Incels get angry after they find out a young girl is scamming the world so she can live a pretty rad life travelling the world

55  2019-08-28 by WreckingYourHome


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. Incels get angry after they find ou... -,

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All I see are comments complaining mean bullies but no actual mean comments. Really makes you think Òvó

You can find seething by sorting by controversial.

Honey, I can't stand for that sort of emotional labor.

Fuck, I thought I did that.
Here's the link in seething/controversial order:

Also the [removed] rate is just 1.2%; barely worth the look.

Need to sort by controversial

Based OvO with the real drama

You're a naysayer. They exist in every generation. You have ignored the point being made: she’s saying there are alternatives (and there can be more of them!). If we look at our carbon footprint AND we have an opportunity to reduce it, then we should take that route. What’s important here is the opportunity. She had opportunity. She knows that we all don’t have this same opportunity. She wants everyone to have this opportunity. Opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint shows in different ways. She wants more of these opportunities.

fuck I can't put my finger on why but this comment is so fucking gay

she’s saying there are alternatives (and there can be more of them!)

Suggesting a fucking yacht with a personal crew as alternative to international travel is like when Marie Antoinette suggested that the hungry peasants should just eat cake if they do not have enough bread.

Saving the planet is not for peasants.

Suggesting a fucking yacht with a personal crew as alternative to international travel is like when Marie Antoinette suggested that the hungry peasants should just eat cake if they do not have enough bread.

Utterly Based

Lol that person trying to justify their shitty argument by the fact that the other person likes Daddy is the most retarded shit I’ve read this week

It’s not a boat it’s a yacht

You just said "it's not a mammal it's a cat".

Heres my comment: She needs to put a burka on and sail her little ass over to the middle east, china, and india. Until then nobody taking this nonsense serious.

lol lefties are so defensive about their little FAS goblin for some reason

kid is retarded enough to believe she can see co2 particles in the air and then have the gall to call people anti science lmao

Everyone is retarded in some way, look at Stephen Hawking

How did this gal get so much media attention? Zoomers these days are born with like social engineering skills or something. The amount of literal 13 year olds giving Ted talks, getting interviewed and called to huge events for trash ideas just doesn't make sense to me. Are their parents like super connected or something?


Are their parents like super connected or something?

It is obviously their parents.

I also blame society. A thousand adult well educated scientists write ten thousands scientific papers on climate change. Society: "lel, scientists being scientists". A fucking child got a literal autistic obsession with CO2 and claims she can see those particles. Society: "Listen what she has to tell us! She is an autstic child with FAS! How dare you to make fun of her! She does more to raise CO2 awareness than you do!!!" ...of fucking corse she does more. She literally has an autistic obsession with it!

It's called having rich parents

If you still don't understand what a white privilege is...

Imagine you want to make a point about humane treatment of animals and then you get a cow in the bedroom next to yours, take time to take said cow on a leash for some grazing, make sure you wash udders and teats before you get some milk personally and then sleep the said cow by singing lullabies.

I thought Tump was a circus boy but this, by God this is Monty Python level.


My favourite part about this PR trip is that the whole crew of like 5 people are flying all the way back to Europe so she can travel by boat.

Yeah, but they donate money to repair the damage done by the flight.

Of course, the more obvious solution would be to just donate money to repair the damage done by one traveler instead of five. But who am I to tell them?

You're just a bully for picking on a teenage girl. I hope you're proud of yourself you male pig.

Even worse. An autistic teenage girl with FAS.

Fact? I mean, the body language screams "autism" to my inexpert eye, but is the FAS documented?

She or her parents are open about her autism.

FAS is probably just because she looks like a textbook FAS case.



However, FAS kids are usually so stupid that they are not even remotely capable to deliver a more or less consistent speech about any topic. So I would bet that this is just how she looks like, no FAS.

However, FAS kids are usually so stupid that they are not even remotely capable to deliver a more or less consistent speech about any topic

Whereas Thunberg...?

Yes yes, kidding aside. FAS kids are really retarded. They only can do the most basic stuff.

The yacht is zero emissions? How was it built?

The hull is made out of good intentions and the sails are sewn from positive thoughts.

And when you get to your destination you pat it and say "That'll do, yacht, that'll do" and it sails itself back to its home harbour, no need to fly any crew anywhere.

I don't hate the grifters who people willingly give to that much, I hate the brainlets who do the giving. Same principle as with camwhores. You could have spent your money doing something cool or useful but you just gave it to some random thott you waste of oxygen.

It is like clock boy all over again.