Milkoes of reddit confirm that the 14 words used in the title from a homeland security article is indeed a dog whistle

111  2019-08-30 by Kat_B0T


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i wasn't doxxed, but i don't enjoy reddit as much as i used to. it feels like an addiction or a distraction at the moment and it's surprisingly sad how often i am noticing myself think "oh you should take a picture of this and share it" or "that's a funny story you should post this", i don't seem to enjoy doing things for the sake of it any more and rather it's me trying to get reactions out of people, whether that's disgust or laughter. last month i challenged myself to take a week off reddit because i noticed i was on it too much, i lasted 2 days and then started coming back on now, so recently i just thought fuck it i need to be able to go more than 2 days without going on here, that's not healthy. i was going to write something more in depth but i really just need to stop coming on here for a while, i said a month to myself so i'll go for that. the more time i spend on reddit, the less time i spend doing other things and it's not worth it for me. i see people spending so much time on social media and said i never wanted to be like them but i have become like that. so ill probably make a blog/video/something in a few weeks just to talk about it properly because i think a lot of people will be in similar positions and won't be aware of it or willing to try and change.

there's a lot on my mind at the moment so i just need to step back and think about what i should do now.


  1. Milkoes of reddit confirm that the ... -,,

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Edit: you went back and commented on my comment from a week ago, pathetic.

Top tier seething, it's hilarious when they follow you around like that screaming about you


We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

We must secure the border and build the wall to make America safe again.

I am gonna say definitely not a coincidence. The first half even flows the same. Fucking fascists...



