Twitter meltdown after "Beto O'Rourke Ejects Breitbart News Reporter from Event".

65  2019-08-28 by itsnotmyfault

For context, Trump is famous for calling stuff "fake news". Also people got assblasted when Trump retweeted a meme where he was beating up CNN, leading CNN to threaten to dox some dude: Something about how this is encouraging violence against the press.

Also Jim Acosta got his press pass revoked leading to more butthurt and cries of "attacking the free press".

Then the administration started limiting the number of "hard passes" and people got mad all over again:

Anyway, Josh Dawsey, who works for the Washington "Democracy Dies in Darkness" Post, is currently getting flamed by half the bluechekcs on Twitter for this tweet: "Beto O'Rourke Ejects Breitbart News Reporter from Event" with a link to a Breitbart article.

Among the critics are former Vox journalist Carlos Maza who says "This should be standard practice for Daily Caller/Breitbart/Fox News. Don’t legitimize white nationalist outlets." "Remarkable how many of the serious journalists criticizing this move... aren’t the victims of white supremacist politics."

Sleeping Giants Josh, are you really tweeting out Breitbart when you know full well that this glorified blog that’s shot-through with racism, sexism and general bigotry has also trafficked in dishonesty in verifiably false information? Congratulations on legitimizing them as a “journalists”.

Rewire News's Imani Gandy Breitbart isn’t news—it’s shite supremacist propaganda—so you can have a sedative and calm down

Famous lolcow Eugene Gu, who raped some chick I'm pretty sure This is everything wrong with many journalists. They rush to the defense of Breitbart, are addicted to access journalism, push so many stories based on hearsay without evidence that their credibility is totally gone, and they gave us Trump. The mob needs to come for them too. and The media is a corporate conglomerate just out for profit. In fact, the founders and CEOs are white nationalists like Gavin McInnes of Vice Media, grifters banned by the SEC like Henry Blodget of Business Insider, and slanderous impersonators like Jonah Peretti of Buzzfeed News.

Some rando: Radical right-wing propaganda posing as legitimate news has been eroding American democracy for decades. It's time to draw a line in the sand. If you stand up for Breitbart's supposed "right" to "journalistic" access, you are enabling fascism. #BreitbartIsNotNews #Resist

Journalists do damage to their own profession by indulging Breitbart's fiction that a hate speech and conspiracy theory website is a news outlet.

Andrea Grimes Imagine going out of your way to include right-wing racist propagandists in the category of “people who do the same job as me” Any journalist who says Breitbart, a racist right-wing propaganda blog, should be treated like a legitimate news outlet is extremely telling on themselves.

And on the other side, people who think politicians shouldn't be kicking out journalists they disagree with, because that's the path to the dark side are getting called idiots and nazi apologists.

NYTimes Elizabeth Williamson This is WRONG and hypocritical for any candidate, or come to think of it, any American

NYTImes Matthew Rosenberg No matter what you think of Breitbart, this is wrong. No campaign should be deciding who gets to cover its events. An event is either open to the press, or it is not. Freedom of the press is not a conditional right — it applies to every American regardless of their views.

MSNBC Chris Hayes but a public event is a public event, right? I mean, even if was a an InfoWars dude with a smart phone, if you're doing it in public, you're doing it in public.

NYTimes Sopan Deb I really don't get why campaigns do this. There's no benefit to it. A. you shouldn't. B. You have to deal with the inevitable headlines that come out of it.

And others if you're trying to look.




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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Twitter meltdown after "Beto O'Rour... -,,

  2. -,

  3. -,

  4. -,

  5. This should be standard practice fo... -,

  6. Remarkable how many of the serious ... -,

  7. Josh, are you really tweeting out B... -,

  8. Breitbart isn’t news—it’s shite sup... -,

  9. -,

  10. This is everything wrong with many ... -,

  11. Radical right-wing propaganda posin... -,

  12. Journalists do damage to their own ... -,

  13. Imagine going out of your way to in... -,

  14. Any journalist who says Breitbart, ... -,

  15. This is WRONG and hypocritical for ... -,

  16. No matter what you think of Breitba... -,

  17. but a public event is a public even... -,

  18. I really don't get why campaigns do... -,

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I'm not sure if the correct radical centrist take is

A) literally everyone is allowed everywhere all the time

B) every journalist should be assumed to be working for a dangerous propaganda blog with their violent words, so ban them all forever

C) If you want to ban an opposing journalist, you must offer up a sacrificial journalist that can also be banned. This will create a neoliberal utopia where everyone works for their preferred news outlet, systematically banning out all opposing viewpoints until the media is dominated by the majority belief and their propaganda flows freely to the population-at-large.

D) lol imagine caring about politics, journalists, or rights.

the correct take is that all "journos" belong in gitmo


Politics is an illuminati plot to keep you distracted from crushing premium puss.

I try not to give a shit, but can’t help myself when some people just expose their double standards.

Trump constantly beating on the media is already kinda shitty. But it’s exactly the same as people claiming Breitbart should be banned because being rightist == super nazi nowadays ir some dumb shit.

Breitbart is owned by Jews. It'worse than Nazis. It's fucking Jew Nazis again.

I think that on its own qualifies as radical centrism.

comparing breitbart to mainstream shit

lol fuck off

If I'm ever a politician every journalist will have to go through a lengthy application process, which they must do themselves not their organization. After this they will be accepted or rejected after an unknown amount of time through an opaque process with no explanation. The accepted journos will then be given access until I feel like revoking it and making them reapply.

Based and journopilled.

The centrist take is that Beto should do a debate where he only takes questions from Breitbart

F. Kill anyone who calls themself a "journalist" and establish a new news network. I propose the name Superb Stories, or SS.

A. Is the proper take maybe add fistfights to decide who gets to ask more questions

Breitbart actually got their news guard green stamp back. They're considered credible as of currently. This is actually bad move on roberts part

Not gonna lie, that's pretty based of the WaPo guy.

One thing that is being failed to be mentioned, this was a private event for students only!!! No journalist was allowed in during the event, but could have do interviews before and after. In fact, not even local Beto supporters were allowed in.

Breitbart employee tried to force himself inside, so was told politely to leave.

The only way to fight fascism is to make sure freedom of the press applies only to press outlets we agree with.


Yes ban journalists from events

Trump bans CNN

Wait not like that

write blog level articles blaming everything ever on immigrants, call it news so you cant get kicked out of events

One of the scariest things since Trump entered politics is people trying to elevate the press into some priesthood sphere that shouldn't be questioned.

All journalism now is basically activism and the mainstream press gets their marching orders from billionaires and we have people pissing their pants when people criticize the people trying to play king maker.

one of the scariest things since trump is peoples increasingly retarded takes on the press like not being able to understand what an opinion article is.