Is this the worst sub on reddit? "Haha left good right bad yes it's that simple"

233  2019-08-27 by prizmaticanimals


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Jews did this


  1. Is this the worst sub on reddit? "H... -,,

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I like how they fail to understand the basic concept that politics doesn't work on a linear scale

"Lets just do some genocide" is still extremely far-right in their dumb example :v

Funny enough, it's also far left.

Horseshoe law is the only law in the end

Politics is moving in circles, like your ancestry


How dare you acknowledge the Holodomor, you fucking LIBERAL!

Nah, the far left prefers democide (i.e. starving the population with bad policies like Mao Zedong)

It's just the lowest effort cringe strawman I've ever seen.

Left: "Let's gulag all who oppose us"
Right: "Uhhh no, let's value democracy and freedom of speech"
Centrist: "Okay leftoids, you can only gulag half of your opposers"

Great joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.

What's with all the Watchmen references lately?

There's an HBO miniseries coming up so zoomers are hearing about it for the first time.

Let's just do genocide was stated in the campaign material of just about zero actual genocide perpetrators ever in history. Too bad at can't examine people's motivations and just have to take their word at face value. Otherwise we might be able to see these sorts of things coming with just a tiny amount of common sense.

I'm sure you just mainly want them gone and won't ask any questions about how it got done and that's good enough for me I think.


Let's just do genocide was stated in the campaign material of just about zero actual genocide perpetrators ever in history.

You're right, most of them said "Let's just do socialism."

Wow, I'm against genocide. I never realized I was a leftoid all along.

Wait, pitbulls don't count right?

Mayos don't count either right ? I hope so.


the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.

They don't.

Leftism is whenever you're nice

Rightistism is when your the mythical salt of the earth idealized average member of your nation and so utterly beyond criticism because that would literally be the same as attacking the average American. Also typically you hold all power but are still somehow the underdog. And essentially all politics and elections are fought along lines of trying to predict what you think any obsessively trying to pander to you but still its just sad that nobody listens to or understands me. Oh well guess I have no one to talk to but the dozens of NYT reporters sent to my town to offer yet another shitty, lengthy take on what real average American Trump supporters like me think.

On the other liberals are literally gay Jew goblins who live in cities infinite crime rates, even though I've never been to one I know this for a fact and understand leftists perfectly, and they should all go die. But that's OK to say and perfectly fair. Even if the liberal candidate win the election, you can still insult his voters like insects, but the whole media sits with mouth agape if the mildest criticism is directed at poor oppressed forgotten right wing man. If a leftist wins and you attack him, you are defending the average man, if a conservative wins and you attack him, you are opposed to the average man who is clearly backed by democracy.

You know I think I understand right wingers damn well enough by now, I've heard enough of your shit for a lifetime. Your idiots who vote for obvious evil goons in exchange for nothing but the most vapid and see through of sentimental pandering nonsense. Don't vote for the left, I don't give a single flying fuck, it makes me happy.

That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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Aww, Snappy has a sentient friend now! 😍😍😍


that's a lot of words for a nine year old

Leftism and rightism are both wrong 😎

Why do people still downvote watermark, don't you faggots know that that turns him on?

I was against genocide until I saw that post

What's your opinion on the Rohingya?

Oh but they had it coming didn't they because they were Muslim, so it doesn't count. Genocide isn't genocide if the group is really actually bad and actually had it coming. Like that was hitlers main problem, he just attacked the Jews randomly and had no reasoning or justification in his part for why they deserved it or why it would make Germany a better place. Really the main problem with Nazism is that they used German symbols, if Nazism had happened in like, Poland, America, or India, and had Polish, American, or Indian symbols, and attacked those nations minorities, then there would have been no problem.

But also AfD is really good for some reason, unbelievably baaaasssttteeee and oh so moderate, like it's almost unbelievable the sheer levels of moderation that the AfD has achieved, you just don't know.

One question, when AfD Germany inevitably bastedly invades baste Law and Justice Poland, who do you side with?

Nationalism is national narcissism, they obsessive pursuit of an unrealistic perfect, idealized nation. Every historical injustices against your nation must be avenged, you must have the best possible borders that your deserve, you must pursue forcible ethnic uniformity because the perfect version of your nation is of curse is not polluted with others, you can't allow for criticism because a perfect nation never doubts itself. All you wind up with is being burnt out wreck a decade later and all your friends have given up and abandoned you because your not worth the trouble.

It doesn't matter whether you support genocide, the people who voted for Hitler did not for a large part either. Different is you should know better at this point.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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The Rohingya don't respect chapotards.

Yes it's full of homunculus aspies that pin a single tweet by some right wing fool on the entire 60m+ Americans that vote conservative. It uses bombastic language to further divide us and keep us from ever finding common ground on anything and slanders anyone who wants to hear both sides of an argument as an idiot.

