Moid finds his mentally ill dad Epsteining it up. Relationship_Advice explains why that's LGBT acceptance.

193  2019-08-28 by 2Manadeal2btw


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I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. Moid finds his mentally ill dad Eps... -,,

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"So outside of the crossdressing and pseudo-cruising, which are totally okay things for anybody to do"

You lost me at the first sentence.

There's a lot to unpack here.

Damn I haven’t seen an unironic unpacker in a while

There's a lot to unpack here. His queerness is his business, that's not the issue.

The BTK Killer also wore women's clothes.

Now call the chief 👓

crossdressers are like 70% of sexual offenders or something

too high, claim it's 40%


I seriously want to kill myself from reading that.

Everyone grieves in their own way.

I don't see anything wrong with this.

I didn't know the loss of a loved one turned you into a Libertarian?

Finna make a nigga question his non aggression principle

This is the sixth stage

No fucking way that's real.

Nobody would fuck a 65 year old guy in a dress, not even thirst gay boys.

If he buys them drugs they will.

People said this about dogs and orangutans so i can believe some drugged up kid is willing to fuck over aged bussy

Plenty do it for free (not cross dressers though eww 😷)

Occasionally I’ve walked thru this alley to my gf’s apt, and there is a gay bar in it. I was walking by once and two elderly jewish looking gay men has what looked like a 15 year old black kid on a leash with a collar around his neck.


this thread is lit

Philadelphia is fuckin nuts. That alley on most nights has something in it that would make a 1950’s white mans brain explode.


Lol no that’s not an alley. I just looked and the place I’m talking about isn’t on google maps

Is that alley still in the Gayborhood?

It’s basically walnut and quince

Yeah, a lot of the seedier stuff in moving toward to border, since all the wine moms and fag hags started going to the gay bars.

Hmm. Well okay then.

This kills the Klansman.

Do you think they fed him to Moloch?

I think they fed him some drugs

quien es

I don't lift six days per week just so some old dude can hit the prime aged twink bussy I'm entitled to.

I'll fuck him

even at 69 year old, magapedes still have the sexual fantasy of crossdressing and getting BLACKED

A nine-figure net worth opens a lot of zippers.


I have done a lot of shit for drugs and fucking a dude in a dress isnt nearly the worst stuff I've done

As a thirty gay boy with a penchant for the older pervert I can confirm you're right, and for good reason.

Men the dress in women's clothes tend to have a lot of other issues, horny guys looking for a dude to unload into are in general a pretty crazy lot but what they want is simple - to ejaculate; what they want on the side is what categorises them but it's pretty simple most want an ego trip, some want a power trip and the rest want to feel young and sexy... You pick your brand and have your fun, simple...

Men in dresses however need you to validate their existence or to completely commit to their delusions - there's plenty of crazies among the guys that just want to fuck of course but it's rarely as intense, they're a bit of awkwardness then you have some fun together and it's over they might blow up your texts when they get horny again but nothing you can't ignore... Give a guy in a dress a little bit of interest and your number and it's a whole other story - especially when they're acting as they imagine women act, which generally just involves drama and whining...

Yikes sweaty, lets unpack all this

Yes but have you been a thirsty gay boy with a penchant for older perverts on free drugs? Horny gay boys can make some bad decisions while high or wanting to get high.

wai- what? you think i'd be this way if i wasn't on drugs?! oh honey!

But every thirsty gay boy has to learn this by himself, as you have done, wherein lies the opportunity!

Nah, loads of gay kids have like fetishes for gross old men.


Why is the guy upset? In a way he’s got a mum again.

The OP is a grill. Please don't make me call your mother to tell her about all the misogyny the rightoids are feeding you, Cherry.

When your elderly dad is cooler than you

Aside from the sketchy pedo shit, doing lines and dragging up in your 60's and still being able to pull it off is a pretty chad move.

Lines yes, drag no

Fake gussy isn't bussy

doing lines in your 60s is playing russian roulette (except with much worse odds) with your life with every line.

beats literally rotting in a retirement home tho

He's going to stroke out while he's stroking out.

Lmao if you're a male and your expiration date is before the age of 50 you're unironically pathetic and retarded. You literally have a decade and a half more than women before you even need to think about settling down lmao

I’m Lenore

why do you keep calling me *BILL*?

The club is a gay club on certain days, so we thought we'd go on one of these nights and dance without getting hitting on. Also, this club doesn't check ID, so we can get in even though we're underage.

This is either bait or the OP is a total piece of shit.

There is no way a straight club has Faggy Fridays just for the hell of it. It’s either you’re a gay club or you’re not.

not true

Usually it's a week day and usually it's in smaller towns that don't have a large enough gay population to sustain a full-time gay club.

Homosexuals hate when bitches do this.

Lol girls do this all the time.

I'm such a good friend to the LBTQIALBJ+=+{/} that back in my 20's I'd go to gay clubs just to hit on the fag hags that "want to just dance!!"

Those were the days.

there's a lot to unpack here

They always use the same weird phrases

Umm yikes sweetie, your dad is just a proud homosexual leave him alone, there is nothing weird about having sex with consenting teenage boys.


Reddit: A 60 yr old man fucking barely 18 yr old boys is fine.

Also Reddit: A 30 yr old man dating a 20 yr old woman is a predator and pathetic.

He's only after their young bodies. It's not like he's dating them. Guys like you are so stuck up, jeez

He extracts their youth through their penises

He is the vulture from spiderman but instead of using his claws he uses his penis

I have no problem with either. The old man can lick that college bussy as much as he wants (I'd do the same in his position) . I just like pointing out how reddit infantilizes women while simultaneously putting them on a pedestal.

I'd do the same in his position


If I was a gay 60 year old man, I would probably go after young twinks.

This but unironically

It's not like he's dating them

It's not like this is real

A 60 yr old man fucking barely 18 yr old boys is fine.

This is not fine.

A 30 yr old man dating a 20 yr old woman is a predator and pathetic.

This is fine.

gay club doesn't check ID Every time lmao why are rightoids always right about this shit

Gays are a protected class now sweaty

you'd be surprised how common it is for bars in general to not check IDs.

i was regularly drinking at three different bars in my college town when i was 18. there were fucking high school kids drinking at one of the bars every karaoke night.

There's a lot to unpack here.


His queerness is his business, that's not the issue. The issue is how he's dressing in your mother's clothing and how that's mixed with his grief. Self-exploration is one thing, but the bereavement makes things more complicated.

Reddit armchair psychologists, assemble!



Checks post

I (19f)


I thought it was troid, not mood.

The club is a gay club on certain days, so we thought we'd go on one of these nights and dance without getting hitting on

Haha it's okay they're grinding their dicks on us, they're gay!

ends up roofied

Assuming everyone is over 18, it’s none of your business.

Pathetic but not your business.


Completely unnecessary fitting of the AITA culture. We have reached peak Reddit boys.