Reddit is alpha testing a new feature just for Lawlz posting.

77  2019-08-29 by phedre


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jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. Reddit is alpha testing a new featu... -,,

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Fucking hell. Sentient bot strikes again.

Please don't allow Lawlz access to this feature.

You could just block him

You may as well unsubscribe form r/drama while you’re at it.

Just delete Reddit.

If he does we will just have to post his unaltered pics.

You unoriginal fucks do that on every lawlz post already.

Imagine getting owned by a SRDine power jannie 🀭🀭🀭

Fucking embarrassing.

Honestly though I'd be kinda cool. I feel like 20 years ago, when I was a kid, Lawlz would be the kind kid I'd like to be friends with.

Jokes on you. I didn't even subscribe to r/drama

Who actually subscribes to r/drama? If you don't browse the sub directly then out out out πŸ‘‰πŸΏπŸ‘‰πŸΏπŸ‘‰πŸΏ

yeah i always type it into the url bar, subscribing is for casuals

Who actually subscribes to r/drama?

I am obsessed with minimizing the number of tabs I have open, so I only use a single reddit tab, and having drama on the top of the page help.

God damn, this feature has so much potential for pissing people off, can't wait!

I know. The drama is gonna be... chef's kiss


Wouldn't it be super abusable similar to how t_d mods cycled stickied posts to coordinate users upvoting them and owning the frontpage, only, like, way more abusable? Whatever else you're doing on reddit, every half an hour you get a message linking you to a post to upvote, exactly like in the screenshot, "go join the conversation, you might find it interesting" LMAO.

And then admins will only allow doing that once a day, but the genie will be out of the bottle and someone will first code a PM-ing bot, then a third-party service that allows users to receive notifications about the most interesting content from the mods, "just like the feature originally allowed".

And all that headache for a feature that literally nobody asked for it looks like. Admins are fantastic morons.

Wouldn't it be super abusable similar to how t_d mods cycled stickied posts to coordinate users upvoting them and owning the frontpage, only, like, way more abusable?


Wait why wasn't my boy included in this first wave of testing

alpha testing

Oh I see, see you when beta hits!

Fu k

Every hour, on the hour, "dude Bussy lmao"

People will unsub of their own volition

First they take away our pinging, and then they implement a reverse-ping feature for Lawlz to operate?

Truly this is hell.

rip inboxes from lawlz posts

but for real this is fuckin retarded and will just lead to spam. If I'm subbed to a sub I don't need a message telling me to look at a post ffs