Gamer Moment

119  2019-08-27 by itsnotmyfault


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Gamer Moment -,

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Was this something where they retweeted the hundredth follower or something?

Remember when the patriots did that lmao? The millionth follower was @IHATENIGGERS and they fucking tweeted a pic of a jersey with that name on it lmao

True I am guessing Racist and virgin did not get caught be the filters, or they were to stupid to use one

Well they didn't want to alienate their whole audience and I'm pretty sure they all fit into one of those.

bruh no gamer word? smh just another corporation appropriating culture without understanding its rich history

Yeah this is lame, it had so much more potential but they weren't ballsy enough to make it something actually funny, probably out of fear of cancellations. >v<

Go to Barrens chat

I'm hoping some drama develops regarding the almost complete bungling of the launch and drastic under-estimation of the popularity and demand for classic wow by blizzard.

My top theory is multiple executives secretly hoped wow classic would be a flop on release instead of one of the most hyped releases in the last year at least for games. It's even got fork knife twitch streamers jumping on the bandwagon, 500k+ watching since release.

R/wow is on suicide watch that their retail hellscape is being outclassed by a 14 years old version of itself

I understand that modern WoW is shit due to microtransactions and lore-fucking but what makes classic so much better? Isn't it the same core gameplay but with much less content?

Honestly the lore hardly matters as its always been some degree of a shit show, though of course it's way worse now (and any time after wotlk) than in the past.

Many design decisions have over the years excised any community aspect of the game (what's the point of an mmo without a robust community?), turned the game basically into a sit in the city and interact with game menus experience, and leveling is somehow still part of the game despite making zero sense and being so broken to the point that you can't even experience it in a coherent or enjoyable way.

Vanilla is just back to the basics that keep people around, viable server community, leveling as more than an afterthought, no boosts/MT, class diversity/identity, and can't play the game essentially from within a capital city.

Wow's the game where someone wrote themselves into the story to fuck the zombie girl, right?

This image gets you banned from /r/wow btw

Gear is also a lot more interesting in vanilla than it currently is in retail. Old raids in vanilla are still worth doing, and even old 5 man content is still worth doing a lot of times just because of good some 5 man gear is.

It wasn't until Wrath that Blizzard really started making previous tiers of the same expansion not worth doing. People were doing Karazhan all the way up until the end of BC if only for badges.

Unironically the games quirks gave it character and made it interesting when everything wasn't streamlined straight line progression from one tier to the next

Blizzard not understanding itemisation is good actually. It’s really interesting when blizzard is so retarded that your bis until AQ is a level 45 blue from DM.

You are completely detached from reality if you think class diversity/identity is better in vanilla.

That is literally the most horseshit thing I have ever seen a vanilla loon claim.

For some reason I'm not surprised that you're a massive WoW nerd.

What retail server do you play on? :v

Excuse me gentle'sir, but have you ever considered lifting heavy objects?

Pizza don't do this, don't make me hate you

You should have seen something like this coming.

I've never felt betrayed like this before, I was sure pizza was on the righteous side of vanilla or at least tbc/wotlk chads. I can't accept that he's just a retail shill

Of course you're a fucking WoW nerd lmao it explains everything

What explains you being historically illiterate?

Imagine being an unironic autistic NEET virgin manlet and then having the balls to call others "historically illiterate" lmfao. You got stones kid, I'll give ya that.

Do you have some proof to support any of the claims you just made?

Your entire post history across all your accounts. Also this.

Oh, I see. You're a child rapist that eats your own shit.

My proof? Your post history across all of your accounts.

Ah fuck, you done caught me. But hey, at least I get laid 😂

raping children doesn't count.

Doesnt matter, still had sex. Later virgin! 😏

I have a girlfriend and there's a picture of me with my tongue in a foids mouth on the sidebar.

Keep raping children.

I have a girlfriend

She just goes to a different school right

there's a picture of me with my tongue in a foids mouth on the sidebar.

Fucking gross but at least you arent a kissless virgin

Keep raping children.

