Askreddit gets some answers on fundamental questions like "is Orange man bad?" and "will liberals get the bullet too ☭?" (sorted by controversial for your viewing pleasure)

21  2019-08-28 by MoistLanguage


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Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


  1. Askreddit gets some answers on fund... -,,

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sorted by controversial for your viewing pleasure

Why do you lie, OP?

I blame reddit servers 😔


Paste ?sort=controversial at the end of the link

When people say things like,

"We shouldn't fix people's student loans becuase I already paid mine" or anytime someone opposes improving because "I had to deal with it, so you should too."

poor wagecel non-STEMlord redditor, im so shocked

Im not surprised that a few of the top comments are in relation to being a check-out chick or being a server at a restaurant because thats what most reddittors do for a job while studying their feminist degree.