After two (probably false) rape accusations in one day, Anita Sarkeesian returns to announce begun, gaming's #METOO moment has.

96  2019-08-27 by volcel_wisdom


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. After two (probably false) rape acc... -,

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Is this one a tranner or is that all the others?

She is even worse than a tranny, she is – may Allah forgive me for uttering this word – an Armenian.

The world thought they knew rock bottom in Albanians. They were wronged. Westerner Armenians. The Kardashian Clan and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

ancestor weep

Praise the Turks and the Azerbaijanis they were right all along

based and genocidepilled

Someone check the timeline on the rape. Getting past the third subcutaneous bush layer on the way to pink/browntown takes at least an extra five minutes.

Don't even suggest that she trims.

There's something about her that makes my pp real happy

she's a fine piece of ass AND she oppresses g*mers, boosting her from 6/10 to 7/10.

Someone’s bound to genocide those guys eventually. The young Turks have told me they deserve it

Why is GamerGate drama flooding back all of a sudden? It's like a shit that will never flush.

Gamergate is the shit someone took in the tank that's too big to go down

Gamergate is like the time a foid flooded her apartment, and the three apartments below hers, one of which had a lot of drugs, turning into a massive drug bust.

tldr foids ruin everything

...sounds like there is more to this story

It's like a shit you think you flushed but is actually hiding in the U-bend, biding its time, waiting for you to fall asleep so it can sneak back into your ass and give you explosive diarrhea.

I still don't know what gamer gate is

and I am proud of that fact

Something about Zoe Quinn fucking and sucking 5 guys to get positive journalism for her Depression Quest garbage game. She was given grants for female game devs and a bunch of other stuff. She got exposed and g*mers lost their shit. Anita came in to fight the misogyny.

That's all I know lol.

But GamerGate was the start of the major online right-wing movement among young millennial "men". If there was no GG, there would probably have been fewer shootings tbh.

Basically the only new site that posted pro gamergate articles was breitbart which coincidentally is also the number one new source for domestic terrorists.

Full disclosure i was a goobergator until people started talking about how good breitbart is which was like 2 months in.

The source of 100% of mass shooters is the foid, which is why foids should be illegal

The real big problem with gamergayters is that they're gamers.

But GamerGate was the start of the major online right-wing movement among young millennial "men". If there was no GG, there would probably have been fewer shootings tbh.

that's funny, if you're joking.

ok it's also funny if you're not joking.

There have always been right wing communities, stormfags, and extremists online. But 2014 marked the point where mainstream media started paying attention to the controversies and that turned g*mers into anti-SJW, rightfully so, and all of the shit spiraled into alt right and frogs being hate speech.

i think you've got the causal directions mixed up

Gamer gate might be the first instance of weaponized autism

Money started slowing down to a trickle and they don't want to want to have to go back to softcore porn work.

GamerGate is never forgotten since autistic children never forgets thots

It's the 5 year anniversary, all the relevant figures are trying to bait attention again.

It has to be in full roar to get trump a second term.

On the one hand: Gaymers

On the other: Feminists

Drama: Priceless

I wish we could send both of those groups, and chapo and t_d users off to colonize Mars and see what happens.



Your fifteen minutes are up. Go away.


Yay more Gamergate drama...

I promise to blindly support whichever political group promises to start the executions with games.

HEAR HEAR! Toxicity in gaming is so so SO prevalent and we were fools to think for a moment that it doesn't extend to relationships and the power dynamic that exists all over the world. It has taken too long to get to this point. There are many who care, and we are with you.

Lol written by a 35 year old white man.

It's hilarious to watch these people spout platitudes about the toxicity in gaming as if

1) this is news to fucking anybody

2) they're going to literally do anything about it

3) that little spitfuck Jimmy is gonna stop calling you a fag on xbox live

4) It matters in any way whatsoever


As much of a degenerate Anita is, itll be cool to see Soygon of Applebees melt down once again.

Maybe he will refuse to rape her as well?

Soygon makes money off of this.

True, but you have to understand how obsessively shook Soygoy is by Anita. Virtually every interview/podcast hes been in he's namedropped her. I suppose it mostly attempts from his attempts to keep GG relevant but still.

Regardless, Itll be good for dramacoin.

They form a symbiotic hate relationship of grifters making money off of disgusting gamers and those who hate them.

women and non-binary folks

Their bravery is going to give courage to other women and non-binary folks to speak up

I like how she goes out of her way just to dogwhistle that moids should shut up and can't be sexually assaulted