The purists over at /r/politics call fmr. SecDef Jim Mattis an enabler, demand he builds a time machine and kills Trump with his bare hands

17  2019-08-28 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


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womp womp


  1. The purists over at /r/politics cal... -,,

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There’s fr a user named u\presidentdrumf in that thread

It's so disrespectful to deadname someone like that

"Mad Dog the warrior monk". Of course the bloody yanks like someone who sounds like a readymade d&d character.

bloody yanks

What mental illness causes bongs to communicate like this?


He’s probably a lesser piece of shit than Donald Trump, but you could make the case that James Mattis is a war criminal.


Also, when Mattis says "lonely", he means not invading middle eastern countries.

Globalists are sick in the head.

Drain the swamp of globalists. We should strive towards having no allies, no trade and no immigration. They are all detriments to our lives.