Does this bot use snappy's AI

Oh right, because we all know conservatives have no interest in genociding every non white, non Christian, non American, non conservative on earth. Keep trying to gaslight us into thinking we're crazy for noticing the clear historical signals of the rise of fascism in America and the "centrists" aiding and abetting its resurgence. I'm sure nothing bad will come of that.

Me? I'll keep calling you people out for what you are: Fascist enablers.

Where is this from?













Stop this.

Heh, whoa






In the words of Bert Simpism, eat my short

Family Man

That's freaking sweet


In Nazi Germany just about every liberal and conservative went over to Hitler by the end, the socialists and communist parties didn't collapse or lose they're base. Just the liberals and centrists and conservatives.

It's definitely one of the most retarded.

Imagine needing to set up arguments with yourself because that's the only way you'll ever win one lmao

Imagine the drooling dipshits reading the comments going "Omg, it's so true, all conservatives wanna do is kill everyone!" and then awarding people actual money for their stupidity. Then being very same people who claim capitalism has failed and always complain that they can't afford anything. It makes me physically angry sometimes.

Seething. Why are you getting mad about what McDonalds cashiers say on the internet

Because they arent making my burgers.

If I want to make burgers I just fuck another American 😎😎😎

Jk lol I'm sterile

Thank God

It’s worse than that: they’re implicating people who - gasp - don’t vote or even live in America

May Allah forgive you for mentioning the untouchables

Hey, if there were no number 2’s there’d be no number 1 😎

All other countries are number 2

Some are worse than 2 tbh

What's worse than number 2? Number 3? What would that be, piss and shit?

Diarrhea maybe or vomit, idk. Just think about Britain or south Africa. They have to be worse than most countries.

Lived in both of them, and you're not wrong.


It's hilarious as fuck, because as much as american Reddit claims to be embarrassed by american arrogance and consider themselves mindful of other countries, when it comes to international politics everything needs to be a spoonfed Democrat (good) vs Republican (bad) format for them to understand anything.

Why did you say fascist twice like that

"Omg, it's so true, all conservatives wanna do is kill everyone!"

The boomer Trump voters would absolutely be ok with getting rid of all the beaners if they weren't making their burgers and all the vegetables that go in them.

Which is why we need to be proactive and kill all the boomers before mexicans get replaced by automation.

Which is why we need to be proactive and kill all the boomers before mexicans get replaced by automation.

Why, then we could just pit the Boomers vs the robots? That sounds like a lot of fun.

Lmao boomers are people who got into the Auto industry early and are now barely functioning and kept employed by the union for some ridiculous amount of money.

I see these geezers on the line and I think every single time "one Mexican could probably replace all 5 of these dudes and improve cycle time"

If Mexicans were that efficient and competent, Mexico wouldn't be...Mexico.

What if they are sending their best and all the good ones are here working?

Checkmate Mexico

So Trump's wall actually is good for Mexico?

Brain drain is a real thing, and can do serious long term damage to a country.

If you're in a poor country, but have the education, motivation or means to go the greener pastures, then you most likely will - which deprives the country of talent.

Countries with excessively high amount of emigration tend to develop a lot slower.

Countries like the US gets top talent from all over the world, an unlimited pool of skills.

That's a big privelege you know.

This is the exact theory that some say made America. The bastard children of rich nobles that had no titles, but were still cared for, came to America first. The English language used by Americans sounds more like what old English sounds like. In speech patterns, less intellectual people will 'slang' certain sounds. The F's, P's, R's, CH's, S's, etc. Some even credit the brain drain to the reason America won it's independence. With it's middle class fighting the homeland; the wealthy lords sent poor, uneducated, and (at times) the incarcerated to fight.

That's a whole lot of srsposting. Try saying "lmao bussy" going forward

I forgot I was in this sub for some reason...

This is retarded lmao

the white-trash southern accent, ebonics, and a londoners accent all prolong the F's, R's, S's, etc. It stems from poor socio-economic conditions where proper grammar etiquette was never a priority. If you listen to them; they phonetically sound similar.

Except that the US still wants educated immigrants...

Ban emigration Soviet style.

This is the only thing stopping us from becoming Japan, as soon as smart immigrants stop coming to the US we're in for actual major problems

Good for low skilled labor doesn't equal good at making large scale decisions


As we all know every single nations current level of development right now, in 2019, has a perfect 1:1 relationship with their inherent biological racial superiority. You see, New Mexico used to be majority white. Now it is majority Latino. Immediately as soon as it became majority Latino cartel spread out and now control vast swaths, drugs routes started popping up to get the gringos their nose candy, GDP per capita plummeted down to Mexican levels as the Latinos couldn't produce as much as the whites because of muh biology, the murder rate skyrocketed to 500 per 100k, and Latino refugees started flooding out of the New Mexican shit hole that had created in an attempt to make more white areas like the homeland they ruined.

