Fresh pasta delivered when Poland saves Germany and Krauts appear ungrateful

56  2019-08-28 by newcomer_ts


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This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Fresh pasta delivered when Poland s... -,,

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Who the fuck downvoted snappy šŸ˜¤

I feel like this Pasta is true. Just like the gay demon pasta

No, itā€™s completely retarded. ā€œWe get only the dumbest immigrants the smart ones stay and build their countryā€

Most of the immigrants I have met would be considered ā€œUndesirableā€. Especially the Africans

well i know an immigrant and heā€™s a neuro-rocket-surgeon-engineer.

I consider them all undesirable if that helps

Because you are a cunt



choose 1

The average Somalian IQ is 68.

Koko the Gorilla is 85-95.

Richard Lynn is a fake researcher funded largely by white supremacist dark money and represents a small minority position in his field.

Imagine how low your IQ would have to be if your actual views on this subject were entirely informed by Richard Lynn and you didn't know other opinions on the field because they're never presented in neat little info graphics and pop science books that only get published because of eugenist billionaires. Imagine being that fucking stupid.


Have you thought about ever thinking for yourself once in your life and not doing what your told?

Christopher Langan (worldā€™s smartest man, IQ 190-210) made the same equivalency, soooo to answer your specific question:

Somewhere in the 190-210 range.

2 irrelevant retards. Christopher Langan is a moron who has never accomplished anything and spends his time railing against academia as a result.

the hardest cope


oh no

no nooo šŸ˜‚

The other guy is even more of a joke. Christopher ā€œyou can prove the existence of god, the soul, and an afterlife using mathematicsā€ has no achievements and was essentially laughed out of the room for his retarded CMTU theory. He was so upset about this he claimed 9/11 was a hoax designed to distract people from his smooth brained theory.

I have an IQ of 165 and i agree that Somalians IQ is 68. You just lost.

The MDE immigration is the real problem. You will not remplace us, bussy and soil !


It depends on if you are brain draining or taking whoever hops the border

This is why the Soviets banned emigration, it was a brilliant move that allowed them to develop their education and science without fear of all of that investment leaving because wealthy countries elsewhere can outbribe you. The west penalizes countries for emigration restrictions because it knows this. It thinks it has the right to pick and choose and leave the rest of the world with the scraps. And in fact it's now angry and wants an even larger share of the pie. Pathetic.

America is currently undergoing a yellow scare and driving away all its Chinese researchers anyway lol, like that's half the population of educated researchers available in the future in the world, China offers a huge thanks.

This is why the Soviets banned emigration, it was a brilliant move that allowed them to develop their education and science without fear of all of that investment leaving because wealthy countries elsewhere can outbribe you.

When "living somewhere that's not an impoverished hyper-authoritarian shithole" is considered a bribe perhaps emigration isn't the real issue. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

The smart ones leave too because unless they want to live on Golkhaā€™s dirt farm making a rupee a month theyā€™re going to leave for better opportunity.

The smart ones leave more. We (in the US) have special visas just for smart immigrant to work as software engineers or whatever. I donā€™t care to research it but Iā€™m sure other countries have similar programs.

Europeans are such unbelievably cucked faggots.


Yurofags are just jealous they can't be burgers.

Wow so epic, so bbbbaaaasssssstttteeeee, this comment thread is the moment the world changed

the moment the world changed

For the better?

Not teh bbbbbbaaaasssstttteeee mayoz like the ever so baaaaasssstttteeeee Poles. You brown people better not try opposing the bbbbbbaaaaasssstttttteeee Poles, saviors of the white race (when they're BAC is low enough for them to stand at least).

Germans are humans too

Imagine actually believing this

The greatest trick the Germans pulled was convincing the world that -berg was a Hebrew suffix.

The GQ is so prominent there is even a magazine about it.

