Libertarianism in Britbong Land

173  2019-08-30 by TheSomaCruz


Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Libertarianism in Britbong Land -,

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Posting a screenshot

OP is a homosexual, here's the article

Homosexuals reproduce by raping kids

Next thing you'll tell me is 13 do 50

you're more likely to get struck by lightning than get aids if you're a straight white male

That's a new one for me. I'm just going to assume it's correct and not bother looking it up, life is more fun that way.

you're more likely to get struck by lightning than get aids if you're a straight white male

straight guys in gay porn abuse this loophole all the time

They abuse lots of holes in gay porn.

How do libertarians reproduce?

Binary fission

Vaccinating children.

the female deposits its eggs on the invisible hand of the market and the male rapes a kids. Simplicity, efficiency, freedom.

I fucking love science.

libertarians are mostly homosexual so the point still stands

when Leonard was asked about his views on rape he replied "no comment".

Ronseal of paedophiles


Ronseal is a varnish, Their catch phrase is "Does exactly what it says on the tin"

Ronseal makes fence care too, it's the shitiest watered down stuff imaginable, it's literally Tea goes on like shit, takes way too many layers and you have to sand it down an absurd amount.

If you aren't making your own varnish out of locally sourced bee wax you're a eurocuck

I mean don't live in Europe and I'm not a European citizen.

I bet you don't even mix bees and turpentine in a bucket without ventilation like I do

Ronseal recommends using 240 sandpaper to sand .78inches before your final coat

I spit on them

This guy grills

The only thing he has ever done is downloaded child pornography.

Oh, is that all? Wow, UK courts being completely unreasonable here by letting him roam free and not be unsupervised around children.


For me the only pro-social influence in his life at the moment is his mother and that’s purely because she is alive.

Police brutality has never been this righteous.

It's crazy I would have never guessed this guy was a pedophile just by looking at him

If they can dilate, you can violate

at least he's not a hypocrite, which is the worst thing about being a pedophile

Second worst thing.

(after believing in libertarianism)

Was this expressed by the disabled guy in the photo?

Every britbong is a pedophile, so we should just sink the whole country

Lose some weight fatty your a walking heart attack waiting to happen...........wait that's a good thing eat more food fatty eat more and pop like a balloon

Not libertarianism. Clearly there is a victim

To be fair, it takes bongs many more years to learn to talk than it takes actual people.

All bongs are pedophiles, how is this news?

> it

Bad move since opinions can be illegal in the UK...unless he's saying it because he's Muslim.

Found the pedophile

He said: “Mr Leonard is unique. In the 10 years performing this role I have never met a sexual offender who quite openly acknowledges his paedophilic tendencies. He is exceptional and has been risked as exceptional.

I mean you kinda gotta hand it to him right

Al from toy story 2

What is this legal defense called?

I don't get how cops don't just drive someone out to a secluded section of the woods and execute them when they hear something like that.

Since they don't have guns it would take a fortnight to get through the layers of fat with their regulation security-spoons

I literally fucking shivered reading this shit, tie him up and throw him in the ocean.