You keep saying this like it wins the conversation for you lol just like a pizza cutter, all edge and no point

I'm sorry, I can't take a child rapist such as yourself seriously.


tongue in a foids mouth

That's no woman, or even a human


We know you are sweaty


🚨 🚨🚨 SEETHING detected 🚨 🚨🚨

But foreal though dude you're kind of a fuckin loser.

"Kind of"

I was being polite

Absolutely no need friend

Yes, we've all been sitting next to you at your make shift milk crate desk for hours and you've yet to notice; probably something to do with one of your many mental disorders or your psychosis.

So that's a no.

It's whatever you deem it is.

Drop the tendies or i'll say the N word.

Do it pussy


I'd give you reddit semen for that bb.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Nostalgia is a powerful drug, but even it isn't strong enough to change reality.

Yo tell that to all the people playing Old School Runescape. That game is utter fucking dogshit and yet an insane amount of people who spent their entire teen years playing it are now spending their entire adulthood playing it again.

I'm sure people will play it, but it'll be about as popular as the private servers were.

It already came out, you been living under a rock? It's been out for years.

It's pulling 4/5x as many players as the original game and it peaks at almost 100k concurrent players per day.

The sub has almost 400k subscribers

People will play shitty games from their childhood all day if you give them the chance.

It already came out, you been living under a rock? It's been out for years.

Uh, I'm talking about wow dude, I know runescape is out. I was saying "I'm sure some people will play classic wow, it'll likely be as popular as the private servers were."

In that case, the same thing was said about runescape lol.

Yeah, but did old runescape have private servers to compare?

Like, wow classic private servers have been around for a long time.

Yes. Runescape private servers were a pretty big thing and have been around since before WoW I bet. There were even a couple scam ones where they tried to make it look like they were remaking the game to be like it was in 2007 then took a bunch of people's money and closed immediately.

Doubt they still are now but don't exactly wanna check

Meh, we'll see, I seriously doubt classic wow remains popular. The game was just so fucking trash compared to retail and they've made so many changes over the last 13 years.

As someone that played vanilla, cleared naxx 40 and got r14, the idea vanilla was a good game is just laughable

Jesus you're like one of those people who have a thousand hours played in a game and give it a 1 on Steam lol

Vanilla wow was good for it's time period, it was a good game back then, it's no longer a good game.

Ok that's a more fair assessment. I mean it was the last MMO I played and after going from Ultima to Everquest to WoW, WoW was just light years ahead of the competition at the time

Retail has been a single player game for a while now so this classic wow is a much better MMO today.

How is retail a single player game and vanilla not?

I liked the world of Vanilla better than the xpacs though. If they plopped all the TBC mechanics into the vanilla world it would be the perfect game. (but kept 40 man raids)

But dude rank 14? Holy shit man

I took a "work smarter not harder" approach to WoW PVP. Starting in vanilla I'd gather everyone going for R1 and establish an order. Nobody would pass the person next in line, this seriously reduced the amount of honor one had to farm.

When R1 was put into arena, I'd gather people up and agree to tie so we didn't have to fight for R1 either.

were you maintaining that while also progression raiding? That's some work right there hah. I got so tired of farming flask and resistance mats for naxx -_-

Tbh I never farmed shit in vanilla. I had minions to farm stuff for me. I ran all of the PVP groups and people would farm me mats to get in.

Remember when playing a druid amounted to being a innervate and battle rez bot until you got gear in BWL?

As someone that played vanilla, cleared naxx 40 and got r14

Link armory, liar

Your WoW fetish is your one flaw. Your Achilles heel. Your Kryptonite. I’d offer a WoW metaphor but I don’t play immoral time sucking theme park MMOs sorry.

Be better Mr. Shill. We, your fans, are depending on you.

Ah yes I remember the good old days before the dungeon finder when I would wander the roads of Azeroth looking for adventurers to battle through blackrock spire with!

Wait no you would just sit in a city and spam LFG. And yes classes were more diverse and had more identity because the game was horribly designed. It sure was great how warriors were the only viable tanks. And most of the games specs being useless trash certainly made things more diverse!

