The Queen will suspend Parliament before Brexit occurs and Chapo is SEETHING at an all time high.

70  2019-08-28 by GodOfDarknessWine


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  1. The Queen will suspend Parliament b... -,,

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This is going to provoke, at the very least, some sort of constitutional crisis.

No it won't

Yep, looks like it. There's going to be a HUGE row going on over the next while,

No, there won't

Reminder that the only Reason Jezza hasn't booted him out and called for a general elections us because the Lib Dems are more scared of Jeremy being prime minister for 5 minutes than they are of Brexit.

This is actually true

they are putting their faith in the fucking monarchy

what's a subreddit for "I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about?" (other than CTH)

Brit here. Hoping for a general strike. Ideally every person under 35 just stops going to work and we watch society collapse.


The amount of commenters there who literally do not understand how England's government works is too damn high.

Who cares how it works. They had a vote requiring a simple 51% to leave the EU and are now diving headfirst into an actual crisis.

They're the only government in the western world more incompetent than the US government.

the only government in the western world more incompetent than the US government.

Yep. If you ignore all the social media whining, the last 3 years of government paralysis have been pretty sweet. We've had 3 years of fewer retarded new laws that nobody asked for.

because I have no empathy for anyone whatsoever.

Would you say you're intelligent, nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humor?

No, I just don't like the world.

Fair. *hugs* >v<

How can one man be so based?

we need to ask lil B

To be fair, it seems like the world really doesn't like you either.

We all cope in different ways

The world is often scary to agoraphobic shut-ins.

They had a vote requiring a simple 51% to leave the EU

Which is insanely retarded. Why not require a overwhelming majority for something like that?

They're the only government in the western world more incompetent than the US government

It's like you've never even heard of the French or something

It really doesn't, given that there are no limits on its power.

The British government is objectively horrible in its design.

The UK's government*

The way this works is that normally we hold a Queen's Speech to reconvene parliament, and Parliament is usually prorogued every year anyway.

But now, the government has actively forced Parliament to be prorogued.

Redditors are good for nothing but repeating terms they've seen other redditors use.

See: Constitutional Crisis Gish Gallop Fascism

Also: dog whistles, gaslighting, and strawmen arguments

I kind of dont, will you explain this situation like in masterlawlz?

constitutional crisis

lol, they have no real constitution

Ideally every person under 35 just stops going to work and we watch society collapse.

The Chapocel dilemma: how can they go on strike if none of them have jobs?

Jeremy "For the Many, Not the Jew" Corbyn probably wants to Brexit as well, so little reason for the Libdems to prefer him

The awkward tapdance Corbyn's been doing around ever talking about Brexit ever, and the eternal seething of upper middle-class remainer Corbynistas, has been my personal highlight of Brexit drama.

what’s a subreddit for “I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about?” (other than CTH)


Wait.. Are Chapos pro Brexit?

something something the EU is a bunch of capitalists and we aren't allowed to pass some communist stuff under it, so we must exit it

Ultra leftist are the spoiled rich kids that take their ball home

Theres a part of brexit thats lefy, like corbyn 🐴👞

The EU is like 10000% neolib, so it shouldn't be that big a shock.

Still, isn’t Brexit a nationalist movement? (so literal nazism to chapós?)

I just got lectured on how my "parasitical" country actively took part in British imperialism, and how "Ireland wasn't treated badly because they were Catholic lol"

Should've picked your slavemasters better, Mr Potato.

I’m Scottish lol

Cool what's it like being English?

Not great at the minute

The suspension of parliament is to help a no-deal Brexit go through, otherwise they'll pass laws forcing it to be postponed. I just skimmed the first paragraph of the article so I'm probably wrong.

Nah, it's to avoid a no-deal. That's the most dangerous situation.

They use three big pots, one for rice, one for laws, and one for the meat, ultimately the main dish. Once the laws are cooked down, they are added to the main dish. Once the rice is steamed, it is spooned onto a plate and the main dish is spooned on top of it, soaking into the rice, forming the Constitution of the great state of Louisiana.

Is this true?

Today: Bongs, are they human?

we all know the answer to that question

Can someone from Bongistan explain what this means? I live in a real country, so I don't really understand how your government works.

Prime Minister decided to suspend parliament until ~2 weeks before the deadline the EU has set for no-deal Brexit on Halloween. This will make it much more difficult for remainers in parliament to find a way to either draw out the deadline or un-do Brexit.


oh my 😎

Needless to say, the screeching is coming mainly from those who would have the Queen's head on a block the instant she dared overrule the Prime Minister.

constitutional crisis

What constitution

Fucking American LARPing faggots.