80  2019-08-30 by 2Manadeal2btw


The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.



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This is why I will raise my children on Chinese cartoons instead of this shit

the only acceptable kids entertainment is north korean cartoons about children fighting US imperialism

Why is there always a semi-boomer that encourages millenials to "never back down" or some pseudo-inspirational shit? Why can't they do it?

Slacktivism, primarily.

Why can't they do it?

Backing down usually pays better, at least in the short term. Enjoy all the debt, zoomers and millenials 😎

1.5yo screenshot of twitter


what happened to banning people for screenshotposting


Careful, Patrick already got the most based sub on the site banned, he's just looking for another target for his DMCA takedown claims.

Which sub?

You can find us at r/LoganLynn these days. Some just posted the doc about the pat Tomlinson drama. It’s a funny watch.

Fuckin rat

He was only a small part of the drama. 90% of it was because the dipshit head mod accrued a ton of enemies and then got doxxed, revealing him to be a cockeyed fat thieving junkie (including surveillance video). He panicked and deleted everything and closed the sub. If you go to the link, you'll see it's private, not banned

But the new sub did get banned tho.

I think about eight subs have gotten banned.


These things happen

That'd be my sub, r/OpieandAnthonyXYZ - Fat Pat shared his DMCA'ing tactics with Joseph big apple ranch cumia, who sent 250 false DMCAs in a week.

I heard this Joe character had a convicted pedophile babysit his daughter. Any truth to that?

I read the forum pretty regularly and it all spiraled out of control when the anti Patrick posts started - I know the original sub was taken down because the head mod was being a whiny bitch but the second sub was hit with a million reports by Patrick himself.


Fat Pat is so deep in obscurity I'm amazed to see him here. Congrats on your big break, stupid.

tbh anyone who actually read those books and is proud of it would broadcast it ala "we grew up reading Harry Potter and Hunger Games"

that along with the Marvel citation tells me this guy just watches a lot of Netflix on his laptop alone while stoned

While drunk. He's always drinking and going psycho on his beloved internet

This fat bitch is a failed comedian, sci-fi author, husband, and father (divorced and no visitation rights). He was a pompous bitchy dipshit on Twitter ( who eventually lost his Twitter account ( after making threats. He would then post as one of his big fans ( but got that account banned also for ban evasion.

He managed to get his account back thanks to spending his girlfriend's (whom he is fattening up so she won't leave him for a dude with a Harley and a big dick, like his ex-wife did) money on legal assistance and repeating the same mistakes ( and being a cunt ( --notice his typo).

He's one of those lolcows who slipped between KiwiFarms' cracks.

Excellent summation

Patrick S. Tomlinson is an associate of pedophiles and works to silence those who speak out against pedophilia in the science fiction community.


"Get them children..."

"... in a book."

And what diet did he provide for his own child? Oh, that's right - you only have supervised visitation. You ex-wife and child had to find a real man and provider. You have no credibility to criticize marathon man.