The game is so good right now haven't u seen the sub and purchase numbers from the last 3 generic expansions? Everybody loves to play x class with aoe, self heals, crowd control, threat drops, haste buffs. They're so different from each other!

They are still infinitely more fun to play than anything during classic.

"Farming soul shards is one of the worst things ever implemented into a video game. It's embarrassing that this made into the final product but at least it makes my class unique."

Almost every aspect of vanilla's design is fucking embarrassing. If a game were released in that state today it would be a bigger joke than No Man's Sky or Anthem.

Everything is so much better and yet sub numbers continue to drop, doctors simply can't explain why!

I never said the game is the best it’s ever been I just said it’s better than classic and I guarantee you that, with the possible exception of wod, sub numbers have always been higher than classic. Why are classicfags so braindead?

Micro transactions aren't really used much, the magic lost is that you can learn literally anything about wow to the finest detail in a 4 second googling. There is no mystery left, it will never be the same because the internet is not the same.


There’s no microtransactions, but people wanted classic for the “””community””” aspect.

When the game launched in November 2004 to get a dungeon group together you had to spam in chat channels the roles you needed (tank, healer, DPS) over and over again until you had a full group. People would sometimes get impatient and tired of waiting, or real life would get in the way and they’d leave a group in the middle of forming.

In modern WoW people complain that the social aspect is gone and players don’t make friends so much anymore because of features like LFG - you click a couple buttons, wait for your queue and now you’re in a dungeon with 4 other people you’ve never seen before and will likely never meet again. When it’s over you leave, do another and repeat the process.

Does classic require a subscription still?


I think in /r/wow is right in there playing Classic with everyone else

I checked it last night there was a fuck ton of salt and giga COPE all over the place like DAE NOT CARE ABOUT VANILLA LOL and posts about how empty the retail servers are with vanilla out. Retail players regard vanilla almost as a threat to their plebbed out spoonfed experience, completely closed to the notion that vanilla or any past version of wow could be objectively better than current year wow.

Despite the fact that wow retail sales and sub numbers are and have been down hugely since a very conspicuous change in wow design, they just like to imagine that people just grew up and moved on despite abundant evidence that gamers can't move on from anything online or in life.

I'm still skeptical about classic. I think that the vast majority of people are going to realize that they had rose tinted glasses on. They want the feeling of exploration and discovery that they had in 2004, but they've already exhausted that in wow. They'll never truly get 2004 back.

I think there's no doubt that despite the parts of the game being lesser than current year wow, the sum of these parts is far more compelling even without nostalgia goggles.

I've played enough pservers for nostalgia to not be a big deal anymore, it's still just better. Of course I think tbc/wotlk would be better still but I'm sure those will come along given the success of this.

I wouldn't even put it past blizzard to consider undertaking a drastic redesign to return it more to the dynamic of 2005-2008

I agree that classic is probably a greater whole than retail, but I think that the people expecting the same feeling they had in vanilla are going to be disappointed. I'm torn on a lot of aspects of retail vs classic. On one hand, LFD killed a lot of the sense of community. On the other, LFD is a big part of what makes levelling tolerable with all of the content that's piled up to hit Max level now. I'm not sure if there's a happy medium besides locking LFD to 2 or more expansions behind retail, and still significantly lengthening the levelling process by doing so. I'm an altaholic, so this is relevant to me. I think cross server needs to go, and blizz simply offer free transfers from dead servers, or do some carefully considered merges. Then again, the community is too dumb to take merges as looking at server population realistically, and will cry ded gaem harder than ever. The complete invalidation of artifacts is also annoying. I can't wait to bank the literal heart of the planet forever in a year or two.

Of course I think tbc/wotlk would be better still but I'm sure those will come along given the success of this.

They've already said "BC servers would be much easier" or something along those lines. I'd really like to go back to WotLK/Cata/MoP era design.

I'd like to hear pizzashill's opinion on Vanilla, given that he's the resident WoW player.