Wow so this has gotten quite a bit of visibility. Gonna take advantage of that to tell you how someone becomes a Nazi. And then what you can do about it.First of all I just wanted to point out that yes, this is from 2018. It is good to remember these things. It is easy to get flooded and overloaded with this shit these days.Fascist Ideology, and increasingly the republican party, relies on the fact that Human behavior is very flexible. We also tend to understand and relate to things in relative terms. Not absolute terms.If the Nazi's in 1933 had told everyone. "Hey guys here is our plan to kill all the Jews, and slavs, and gays, and basically everyone that disagrees with us" There is every chance that they wouldn't have come to power. They didn't do that. It starts insidiously. In sneaks in. Fundamentally at it relies on muddying the water of what is true and what isn't, sound familiar?In Germany it started with statements like, "Isn't it funny that the J are doing so well during this economic crisis when they wouldn't even fight for Germany in the great war?". This statement pairs two lies together in a way that implies the truth of one of them. It also does so in the form of a question. The facts that counter this statement include the fact that Jews were actually over-represented in the German military during WWI. Where do we see statements like this today? We can definitely trace and see some of them in the early days of /pol/. Statements like "Isn't it interesting that black people have, on average, lower IQs and yet get so much help from policies like affirmative action?". This statement relies on the assumption that IQ is a perfect representation of the potential for someone for intelligence. It ignores the fact the IQ has been shown to have basic ethnic/culture bias. It also ignore the fact the IQ correlates better with income level than ethnicity and the African American population in America today has never been on an even economic footing, So IF the causation, and correlation doesn't equal causation lies with poverty level, and not something else, it would result in lower average IQs in said population. This is not, however, the reason the poster posted this "Question". It is not to start a "Reasonable discussion without being called a racist for being political incorrect", like the forum supposedly was supposed to be. It is about insidiously planting a seed in the brain of those that read it that black people are not as smart as everyone else. That they are not as good. That they are not worth as much.Nazi's and Racists almost never go from "I believe everyone is equal" to "Kill all the Jews". Its an insidious progression from lie to lie. From falsity to falsity. Once someone has the above seed planted in their head, they are then "asked", "Don't you think its weird that black people have higher crime rates yet no one talks about it?". This implies that black people are somehow more violent or menaces to society. The seed is planted. Now that these seeds are planted, stories that normally are just in the background of everyday life begin to water these seeds. A selection bias develops in which you only see these kinds of stories, and not the ones that counter. You note every-time you see a local news story about a crime committed by an African American. The ones committed by people that look like you do not even register. You then become receptive to stories like "Black on Black breaks records" or some such headline. At the start the water/fertilizer get provided by your Fox News, your "traditional" Republican fear baiting. They do this because it makes you easy to control. To persuade. You don't use reason when you are angry and afraid. Like any good pickpocket, they keep you distracted while they reach into your wallet. Many people are just fine hanging out here. But not everyone.You however are a critical thinker, you realize that there is something not quite right with Fox News and the Republican party. Maybe its because you notice they are using you to support corporate interests? Maybe its because they backpedaled on or denounced something they conditioned you to believe in? So you, being the smart little budding-racist, graduate to what is now called alt-lite media. This is your Quillete. Your Andy Ngo. They "tell it like it is". They do not hide behind the dog-whistles that were used to condition you into this thinking or behavior. They "Ask the tough Questions". Take this article I just randomly took off of the Front Page of Quillete today. I am gonna copy the text so you do not have to click on the link and give this shit birds clicks.’The Great Scattering’: How Identity Panic Took Root in the Void Once Occupied by Family Life Of all the issues that divide us, none seems as inimical to reasoned discussion as identity politics. Conservatives excoriate such politics as politically opportunistic theater, the acting out of coddled “snowflake” students. Liberals and progressives put forth an opposing grievance-first narrative, arguing that identity politics emanates from authentic wounds But what if both contenders have a piece of the truth? What if many identity-firsters today are claiming to be victims because they and their societies are victims—only not so much of the abstract “isms” they denounce, but of something else that till now has eluded description?Let’s try a new theory: Our macro-politics have become a mania about identity because our micropolitics are no longer familial. This, above all, is what happened during the decades in which identity politics went from being a phrase in an obscure quasi-radical document to a way of being that has gone on to transform academia, law, media, culture and government.Yes, racism, sexism and other forms of cruelty exist, and are always to be deplored and countered. At the same time, the timeline of identity politics suggest another source. Up until the middle of the twentieth century (and barring the frequent foreshortening of life by disease or nature) human expectations remained largely the same throughout the ages: that one would grow up to have children and a family; that parents and siblings and extended family would remain one’s primal community; and that, conversely, it was a tragedy not to be part of a family. The post-1960s order of sexual consumerism has upended every one of these expectations.Who am I? is a universal human question. It becomes harder to answer if other basic questions are problematic or out of reach. Who is my brother? Who is my father? Where, if anywhere, are my cousins, grandparents, nieces, nephews and the rest of the organic connections through which humanity up until now channeled everyday existence? Every one of the assumptions that our forebears could take for granted is now negotiable.The panic over identity, in short, is being driven by the fact that the human animal has been selected for familial forms of socialization that for many people no longer exist. Let’s test this theory, here dubbed the “Great Scattering,” via some evidence from social science, anthropology and pop culture.”You see racism isn't the fault of racists. Its because the liberals forced us to abandon traditional family values?"Don't you just love how these kinds of articles never fail to have some kind of "Racism is bad but..."? To us. To someone that jumped straight to reading this. Someone that did not have someone insidiously plant the seeds to become receptive to this kind of thing. This is quite obviously racist, false, and outright lies as the basis of this argument. To someone that has had the right seeds planted, this is someone asking "The tough questions" that society doesn't allow because of "political correctness".Again, some people are just fine hanging out here. But not everyone. You are smart. You recognize that some people just aren't as good as other people. White Europeans conquered the world. You have a birthright of being a conqueror. A shaper of worlds. And its because of the liberals, and George Soros (Here is where some antisemitism starts slipping int). That you are poor and and a nobody. Congratulations you are now a "White Nationalist". Black Power is a thing, why not White Power? We are about equality aren't we? You don't hate black people. You just recognize that white people and/or white culture is superior.This is where unlimited tolerance starts to become an indefensible position. A position of unlimited tolerance, where the intolerant are tolerated. Where "I am better because of X and deserve more" becomes an accepted dialogue in society. This position is untenable. It is the Paradox of Tolerance. To quote Karl Popper.Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.White nationalists realize this, yet to them it is just further proof that they are right. But you are not arguing for anyone's deaths, and if you do its only for the memes like with George Soros, or for the REAL traitors like AOC.EDIT 2: Electric Boogaloo Continued in Comment Below

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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That guy needs to go back to high school English. Paragraphs. Use em.

