OP in r/gatekeeping discovers they are certifiably basic, copes hard.

94  2019-08-30 by zhcyiDnein


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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It's all true but I do think pepperoni is the best pizza. No point slapping 10 different ingredients onto a shitty base.

Mushrooms, ham, and pepperoni is the ideal combo. Just pepperoni is fine too

The fuck is wrong with y'all?

Supreme, WITH anchovies.

if we're going to do this shit, we're going to do it all the way.


Sorry about your retardation

Mushrooms and Italian sausage is orgasmic.

Based. Sometimes I want a 10 dollar pepperoni pizza with a large Sprite and then to wallow in stomach pain for an hour. No pretensions in this household.

thats why you have good pizza unfortunately your palate is stuck at the age of 10, which is the age people graduate from cheese pizza

Poster on /r/GamingCirclejerk and /r/Inceltears

Funny how the people who post on """cool meta subs""" are always the most fragile

10 bucks says its the Marvel mocking thats got him seething so hard

Capeshit. Just say no.

He is even worse than a gaymer, he is – may Allah forgive me for uttering this word – a capshitter.

Must defend my multi billion dollar franchise!

Shut up and continue consuming big corp media, bigot

Sure were all pledging eager allegiance to a soulless corporation, but it provides us with basic entertainment so is it really that bad?

‘Capitalism sucks’ His Entire personality is based on capitalistic thing


imagine fragility of r/drama :v


retarded- You know

Faggoty as hell- better believe it


Say it with me:


Say one bad thing about drama and they seeth so hard.





I am sooo content with "Marvel fan = no personality" becoming a counterjerk that takes over the internet. I'd say its about time.

it really kills me how /r/moviescirclejerk basically started as a way to make fun of /r/movies for being basic. Now they unironically jerk to Marvel and Star Wars lmao

All the circlejerk subs just eventually become their own circlejerk. R/moviescirclejerk is just as bad as the actual sub

i like the part when the devil came to kick the mean lady's ass

He deleted all his comments there too, fucking melted way too hard

Imagine feeling bad about being basic.

The real people that need to cope are the ones that don't have every multi-billion corporation bending over backwards to instantly deliver content that is specifically designed to be exactly what I want.

That's an interesting perspective, thank you.

There is nothing wrong with being an NPC I guess

It's ok to be npc

yeah he should be ashamed that's terrible twerking form. The adductor is the one that should be working here. You don't get to give me a blowjob today Jonas.

That starter pack was gold and it keeps making people seethe long after it was made, I love it

Imagine having no personality.

If your only interests are the most safe / mainstream things in the world than yeah chances are you’re pretty boring to be around.

Like damn explore your world, try branching out your taste and get new perspectives. Idk why the typical trademark reddit user is like this lmao



What matters is what specific shade of blue is your favorite.

Prussian blue or GTFO.

Ah, a man of culture.

That (re)post assumes that 'personality' = 'things you enjoy', the irony is strong with this one when you only associate the two together.