What is a Bugman

7  2019-08-28 by CommissarCletus

I never see it used with any definition, which I guess is because once you explain something after telling the joke it isn’t as funny anymore. From where I’ve seen it used it seems like it just means Costal City dweller, because they nest in shitty hives known as “Bay Area” And things like it.


Vapid, soulless degenerates, basically the inevitable evolution of a standard soy boy, or used as another more evocative term for them. Personality defined by what capital C Content he consumes and nothing beyond that. Typically contemporarily leftist although casual Republican-esque “conservatism” isn’t out of bounds, just a rare permutation, but either way the political beliefs are just another bit of content for consumption and equate to nothing more than a cosmetic accessory. Pasty, out of shape, spiritually and intellectually dead, utterly vacant beyond the latest capeshit, vidya and his preferred IPA. And so on and so forth.

So a Marvel fan?

Not necessarily.

All Marvel fans are bugmen, not all bugmen are Marvel fans.


There are a lot of connotations, used to be a slur but now there's this: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bugman

ur mum that's what it is


Someone who, much like an insect, has no life outside of indulging their urge to consume.

OP you can’t google it bc they censor the definition. I just ducked it, here you go;

A bugman is your typical big left leaning city dweller. He is usually obsessed with consumerism, lining up to purchase the newest iPhone or MacBook when it comes out, and using a smartwatch/smart home speaker for longer than the week after he bought it. Chances are he owns other throwaway smart gadgets as well. All his tastes in movies, music, expensive food, art, and more are determined by what review sites and blogs say.

Everything about his personality and life is not defined by who he is, but by what he buys and his consumerist tendencies. He'll be subscribed to at least one, maybe multiple subscription services, he'll happily use social media and upload all of his information to the cloud, and he'll gravitate towards things that seem "rational" and use big words.

In fact, their social media use defines a lot about who they are, as they try to get the most likes on social media bragging about their life and viewing the lives of others who do the same.

Yet there is something big missing about their life, something that can be seen in their face. Something that can be seen the minute you strip away all the consumerist choices and realize, there's nothing else. Their lives are empty, hollow, and all about serving corporations, until they die, and this is seen in their empty insectoid stare that implies they're dead inside, giving them the name bugmen. Did you see that bugman standing in line waiting for the new iPhone X?

This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

This one is pretty apt, given that the people unironically using culture wars terms such as bugman, soyboy, nazi, fascist, etc. probably don't get laid unless rape counts.

I’m not going to toot my own horn, but bugman is the only one I’ve ever seen fit to use unironically. I worked in a field with lots of them, it’s a pretty spot on definition. Here at least the mix of conservative to liberal bugmen is like 1:2, so it’s not completely political ime

Why "bugmen" though? Like why specifically that term, do you know?

When you look into their eyes, it’s soulless and twitches like a bugs iirc

Oic. Plus like hive mind consumerist shit

Yup, this term is highly polarizing on reddit. Most subs are riddled with bugmen.

Seems like one of those terms that could apply to vast swaths of people regardless of politics, idpol, whatever.

Reminds me of NPC, where most people that use that term are NPCs themselves.

It’s more specific, and I’ve seen these ‘people’ irl. But ya if you just use it for every soy boy etc.. than it’s just another cringe insult like npc.

Theres something off about them. I do construction in sf from time to time and its kind of nuts to see first hand.

From my experiance they dont have a presence or personality. You know how when someone walks in a room and you can almost feel what kindof mood they're in or what kindof vibe they have? For them theres nothing. They come off like drones or some kind of flesh automaton.

And plus in sf the cable cars and other bus power lines kind of look like spider webs. Life imitates art

It started in MDE and the term was from an orwell book i think

Ok I’ll lay it out for you

Bugman: Spends time on plebbit as opposed to cool and based websites like 4chan. They mindlessly consumes media (and not the deep intellectual kind like my favorite anime). They are losers who parrot others popular opinions unlike me who parrots niche youtubers opinions. They are complete NPCs as opposed to me who robotically comments crime statistics with no thought for context or a nuanced explanation.

Yet another buzzword white supremacists invented to shame white men who aren’t white supremacists and pressure them into joining the movement to avoid ostracization.

Look in the mirror lmao