Never any all of history has their ever been a group more victimized than white right wingers. At the end of the day white right wingers will always wind up bullying all other white people into doing their bidding, no matter how small they are they will always wind up being able to do this. America has basically been an extension of the southern US since founding, every enemy of the south in American history winds up with a bullet in their head or hanging from a tree, we had a civil war one time that they lost but then they literally invented terrorism and initiated violent white supremacist coups in all the black majority southern states and the rest of the country just threw its hands up and said OH WELL. Then 50 years later the descendants of union soldiers were whooping in joy at the oh so misunderstood KKK saviors of the white race on Birth of a Nation. Really Birth of a Nation is a perfectly titled film, I will say that this nation basically began in 1876 with the overwhelming victory of the KKK over the union and the rest of the nations subjugation to the southern will. 1864 was a victory over Lee, not the south, Lee was just a rare southerner who fought with honor and was considered a fool by the rest of them.

Other races, like seriously, don't even try, don't listen to the liberal whites, they will in the end bend to the right wingers, and definitely don't listen to the leftists, they will all wind up hanging and the heroic right wingers will be rioting in ecstacy and the spineless liberals will join them because they don't want to seem like spoilsports. This is the inevitable cursed fate of white people everywhere, we can't change. The general will of white people, should be considered equivalent to that of the general will of right wingers, the will of no other group within white people will ever matter or be relevant.

No matter how much power the right winger attains, they will never be safe, their enemies will always be around the corner and they're still the oppressed snappy underdog. When a white supremacist dictator who's had absolute power for 50 wins another rigged election, it's literally the greatest upset in all of history and an absolute sign of the bbbbaaaassstttteeeee common right wing man who absolutely represents the most faithful and core representation of all white people. They will always simultaneously be in control of everything and under that of extinction at any moment. The mildest of reforms or attempts at conciliation will be treated as unacceptable capitulation and betrayals.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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are you smoking crack


Are poles the most butthurt people to ever walk the internet? Each and every one of them is filled to the brim with pent up bitterness over one thing or another. What can be done about the eternal pole?


We have to listen to smug Germans on reddit

Fourth and final partition of poland when?

People don't dislike black people because of their skin color they hate them for the content of their character. Yall ever notice that asian racism basically doesn't exist? When's the last time a non middle east asian robbed your house or shot anyone?

I've never had my house robbed by a middle east Asian or a black person or been shot by one but I have a suspicion that you don't care about that bit of information because it doesn't confirm your biases.

I went to Baltimore once, didn't personally notice any crime while I was there, by the standards of numerous articles written by white supremacists about all white areas this probably means that Baltimore is totally crime free utopia. Must be all white too because everyone knows such a crime free place can't be an issue.

The general will of black people is not criminal, the general will of white people is racist, selfish, and cruel. I don't hate any one white person, I don't even really hate individual racists, I have little to say about even white criminals or terrorists or mass murderers, which at the end of the day are a small issue individually. I hate white peoples collective unconscious, and their reification that haunts the world with pure hatred, and endless pride.


Bad b8

Asians hate other asians though

Asian racism about how they will stab us in the back again just like WWII because they are shifty and untrustable race is alive and well among boomers too.

Trucks are the new winged hussars

Is this

A. Baaaaasssstttteeee B. Non-Baaaaaaassssstttttttteeeee

Nothing makes a mayo harder than the thought of running over a brown person

Also literally everything about the title is probably false, it's like the perfectly constructed string of words to get a racist white redditor hard. Muh baste Poland, muh degenerate Germany disgraces itself by daring to help people in need, muh evil migrants opposing teh white man who finally stands up for himself, uh oh you met the baaaassssttteeee mayos now you're in trouble.

How about a new title, "This isn't Germany, those aren't Poles, that's not a migrant, he's not taking a toll, and you're an idiot". Wow this one is equally consistent with the actions displayed, funny how easy it is to do this shit!

But you dont have evidence.

Sperging about it evidence is not.


Imagine not thinking Poland is the best country in the world with the greatest infrastructure and population. Also, most mayos get hard at the thought of running over anyone.

What happened to drama??? This place was so righty before, now its filled with unbased faggots such as yourself. Fuck refugees. Immigrants good, refugees bad.


G*rmans are truly the most evil race on earth. They built a waterslide in Kansas City a few years ago specifically designed to decapitate American children.

Every single time.

I'll be thinking, "there must be something worse than Germany", and every single time, there never is.

Meme is pretty funny though

Tbh I kinda just want to go shoot my gun in my backyard and be happy I was born in America instead of a third world nation like Europe