Or wait, maybe none of that happened, and you're just retarded.


eating vegetables

then awarding people actual money for their stupidity. Then being very same people who claim capitalism has failed and always complain that they can't afford anything.

It's the ChapoidTroidHouse philosophy, in its purest form.

Actual in a hypocritical socialist rather than a bitter socialist.

“Every Funko Pop, every donation made to the Chapo Trap House podcast, every packet of Rick and Morty Szechuan sauce eaten signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."

-- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Except the CTH podcast makes over a million dollars a year. That's because people can complain about the evils that millionaires and billionaires commit while being them.


It doesn't matter if you actually want to kill anyone, the policies the modern right is pursuing will lead to genocides. And if you support them you should be made aware of that so that you can't act innocent when the time of reckoning comes. You are told, all your life, you chose not to listen and to learn nothing from history.

seriously only leftoids do this. like rightoids still use strawman arguments, but they at least don't write cringy fake narratives about using epic facts and logic like leftoids do

/r/EnlightenedCentrism is the Ben Shapiro of subreddits

Imagine needing to win an argument to confirm your own beliefs. Just smug post and call it a day.

Commies have no real life examples of their beliefs working, so winning online arguments with themselves that they set up is all they have in this gay ass world.

Reddit is designed for creating echo chambers, you need to set up arguments with yourself here because that's the only way to actually have one. Wrongthink gets slowly squeezed out by the voting mechanism where it doesn't get actively stomped out by the jannies.

Imagine spending your time in a sub dedicated to making the exact same joke about a strawman.

There are no words to express the depths of my hatred for these pathetic creatures, these worms, these insipid idiots.

Inshallah allah cleanse the world of these parasites!

These pathetic beings don’t even comprehend what a centrist would stand for, either. It’s not about ‘making peace’ with the right and the left, it’s about agreeing and disagreeing with DIFFERENT ideas from either side. It’d be completely fine to say you’re a leftist that doesn’t agree with everything they stand for, but no, that’s An EnLighTenEd CeNtRiSt to them

im uncompromising in my genocide. either eradicate all degenerates or none at all. fucking centrists smh.

I'm centrist half the time

Why do they always leave out commies when they do genocide? Is communism right leaning now?



Is that actually a thing?

They are still busy writing "it wasn't real communism" on millions of gravestones.

Why do those smoothbrained zoomers always go right for the "let's only commit half genocide" and pretend it's something anybody has ever said

Because the hormones have ruined their brains.

These are millenials not Zoomers

I don't care what they are, they're r-slurs and I hate them


No, I don't think they're Republicans.

They got taken over hard

Anime pfp = Point invalid

Right: let’s do genocide

Left: what the fuck no

Centrists: lmao stop swearing genocide it is

I see nothing wrong with this.

Alt-left: let's invade Poland

Alt-right: let's also invade Poland

Alt-centrist: let's not invade Poland

thank you centrism, u cool


Right: let's try to prevent illegal immigration.

Left: Quit trying to do genocide.

Centrists: Guys, let's just turn a blind eye to their illegal status and severely underpay them to do menial labor.



Left: Let's not do genocide

Said no relevant Leftoid power ever

true democracy is allowing everyone to participate in genocide don't @ me

EDIT: lol, lot's of nazi/nazi-apologists suddenly showing up here hours after the post

🤔 Wonder where they came from.

Nazi is when you make fun of what I say on reddit

people thinking there are kids in cages

people doing nothing to prevent this

centrists bad people

Worst sub on reddit is a hotly contested title. AITA, Politicalhumor, Gamingcirclejerk and Politics all fight furiously for it on a regular basis.

gamingcirclejerk farts out a decent joke occasionally when they're not talking politics (which admittedly, is very rare, but still).

AITA is too inoffensive and bland to be all that bad.

Politics and Politicalhumor both suffer from the same problems, but at least politics doesn't display boomer level memes everyday.

In conclusion, /r/drama is the worst sub.

It's gotta be /r/menslib they longpost the most retarded shit possible in the English language. Although /r/politicalhumor is basically the same but with pictures

That thread is literally painful to read.

Wow I truly was just on the edge and just about to vote Democrat but looking at this post changed my mind and now I'm going to have to vote Trump, sorry

You're nitpicking and biased. I win! BYE BYE!

The fact that only.the left has an issue with a centrist stance really makes me think

The entire right is far authright and the entire left is med libleft

600 iq take

The only true centrism is uniting against Israel

"If I shit on moderates and corp dems some more, the left will win this time!"

Weelllp, sounds retarded, but you do you.

hmm a thread from a sub full of shrill pantswetting leftists

ctrl-f waterm

yup about what I expected

they truly are the top minds of reddit

I always am disappointed in r/drama never being able to out-retard all of the subreddits we make fun of. Do worse. Be worse.

It’s funny because it’s literally the opposite. Abortion is closer to genocide than anything the right has done lately.