I didn’t even read the first sentence tbh. Just appreciate a good faith tldr sperg

I read way too much of that before realizing how long it was

It was honestly impressively long. I made it to him ranting about how iq has an ethnicity bias but that has nothing to do with the ethnicity in question.

That’s exactly where I got to also.


When I long post I at least have the decency to break it into paragraphs.

Cram it nm 😡😡😡

Ain't directed at you droppers, it's the person you quoted lol

They actually broke it into paragraphs. I just made it one out of laziness.

phone poster

I down sized to the 6s which makes it suck

Let's be honest, you were always down-sized babe.

Nah six plus has some issue called the “touching disease” just holding over till I get the X for free tbh. Been through 3 pluses in a few months

Save the cash, buy a laptop and get a bottom of the barrel phone.

Mobile sucks.

I have one I am just too lazy to use it tbh

Why does reddit love giving all this attention to the stupidest shit. White supremacy, white nationalism is truly a non issue.

I was promised 3 years ago right wing death squads, throwing gays off buildings, LGBT death camps, right wing fascism. Where is all this stuff Reddit promised me.

In the Middle East and maybe Cuba

Just too many whites in the Middle East smh

And yet the redditor trips over themselves to blow Iran, the literal ancestral homeland of the aryan race.

I had so much hope that the South would finally rise again.

America is the confederacy by another name, we just do the south’s bidding as hype bully the rest of the nation into submission.

My parents promised me that I'd have people lining up around the corner to buy amphetamines from me at a 400% profit, even throwing in some sexual favors. Turns out college students are lazy fucks who would rather smoke weed than study.

I'll lick your nuts for some addy

You're not hanging out in the correct circles then. Locate your university's premed club

Multiple western governments are controlled by far right nationalists who are white nationalists in all but name. ICE is deporting citizens now and all the right can do is threaten this who document such errors. Children are being imprisoned in camps with subhuman standards that whites would never be kept in no matter if they murdered someone.

You minimize the issue because you are thrilled with the success of your white nationalist movement and want to hide it. Every genocide ever has started with people being like “What genocide?”

Who's shitstirring alt is watermark again?

Idk but the bait is visible for miles so somebody retarded I guess. Probably Pizza.

How do you even type that out without feeling guilty?

Imagine being unironically this retarded. I’m Mexican mate, and I have not felt one bit threatened because of dogno fump, you know why? Because I may be a retard but I’m not stupid. Do I have a heavy accent? No. Do I speak little English? No. Do I piss off the cops by being disrespectful? No. I was born and raised in Amerikkkkkkkkkkkkkka, which apparently is the worst country in the world.

that no white would be kept in

So the white Mexicans just get a pass into America? (The white ones are normally richer so they actually might sometimes) You know there are white people in Mexico right? And they aren’t insignificant at all. Really shows how stupid you are. Can’t wait to be linked r/asablackman because that’s the only defense you can come up with, and brown people are incapable of thinking anything that you don’t endorse.


shut mouth


Yeah but let's just say there's a handful of actual nazis in the US. What are the odds of some of them applying to work at homeland security?

Are you suggesting the Transportation Safety Administration is not staffed by the best America has to offer?

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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I really miss pings

tbf most of what you've linked here has <20 updoots

it's not like these were widely-held beliefs. when obama got elected I knew people who thought we'd have formally switched to fully automated gay space communism by the end of his first term

My favorite of the obama era alt-right conspiracies was the FEMA detention camps.

Yeah but those really happened

The white race and its consequences have been a disaster for the white children.

Is that your dog in your flair?

No. I just thought he was really cute. I don't have a pup 😭😭😭😭

I don't have a taco, either 😭😭😭

I just caught mine like one week after she had digestive problems chewing on something in the yard. I believe it's a dried up dead slug, but not sure, possibly some form of turd. Sometimes pet parenting isn't all fun and games. 😒😒😒

Post pup

I gotta do something about those hairs that grow out sideways from her nose and block her vision.


Donald Trump would have never been elected in an America without meth.

