Meticulously documented drama at a coding conference. Someone made fun of tech bros, someone made the OK sign, someone left the industry.

121  2019-08-28 by itsnotmyfault


The 9/11 Vore Conspiracy argues that the twin towers were not hit by planes externally. Instead, planes were built inside the towers, and continually inflated which eventually caused a collapse.

The anonymous theorist, reviewing footage of the 9/11 attack, stops the footage numerous times to point out "weak zones" of the town that gave in as a response to the increasing weight of the internal aircraft.

He highlights areas in the footage that portray people and objects being violently thrown out of the windows with force, as well as small billows of steam and fire, happening at the lower floor levels of one of the towers.

"Look at this shit. You're telling me there's just random ass explosions going on? Down here? We ain't even remotely close to where the plane collided. Bull fucking horse shit.'

The theorist explains that the planes were built by "crazed U.S. government scientists who watched too much Doctor Who, it was like that of a real life TARDIS experiment".

"They built these massive towers, for what? Business? Hell nah, have you seen the economy pre-9/11? It was shit. We didn't have the money nor energy for no goddamn tower of that size, and definitely not two."

We asked why the experiment would take place in the middle of a city as crowded as NYC. The theorist responded:

"It's hidden in plain sight. NYC's got all the resources in the world, right at your disposal. Nah, seriously man, look at these streets, there's a fuckin' garbage pile up just down the road. You know what kind of technology you can find in these piles? There's some fuckin' money to be made. Plus you get to make a nationwide scare if your experiment fucks up, and publicity means more money. They had all to gain and nothing to lose."

The theorist explains that any and all footage taken inside the Twin Towers pre-9/11 was simply simulated, props, or illusion. Footage of NYC recorded in a position respective to which the twin towers overlooked, was created via a clever series of mirrors originally sourcing from the "432 Park Avenue" building.

The theorist claims that any and all footage of the planes are "so fake, it's laughable", he states: "Nobody saw any planes... not in real life. Outside of what the TV stations would tell you, not a single soul saw an actual, physical plane hit the buildings. Hell, you could ask everyone in New York today, you won't find a single person who saw a plane."


  1. Meticulously documented drama at a ... -,

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OK-sign is the next gamergate. We're going to be hearing about it five years from now.

This is some of the most petty, histrionic bullshit in a good while. Twitter Op is literally mad that people won't drop everything and unperson whoever's made it onto her shitlist.

Twitter is getting some serious hate in some of the commentary though (as it should, it's fucking awful).

It bums me out that you explicitly thanked Carlos and not me.

Carlos deserves thanks. He did a very good thing by accepting my request to put this together and doing do brilliantly.

But it would exist without me.

This is how erasure of non-men happens in tech. Quietly.

This is how people realize women who stir the IDpol shit pot are just narcissistic attention seekers. Loudly.

This is how people realize women who stir the IDpol shit pot are just narcissistic attention seekers

This lesson should have been learned by everyone in the 1990s by listening to Loveline. I am always amazed that there are people out there who don't have the common sense to identify these foids and ignore them.

Aw man I used to love the smoke detector calls back then.

Rip funny Adam carolla

Imagine having the insane arrogance and complete lack of shame to tweet something like that, holy shit

What a sad time in history. I'm sorry I wasn't there to support you more–it will likely be one of my biggest failings in life. Thanks for putting this together, as seeing it all in one place tells an important story.

It's hard for me to comprehend that this is an unironic tweet.

imagine being so pathetic you can't stop having a meltdown over a hand gesture for years and years.

This is some next level spergery.

petty, histrionic bullshit

This is the natural disposition of the foid.

OK-sign is the next gamergate. We're going to be hearing about it five years from now.

we'll still be hearing about gamergate five years from now too

Twitter is the biggest cancer in society and needs to be removed from the internet.

It's good for drama, but it's bad for society.

Twitter's a flat global namespace that has no barriers to communication by community, group or geographical location. It forces people of radically different world views to routinely come into contact with each other and communicate in simplistic blurbs. It's like forcing two rival prison gangs who hate each other into perpetual close proximity. It escalates things.

Twitter should just come with everyone blocked by default unless it's explicitly a public page.

please comment this disfunction


Anytime someone uses this word in a tweet they are automatically retarded.

What if they say "I sure am exhausted from that 50k trail run I just finished"?

Extra retarded for running that far.


I like how they know it's bait but they still can't help but lose their shit over it.

You’d be surprised at how easily people fall for things like that.


What does this even mean

Queer/Trans Black and Indigenous People of Color.

Or in english, non-straight black people.

Thanks but I didn't actually want to know and now my life is worse because I do.

Acronymns are easier to fit into 140 characters.

The truth? People are afraid of not standing out but afraid that they be too outrageous if they can't simplify their "uniqueness."

