Spouse here....

71  2019-08-29 by AnnArchist


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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Spouse here.... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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imagine having a relationship argument in the comments of a reddit post

the only true conclusion is that these two deserve each other

Of all the things that never happened, this didn't happen the most... .

Piss off, /r/drama.

Lmao seethe, jannie.

Help help we’re being oppressed!

On one hand I feel that's an open invitation to respond with a good /r/drama copypasta, but on the other hand I should just appreciate that they haven't banned totesmessengerbot yet.

Impressive. Maybe they just hadn’t thought of it.

Flagged for incivility.

I know I'm getting old, but I just can't wrap my mind around how pathetic a person has to be to be asking for personal life advice or any subject of real meaning on any, much less, an anonymous internet forum.

That’s a start, but then you really need to consider all the layers here. He emailed her a link to the thread to prove he was right. She then felt so compelled by this argument of “faceless strangers on a faggy orange message board say this” that she longposted her own self an elaborate defense, laying out all sorts of sordid personal details about their mutual failures as lovers, parents, and people in general.

What a time to be alive.

I am in therapy for life, probably always will be

Look, I won't look down on someone who gets stuck in a rut and needs some help to get out of it but if you've resigned yourself to a lifetime of therapy you're fucking pathetic. What's the point of living if you can only get by with some smug asshole telling you how to live and rubbing your back like mommy when you have a bad day?

Have you ever heard of a "life coach"?

Just search your local google listings and wonder where humanity has gone wrong.

Yeah at that point someone else is living your life for you. 5 in my area btw, business is booming I guess.

I actually agree w you. Therapy doesn't work on the voluntarily broken

Ngl therapy just isn't real. It exists to appear useful, not for any purpose. It's actually comical what they do when you look at it. It's like they took white girls calling themselves pretty even when they're fat retards with technicolor makeup and managed to make a hundred an hour off it

Lol the guy clearly left some important shit out. But the food exaggerated the hell out of it (he cheated on me and gaslighted me for 2 years != he kissed a girl once in Vegas and didn't want to tell me).

Conclusion: dude, bussy lmao


Gaslight is a dogwhistle for stupid bitches

Criticizing someone unjustly for gaslighting is itself gaslighting.

How could any believe such an obvious troll? Nobody could be that...

we met back on Battle.net playing Warcraft II

Okay, I can actually believe this.

The wife has a three year old account with posts in r/thebluepill and r/purplepilldebate and a few about her residency. I think it’s real. 😬

Gamers were a mistake.

I think it’s real.

I prefer to believe in the long troll. "People" who actually used AITA to air grievances should probably not be allowed to reproduce or use modern electronics.

Oh man I thought my post didn’t go through cuz comments got locked as I was writing it 😬

Damn did she post her classic account

Battle.net existed at that time? 😕

Battlenet's been around since at least Diablo 2's release in 1998.

Cursory google says 1996.

Yea it was more of a question if people used it in Warcraft II as I don't recall doing so.

In Diablo II, however, it was extensively used.

>8 year old OP account

damn this one might actually be real 🕺

It's kind of heartwarming finally reading about a couple in a healthy relationship taking care of their problems in a healthy, productive manner.

Hi, I’m the lady he “cheated” with. We’ve been friends on the internet for years - we met back on Battle.net playing Warcraft II in what had to be like 2001. Kept in touch through the years, moved on to Warcraft III, drifted apart as the game died, eventually reconnected a few years ago on Instagram through a mutual friend, incidentally also back from Warcraft II days.

His common law wife here and I were also very good friends, or so she led me to believe. He’d often complain to me about her vitriol and emotional/verbal abuse, and she in turn would downplay it and complain to me as well about him being inattentive and emotionally distant and not helping around the house (even though he works and she doesn’t and never did).

I wrote it off as just a mutually destructive relationship, but they’re both my friends, so I wasn’t going to take sides or try and suss out who was exaggerating and downplaying their own failings; it’s not really my business anyway.

Fast forward to her 6th(?) month of pregnancy and she’s just flooding her fb timeline with (barely passive) aggressive rage without naming his name, but doing absolutely everything else. She’s had a habit of doing that when they fight, but this time was different and she kept tagging his family and coworkers in posts criticizing his ability to support their future family, his manhood, competence as a life partner, etc.

It was vicious.

Then came the breakup. She broadcast it everywhere, he was devastated and talked to me about it, I invited him across the country to come hang out for a few days while she calmed down to either repair things or retrieve his stuff without being physically and verbally assaulted as he packed.

We kissed. Once. Without tongue. I’ve kissed my own grandmother more passionately; it was literally just a cutesy, spur of the moment, < 2 second thing. I thought nothing of it until two years later when she started sending me all sorts of rage on insta, calling me a homewrecker, slut, tramp, there may even have been a hussy or a trollop in there. Just out of NOWHERE. Eventually he clued me in, apparently he came clean about our half-kiss-more-of-a-peck and it was literally the end of the world for her.

And now here we are.

Is it real? Is it fake?

Personally I'm waiting until we hear from their two year old daughter and family dog before I make a final decision

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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What the fuck

This is like a Monty python skit