Minor drama as leaf seethes after m'lady hockey is criticized, birthing new snappy quote

15  2019-08-30 by artemis_m_oswald


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Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


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Got um

a stereotypical white Canadian male mold

You see, this is where you lose any credibility and any rational discussion is pointless because you are already equipped with SJW mentality.

Since hockey was invented here and over time - more than 100 years or so, over a number of generations - here developed a certain, in the absence of any other word, a cultural milieu with its ideas, visions, expectations, conduct off and on the ice, a hierarchy of values and what it means be a hockey player and many other aspects. In a way, while hard to pinpoint, there is this somewhat an idealized notion of a hockey player that those who know simply know.

So, it may all be a hogwash to you but there are people who care about that shit, people who grew up through it, maintained it and improved it.

Also, those are all externalizations because nobody, a 100 years ago sat down and said "this will be a typical white male Canadian hockey standard". It just happened that for a very long time it was filled with white kids bc there was nobody else.

Now, in this new "modern times" of extreme social emotional sensitivity especially around diversity and minorities, a BLACK dude comes along who doesn't exactly fit into what I define as "an idealized notion of a hockey player" and instead of really looking into reason WHY, it is easier - much, much easier - to point out skin colour that in no way, 1st - caused a player to not fit into that idealized notion nor 2nd - caused others to view him as not fitting.

And the debate here is so ugly but exact replica of debates you can find in almost any other aspect of human activity in this country.

Your combative words notwithstanding, you are in this just to stir shit up and cause ruckus for no particular reason. You probably dont even like hockey that much.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

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Got um

Lol that's a drama regular

The sperg was so autistic that I don't doubt it

Since hockey was invented here and over time - more than 100 year

Canadian Cope, Brits invented hockey and used to laugh at the Negros for having problem skating and blamed their feet.


You can stop right there. You just shit your pants in public, pal. Nothing you've said or will say now is going to mean anything to most of the people in this thread, because you've revealed you're just as guilty of the exact same shit you're accusing others of.

Get the fuck outta here. And don't come back until you're ready to have an intellectually honest discussion.

lmao - Can't believe I got triggered that hard


r/hockey is hilarious

They are unironically anti barstool sports in that sub and cried when they sponsored towels in Boston. They also had a fit about Kid Rock playing at the all star game.

As someone who played Jr and knew a ton of guys who played major jr hockey I wish these people knew the kind of culture their heroes came up in and how they actually are when not just giving canned responses during interviews.

Fucking right on bud, when I first found r/hockey I felt so disoriented, must be what it feels like to be a black guy and browse r/hiphopheads

I literally think some of these guys would faint if they spent 5 minutes in a Junior A locker room.

Hockey players are like the frat boys of athletes basically except maybe even less respect for women. Barstool sports has a history of misogyny is a sentence I can't picture coming from any teamate I have ever had from like triple A bantham to the various levels of Jr I have been in

Be Canadian

Invent sport, it becomes the nation's most popular sport

Biggest league leaves the country, is headquartered in USA

All teams but a handful move south

Some teams play ice hockey in cities where there is zero annual snowfall

Have to move to swamp or desert American city to win your country's highest honour

lol @ the leafs