Philosocels COPE

42  2019-08-30 by Gysinator


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Philosocels COPE -,,

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it's tasteless to make fun of unemployable

This is coming off the backend of science proving bullies have more sex

Lmao philosophy and especially philosophers are gay as fuck making basic observations about human behaviour isn’t a job bitch

Honestly, we should have criminalized it entirely after Diogenes.

Seething Male feminists ITT

The solution is very simple, I will lie and pretend to treat her special and once she's stuck with me I revert to rational universally based morality. This is actually in the best interest of humanity.

No one is going to touch your penis.

*without paying 🤭🤭🤭

I’m not even sure paying would work. He will just have to touch people with his penis instead.

Male feminists don’t care cause they’re rapists

There's an ethical problem with automated cars: if the vehicle is in a situation where either the driver or bystanders on the street must die, who should it prioritize?

Researchers polled people. The majority agreed that autonomous cars must maximize the number of lives saved, even if it kills the driver.

Researchers then asked if people would buy that type of car. Lol no

What a stupid ethical delimma, like any car is actually programmed on that level. Like none of the ai in a car contains a "Kill the driver?" decision tree, it's a bunch of simulated neurons approximating statistical models and their own internal decision making process is largely a black box that no one can make sense of. Essential the same as the human brain.

The solution is to hide your power level, as always. Then you trick selfish foids into breeding with selfless people, creating more selfless people to the benefit of humanity. If you are a do gooder, this is literally your duty, to out breed the chads and lie to Stacy's and tell them you'll always choose her over the entire world when in fact you would drop her in a heart beat for the good of the workers and society. Just make sure she spits out your spawn first, then her usefulness has come to an end and resources get directed away from her decadent pleasures and towards the universal truths.


The solution is to hide your power level, as always. Then you trick selfish foids into breeding with selfless people, creating more selfless people to the benefit of humanity. If you are a do gooder, this is literally your duty, to out breed the chads and lie to Stacy's and tell them you'll always choose her over the entire world when in fact you would drop her in a heart beat for the good of the workers and society. Just make sure she spits out your spawn first, then her usefulness has come to an end and resources get directed away from her decadent pleasures and towards the universal truths.

I was with you until the last part. Obviously the resources should be directed towards the well-being and maximal procreation of your selfless children, with the idea that they will too take their power level to the grave and spend all their resources on producing as many similarly selfless grandchildren as possible.

The term "Omohundro drives" and the related discussions come to mind, but an ideology-ridden intellectual midget like yourself would probably not find that stuff interesting.

The first mistake was assuming that philosophy majors have any understanding of how automated cars would actually work and didn't just want to tie their stupid fucking field into what's currently hot so someone could give them a paycheck