So, doesn't that mean that they should PREFER concise names? If they are too outragerous if they can't simply their uniqueness that means insane acronyms would not be wanted no?

So, doesn't that mean that they should PREFER concise names? If they are too outragerous if they can't simply their uniqueness that means insane acronyms would be unwanted no?


The lowest common denominator?

What the fuck are these god damn nerds talking about

I wonder if this person is an unproductive drama queen?

You don’t know about those not-white guys because white guys get the opportunities because white guys hire more white guys and tweet about white guys’ articles about things by white guys.

But strict quotas have been a thing in big tech for years now Òvò

"Because when I see the hand-hole in a place where Proud Boy roam freely, and have known accomplices in the police, when I see it, like the children who play it, I too am waiting to be punched—or worse, killed."


holy shit that must be so terrifying you weak childlike fearful individual.

Yeah, Portland is so dangerous. There's right wind death squads everywhere openly hunting any brave QTBIPOCOMGLMAO they can find. I hear they even have their own taxidermist so they can make trophies.

Last time I went to my fav taco truck in portland Gauc prices literally doubled, it was a a true sign of living in Trumps america and not just ripping off portlanders

At least you didn't have to deal with that food cart where two white chicks made burritos from a recipe they learned in Mexico. We rode them out of town on a rail. Fucking Nazis.

My fav shirt is from Hellbender Burritos just check out the specialties

Your actions/inactions have spoken. Enjoy an industry without me.


I want to clarify: I’ve booked design and speaking contracts through 2020 and will honour those contracts, not because I am legally forced, but because I really love designing && speaking.

And, because I am supremely broke and will need time and resources to transition out.

So basically, "I quit" but oh not really cuz I ain't got no money. Way to put your foot down, dummy.

enjoy an industry without me

lol I will

I’m a “famous” developer and book speaking engagements, but also can’t make money as a developer


Something tells me this bitch can’t code for shit and is just working the speaking circuit as a token POC to diversify the panel.


"minoritized folks" gets an lol from me

You have to remember that all of these people work in completely unfulfilling and pointless jobs, imagine wasting your life to do web design and front end coding that in no way is difficult or useful.

Pronouns in bio. Called it.

This bitch has never been employed in tech in her life.

She makes pretty blogs in her spare time (which I assume she has a lot of) and speaks about pronouns at tech confrences.

This is appropriation of developer culture. I am being oppressed.

And that's a good thing. Webshits oppression is great praxis.


Or maybe not, I don’t really see employers giving a flying fuck about dumb shit like this.

08:32 Feb 27, 2017, 4chan launches Operation O-KKK, intended to sow distrust and confusion amongst what they refer to as “normies” and “gullible lefties”

imagine sourcing the outrage bait and continuing to take said bait.

It really activates my almonds

Send all coding jobs to India. Please, sweet god please.

I have to point out the irony of it; that so often, marginalised people (often women of colour) are the ones expected to hold mirrors for white people to see themselves.

Meanwhile, we are stuck living behind a mirror, our existence only to serve whiteness.

This is so God damn tiring.

If only it were about skin colour...

our existence only to serve whiteness.

I think some of these people just have an in the public race play fetish that they live out.

This is so God damn tiring.

Are you exhausted?

Why is it always web developers?

Because they are the LGBTQIA2S+ of the development world... Always following the latest r-slur trends

Frontendercyde when?

Frontendercyde when?

Lead web developer at my company asked me what JSON is... they all have to go.

Better, force them to use Javascript and deal with legacy browsers until the end of time.

Lack of physical activity leads to low testosterone.

Unfulfilling jobs that could be outsourced to any nation on the planet and being looked down upon all the time.

lowest barrier to entry

I know html, css, and some javascript. Why do people keep calling me a front end designer instead of front end developer? I know javascript, damn it!


Lmao why the fuck would anyone go to a react conference. It's a conference for a library. What could you possibly learn?

What could you possibly learn?

The pronouns of each speaker, and the importance of checking your privilege.

FINALLY someone wants to talk about the flavor-of-the-month JavaScript MVC framework.

They learn nothing. They get taught design patterns their leads already know, and “tips and tricks” to pull spaghetti code from the internet.

I don't even hate react, it's better than angular, but I can't imagine going to a react conference.

I tried to extend react redux code to a new use case a month ago and ngl it seems so much of a pain in the ass to get shit done with

How else are front end devs gonna learn to write React that’s not complete shit, it’s not like they can understand the docs

Like, I get the grief and devastation of losing people who you use stuff from (fucked up capitalist mentality of human (as) resources), but we’re all just individuals.

If they left Twitter, you could have the opportunity to find not a white guy doing just as amazing work.

This is a literal retard, right.

What's worse? Offensive dongle jokes or 👌🏻?

If you are so sure that 👌 is being used as a White Supremacist symbol and is no longer a hand symbol meaning ok, why TF are you still calling it "the OK sign".