden


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Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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I can't wait for the Zoomers to start trashing millenials like millenials trash boomers

It’s gonna be glorious millennials will absolutely not be able to handle the bantz

"" bantz ""

Yeah I’m a millennial fite me irl bitch

Zoomers lose their shit when you make fun of pewdiepie i am not worried

The secret weapon against zoomers:

Bantz them on the phone. They can't handle it. They just spaz out and come up with a retarded sounding excuse... "Uh I g g g g gotta run, muh muh muh job is starting tomorrow... Peace bye later bro."

Bantz them on the phone.

What does that mean?

Hacker slang for rootkitting their phones. Zoomers hate this.

I'm not retarded.

Sure thing zoomer 😎

I was born in the 80's.

This bantz sucks.

Shoutout to the silent generation 😪✌️

It's the crippling social anxiety /slow violin

The industrial revolution and it's co... sorry man, I gotta run.


They are 11-15... Wait until they grow up

I’m 18

This is true

Source: best way to get kills in town of Salem as veteran is to say fuck PewDiePie

Just call Pewdiepie a nazi and watch them become as impotent as that consevautist who was told you don't have to swear on the bible when taking public office

I can't wait for millennials to realise they're getting old and being left behind. The shit show from that will be hilarious. Itll be even more hilarious when zoomers in general out perform on this supposedly rigged economy

Lmao ok sure 👌

Seething millennial detected

Meme word

It’s already starting. Mention Fortnite or Billie Eilish to a millennial and watch how they see the about how video games/music was better 10 years ago. They’ve already adopted the Boomer mindset of “old good new bad”

Millenials are just retarded. Fortnite is just some gay video game, which have been around for all of their lives, and Billie Eilish is some singer chick with enormous milkers, which shouldn't be controversial. There have always been dumb chicks singing shitty emo music, at least she has the decency to be good to look at too.

Literally nothing they complain about is a problem, they're just fags.

Billie Eilish is some singer chick with enormous milkers

How can you tell when she dresses like a juggalo nurse?

"No, you still have a double chin. Look up further. Further, NO FURTHER!"

He said, pretending not to be a millennial

I never heard of Billie Eilish until I saw her doing a music video with some special needs dude name Justin Bieber.

I heard her when my daughter said 'dad here's a song you'll love', then played me this 17 year old girl singing a pop song about how she liked rough sex.

I think I failed at parenting.

So the next Lana Del Rey?

Imagine being old enough to remember when all the singers said "Shawty".

Are people admitting to being literally children in /r/drama? 🤣😂 Take out the trash kid.

where's my cut of the retirement pension, Grandpa?

I spent it on block chain video games son, it's all in God's unchained packs.

The bell curve of life for millennials is just bizarre, most have done utterly nothing, but those who aren't sperging out on Twitter have the potential to make history.

With some actual hardship there is hope for the millenials. Well, some of them, but that's a good thing.

unless they are like the Gen Xers that no one gives a shit about

Late 90s genZ already does, and it is the best

we all do

I noticed my zoomer kid and my friends zoomer kid are bringing back "retarded" so maybe there is hope for the youts just yet 😊

you have a child?

We Zoomers have been saying shit like retarded and faggot and nigger our whole lives tbh

Spoken like a true gamer.

old generation getting mad about words

Some things never change

I love the fact that literally nobody gives a fuck about us Gen Xers, and nobody ever has.

You can already see the first signs of cope in that thread. In a decade it will just be pure SEETHING.


Billie Eilish and tiktok are proof gen z will be just as worthless

Every generation is worthless CMV

Degeneration x was fine

Suck it

Not an argument

The ones who gave us grunge ska and greenday?

Somehow better than either of the other two options

I dunno I think apart from memes every generation is about 5 to 10% vocal fuck ups, and millennial are whining internet nerds, which is more viable than the boomers and gen x steadily oding themselves off the face of the earth while ranting on facebook. I am a little concerned about how annoying gen Z's vocal fuck ups are going to be in a few years,

They also gave us noise rock, post-punk, post-hardcore, and the good grunge that you forget about because it got overshadowed by FM radio shit.

We had way more fun. My millenial girlfriend is horrified by the amount of drugs we consume by comparison to her cohort. I'd hate to have grown up in a time when people could take photographs of you whilst you were chewing your face off on 10 pills and post it online.

Speaking of drugs and sex that's another sign of where both millenials and genz fucked up. Millenials made weed/sex culture lame by being too about, but genz fags try to act like getting fucked up and fucking isn't the shit

It because millennial stoners were able to congregate online and formed a new lame stoner canon based on shared the induced psychosis.


what about the greatest generation? aka my generation

The ultimate “I’m afraid to take a stance on anything” take

Spoken like a true boomer

Plus they never watched Family Man when it originally aired!

Truth to powerb

Leave Billy alone!

she's a "might seduce your dad" type, I heard

Is Nashua, NH 'bumfuck rural'


Actually 45 minutes by car from Boston

Really not helping the coastal liberals stereotype there.

It’s for real one of my favorite sources of Cope on Reddit. So many can’t fathom that there are tons of mid-tier cities that have all of the shit they think is exclusive but cheaper.

The counter-arguments are without fail some variation of “you actually wish you lived here, just admit it!”

muh food

Usually what it boils down to 🙄🙄🙄

Nobody would ever move to Boston if it wasn't for people with 1/64 irish blood feeling some manufactured kinship to Southie because they watched the departed in middle school. My wife is from boston and fuck me I hate going to see my in laws

Damn you are dabbing on the metroids in this thread, pretty hot. 🥵 🔥

Cause fuck these assholes that are obsessed with living in a huge city when neither their job, social life, or hobbies require it.