My dream would be to play alongside pizza, annihilating wow players with our logic.

I give it 2-3 months before the nostalgia passes and people realize that the Quality of Life is that of a 14 year old version of itself.

Overhyped idiocy strikes again.

40 man raids weren't easy then they ain't gonna be any easier now.

Do a reminder bot for when this game isn't dead in 2-3 months

Let me know when you get through the queue, it should happen around then.

That'll be my reminder.


I'm also not dealing with queues by waiting to start because I have self control, and I'm recovering from foot surgery so can't use my desk anyway.

Why would Activision executives be mad that millions of gamercels are signing up to their $15 a month WoW sub for the first time in a decade to play 15-year-old content?

It’s like me selling my cracked screen iPhone 3GS for $800 to some idiot schmuck who thinks it’s the best version of the phone.

I don't think the parent company upper management would but that the creative leads on current wow wouldn't like it because it might mean finally having to recognize that they have been making bad decisions about it since cataclysm, to the point that their target demographic would rather play an extremely flawed old version of it than the current incarnation.

Cataclysm was beautiful and then fell off the rails due to autism

Even if the gameplay of early cata could have been salvaged, there were too many other shitty design choices to keep people from leaving ultimately.

The story itself actually wasn’t Too bad and I didn’t mind the gameplay, they just needed more non terrible content and to fix the fact that it was a let down that was peak mmo

Everyone's going to go back to retail when they remember how fun looting each individual mob is or how exciting literally running across an entire continent is.

I agree with the wotlk version being the peak of its design.

I don't think everyone will go back to retail because a lot of the people playing classic didn't and won't play retail as it exists today. I know many more people playing classic that haven't touched retail in years or nearly a decade. I know maybe 3 people that play retail but maybe 20 good online friends that are currently playing classic that came back specifically for it.

WOTLK was the peak design of WoW and everything after it turned to shit. Cataclysm wasn’t bad but it wasn’t great, and everything after it was literal trash.


Classic wow will be dead in 1 year, they didn't want to pay for architecture scale they'd use once.


The game has no legs, the classes aren't balanced for shit, the content is easy as hell, the grind is insane and the "server communities" people miss were both not as good as remembered and not coming back.

I don't know how you can be this mistaken. However bad you think vanilla/tbc/wotlk are, they're all far better and more engaging experiences than current wow.

They literally didn't even advertise vanilla more than giving some streamers access to beta and they are still completely overwhelmed by the amount of players trying to access classic even adding servers as fast as possible even the new servers have queues.

The game is a meme fad, it'll die down.

Wow rude, I'll be sure to remember that when you need an invite to ubrs

They targeted racist virgins.

Racist virgins.

We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little r/inceltears post saying we did.

We'll punish ourselves doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time REEing at Stacies all to draw out a single e-tear.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same foids over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know every little detail such that some have attained such incel nirvana that they can literally critique the angle of a jawbone blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many keyboards have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and CDs destroyed in frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? Niggers take our jobs? We're already creating new ones without them. Niggers take our women? Racist virgins aren't shy about throwing their money elsewhere, or even making sexbots ourselves. They think calling us racist, misogynistic rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty headset. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challenge when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Racist virgins are competitive, hardcore, by nature. We love a challenge. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challenge us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another Jewish trick.

still unemployed then?

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I wish they would launch UO classic, with trammel / felucca not existing.

I can't even begin to imagine what sort of unholy Frankengame live UO must be these days. I played it twenty fucking years ago. I looked into it a few weeks ago and the game is still getting content updates.

holy crap UO is still around?

ikr I figured if it even still existed it would just be in maintenance mode. On their forums people were still arguing whether trammel or felucca were better lmao

still have never met a WOW person that isn't a total weirdo

I legit know a married couple who split up over this game. 2 kids and in the middle of the divorce proceedings currently

she's a tiny blonde milf, showing off the fake tits he bought her, and he's still stapled to his g*ming swivel chair lol

Final fantasy xiv autists are probably weirder since you have mmo autism but they’re also weebs