In a thread about Islamic pedos the inevitable "what about the Catholic priests"

83  2019-08-30 by Standard12


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least Iā€™m not an incel


  1. In a thread about Islamic pedos the... -,,

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I mean all religious retards are pedophiles

Well that's obvious.


He y'all'd himself, that's so fucking pathetic. How will jannies feed their families now.

He y'all'd himself, that's so fucking pathetic. How will jannies feed their families cats now.

But what about the gays where they're like 3.6x more likely to rape kids than pries- oh nvm

Look I know you Catholics have to make excuses for all your libertarianism but we gays only do the kiddy diddling to reproduce so it's different.

Makes complete sen... wait, no that doesn't make sense at all.

Once you go bussy you'll never go gussy

I'd rather have my dick smell like tuna than shit -Mark Twain

That's why God invented enemas my friend

And here I thought McAfee was visionary

Homosexuals reproduce by raping children.

never stop boomerposting

That's not what a boomer post is. You're just seething that everyone here isn't a leftoid

Those ARE the Catholic priests.

Bongs really love their pedos

Yeah bongs really do love themselves

"Sure Islam has terrorists, but Christianity has the Westboro Baptist Church"

- reddit, for over a decade

After amplifying the voices of a group of 200 tard wranglers to the point where ~1/2 of America knows who they are.

I think it's a holdover from before the euphoria days and when r/atheism was a default.

you'd think that sub would be against all religions but most of the time it's just constant rage seething over burgerland christians.

It's because Islam is for brown skinned individuals and therefore it's racist to criticize them. Check your privilege sweaty šŸ’…šŸæ

"Sure christcucks have school shooters, but leftists have milkshakes"


Oh no. It's retarded.

rightoids seething

Your brain cells leaving

Absolutely seething

R/UK is r/chapo for britbongs

Its utterly pathetic and full of middle class teenagers

True. I got banned from there a few months ago for saying that ISIS chick shouldn't be allowed to return to Brittain.

Yikes šŸ˜¬

I hate how everyone has to see an agenda in everything "hmm you think certain people who happen to be Muslims are bad because they rape children? I bet you're far-right, look Catholics are bad see? rekt"