I never understood the attraction. They always talk about diversity, but tons of smaller cities are historic immigrant destinations. Every time friends or family first visit from Chi or out West for the first time I hear some variation of: “Jesus, there are a lot of Indians/Asians/(visibly practicing) Muslim people here”.

I’m starting to wonder if big city people think diversity just means Hispanic and Black people.

Eh, big cities have a lot of diversity, it's more of a "who cares" than anything else. Chapocels love posting pictures of commercialized american crap with a quote like "western civilization" but they somehow think that the chinese food place around corner is authentic. Theyre right in a sense because China is filled with shitty huts that crank out bad dumplings and boring rice.

Like theres a ramen place on Newbury street in boston that people love because it feels authentically japanese. And it authentically japanese in the sense that Japan is as jam packed with mediocre ramen places that america is with mediocre burger places, but the mediocre japanese place is somehow special and unique.

Yeah, fetishization of anything seemingly exotic in the most naive way possible. I see that a lot too.

Thats the appeal of cities: buying overpriced shitty food from a minority instead if a white guy

That and the poop maps. The people I know in SF were less than thrilled that news about those had spread.

I’m starting to wonder if big city people think diversity just means Hispanic and Black people.

Yes. That bubmblefuck town that gets all the [insert war-torn region here] refugees? It's White City USA.

Sure it costs one million dollars for a busted ass condo in the city and you literally can't go anywhere during rush hour/the weekend but Faneuil Hall and the nightlife are amazing!

Bugman cope

Boston's a tier 3 citu that somehow thinks it's on par with new york.

I think nyc isn't worth it but the city can reasonably justify the costs but boston? Fuck that place.

If there is one single characteristic of millenials that is consistent it is a complete inability to handle anything vaguely out of their comfort zone. Moving to a new city is that.

I don't think most people who have spent any time in Seattle, Portland or San Francisco would legitimately want to live there. Especially if they have any reference for what those places were even 10-15 years ago. Hell in the case of Portland I know of more people who moved out after the city started refusing to do stuff about discarded needles and public defecation.

I don't think most people who have spent any time in Seattle, Portland or San Francisco would legitimately want to live there. Especially if they have any reference for what those places were even 10-15 years ago.

Just went to PDX for the first time last year and, dear God, it was terrible. Tent cities on the riverbank, gutter punks accosting us around the breweries, just complete garbage. Not to mention the highway system is steaming doodoo.

Now, it's been about 10 or so years since I was in SF but it was pretty okay the last time I went. I have seen all the stuff online about human feces in the flatiron which is keeping me from going back ngl

Tenderloin and the Mission are as shit as they've always been.

A building I was in Portland went into public lockdown because of the buss with the Proud Boys protesters in it drove by.

Like full repeating announcement to not leave the building for 15mins lmao



"but there's not as many events or things to do or good food" - guy who spends 6 hours a day on his computer and never cooks

i really hope i never turn into this guy

learn how to cook and join a rock climbing club

Because they fetishize cities for being more diverse

Like chapos love making fun of "western civilization" by sayin its mcdonalds and cheesecake factory.

Like the shwarma stand in Brooklynn isnt the turkish equivalent. This kind of shit is why I left New York. The only exclusive thing about NYC is saying you live in NYC.

there are tons of mid-tier cities that have all of the shit they think is exclusive but

They're not Brand Name™

Why are you dating him??? Beyoncé doesn’t even tour where he lives!

The counter-arguments are without fail some variation of “you actually wish you lived here, just admit it!”

They are incapable of understanding that some people enjoy living away from packs of feral criminals and their liberal zomboid enablers.

Imagine being from anywhere in NH not called Exeter.

Went on a camping trip with some friends a while back. Drove through Napa and Sonoma, CA. They kept commenting on how bumfuck rural the place was.

It's a 45 min drive from SF. And we passed 3 Safeway's.

Dude from Nashua should just admit to himself that northern new england is for people who want to live in the sticks. He could have at least said Manchester if he wanted to pretend like there is any population density up here.


...ignores the complete lack of economic opportunity, social services and commute distance/required car ownership of living there.

failed to compute low cost of living makes the cost of car ownership irrelevant (unless they're a shitty driver). what social services are exclusive to big cities? hobo fights?

Stop you will cause their brains to explode. It’s either live in metropolitan mega city hell or on a farm,. No in between.

Jobs in "unaffordable places" are also paying crazy money. So if you manage to get the job, you should be able to afford living there.

Yes, if you have an education

yeah well no fucking shit

are yoomers really going to major metropolitan cities with a high school degree then complaining that it's unlivable?

Unironically yes?


Loved that thread. You can really tell when something hits too close to home on that sub.

Threads like these really let you know how many zoomers infest our favorite local haunts. Gone are the days when I knew I was only dealing with NEETs my own age, now I must listen to incoherent ramblings from people who haven’t even broken from their cocoon to become the glorious loser NEET we have all come to know. How many of you have had your minds warped and thoughts sculpted from the retarded ramblings of someone 10 years+ your junior? Knowledge usually progresses forwards but I fear we have now reached the stage where our memes, our thoughts and our opinions will be formed in the furnaces that mommy’s 😫💦 tendies are reheated.

millenials require lethal injections



Well, here’s the thing.

Lord, give me strength.

Wtf I love zoomers now. Well no, they have their equal share of self-aggrandizing bullshit with bonus teenager "humor" and solipsism, but seeing the zeitgeist mocked is always funny.

Zoomers are fine because they piss off Millelards

I'm almost afraid to ask, but what's your replacement for capitalism? A Soviet-style economy? What's the alternative you propose?

hunting and gathering


Millennials status: YEETED!

Fag Xers Raising Kids: Absolutely cannot shut the fuck up about how superior their parenting is

When basically every millennial 19-38 probably has an X parent