Shit I saw this earlier and though about posting it Kat. How these people live their lives in crippling terror every day is beyond me. My favorite part was the sperg that unironically said conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones are a gateway to fascism, and then writes a short novel about a conspiracy of white nationalists running ICE and the government. Fucking mind boggling.

Lmbo is that what his tldr was about? Ya these people think white nationalist Russians are behind most things, it’s like rightoids and pedophiles/Clinton’s.

Its honestly insane at this point, every single thing is nazis, white supremacists, and russians. I dont even understand how they function on a daily basis. It is 100% as bad as conservitards after '08. I used to read the Blaze and other rags just for kicks back then and horseshoe law is just that, a law now.

It frightens me a bit. I have a family member that’s a birther. Even though it doesn’t matter where Obama was born since his mother was American, they are still seething and think he should be shot for treason. Horseshoe law 💯

I have several people like that, and a few on the wild left too. Completely unreasonable retards that bring me great shame.

White nationalists run ice and the government and are in control of Europe. They’ve already taken over basically the entire western world outside of Russia.

I wish.

I am gonna say definitely not a coincidence. The first half even flows the same. Fucking fascists...

Pack it in boys. We got us a "flow match."

You are an idiot if you don’t see the resemblance, ICE is packed with white nationalists who find this thrilling.

I agree. Who can forget when the Jews cut holes in the fence of Auschwitz, paying thousands of Reichsmark to traffickers to take them there, desperate to get inside?

We must secure a future for seriousposting to preserve the hilarity of our subreddit.

Mayoids out! 🤢

mfw a shit tonne of ICE agents are Mexican

I mean... This is pretty interesting format and word choice for a coincidence.


Generic meme retort.


Bro there are millions of government memos that queer jew buzzfeed writers analyze for hits of mayo nationalism. Eventually ones gonna be, like, kinda close

Given that you seem worse at formatting and grammar than anyone at DHS I cannot say I am surprised by this take.

Do you have any idea how many government memos there are lol

This is just grasping for straws

Why is a government agency issuing political propaganda? The government should not propagandize its own people.

How dare they explain why they're doing things

If you add all the letters up it amounts to the exact amount in the Russian alphabet 🤔

If you fix the missing "a" typo in your comment, it's also 14 words.

I personally think it's possible but if so it's not really cause for alarm, really just means a single /pol/ack works for the government and managed to sneak a questionable phrase in there.

I would be surprised if ICE was less than 2/3 white nationalists. The agency must be abolished because it’s effectively a paramilitary ideological organization.

Okay retard, settle down.

This thread is largely white nationalists, they can see he reference as can anyone who’s not blind. They are doing damage control and acting like it’s no big deal so that the idiot libs will calm down and continue helping the, erect white supremacy and authoritarian totalitarianism to their various white nationalist messiahs such as Trump and Orban.

You can tell that there's a rightoid surge going on because last time we went over this on the sub this was an acceptable opinion.

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Sounds like something a fascist would say.

If Tedposting is fascist then I'll join the Blue Legion right now.

We must secure the existence of /r/drama and a future for posting bussy lmao

The dogwhistle bullshit is great for extremists because they try really hard to not understand the other side. Instead of learning what grievances they have, you just imagine what they secretly believe deep down inside.

I was gonna do examples from both sides, but off the top of my head this seems to be one that's asymmetric where the left is worse about it.

If you want to see what’s on the mind of the average Republican you can find it in any right leaning Facebook group or subreddit. It is mostly white supremacy.

When running for office it’s a fact that they’ll hide this behind diplomatic language and fake proxy issues that are not actually their problem, like refugees and illegal immigrants. Like they would ever say no to white refugees or illegal immigrants. It’s a fake issue and their actual beliefs do not start rearing heir head until you’ve caved and decided to appease them. Then they move the goal posts.

Don’t appease the right, they are not loyal to the nation, only the white race.

Mostly? It’s ALL about white supremacy. Why is the leading Republican candidate for the president a cis white male? White supremacy.

"Defending Our Nation. Securing the Future."

Somebody better recancel the NSA, cos they basically repeat the 14 words
