Won’t someone please think of the white suburban soccer moms :(

105  2019-08-30 by Ghdust2


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Reddit is slowly becoming a white supremacists haven. Is that any surprise that the flavor of the month is calling all women Karen?

Is this a joke?

Does this person ever went to the frontpage in a new account, or just browsed any popular sub at all?

That person is a SRDine. It barely qualifies as human.

barely qualifies

Doesnt qualify at all tbh. They're basically whiny livestock at this point.

I wish we were friends and we could go to the woods together and talk about stuff. Unfortunately the good Lord has sen it fit to take away my good foot due to diabetes.



Fucking dead 😂😂

Response is even better

Reddit has been a bigger hub for white supremacism than Stormfront for like half a decade

Fucking galaxy brain take right there. If only we could ping.

If only we could ping.

/r/drama is now /r/nofap

if only we could ping stormfront

Forget Stormfront.

We need a bot that pings people on Twitter when we're talking about them.

Jannies, can you get on this ASAP?

This actually seems doable. Not by me, of course, because I’m a fucking retard, but the bot could search for “!ping @xxxxxxxxx” then @s the person on Twitter from a designated account with a link to the post.

The only problem is that the standard Twitter lolcows would quickly block the bot, but we could herd in some new ones instead.

Make it so the bot is woke. "Here's proof of male toxicity, look at what they are saying on this reddit thread."

If we're going wishlist features it should examine the public timeline of the target user and (using high quality Snappy-grade sentience) determine an appropriate hook line to draw people in based on their proclivities.

Toxic masculinity would work in like 90% of cases, either because they love or hate the phrase.

Got a point there. I feel the need for a feature that makes it look like a subtweet and includes the word cuck somehow. It just feels right.

Problematic would be a good catch-all as well

You know, I just realized that problematic is the older version of icky.

that entire sub is full of helen lovejoy-ass motherfuckers who shriek and cry at every little tiny thing

unironically these people are worse than the mdetards and the chapos, because they don't even have the dignity of ACTUAL beliefs. their entire belief system is, "don't disrupt the status quo"

humorless faggots

It’s definitely there but a haven? You’d have to seek it out like intentionally taking a look into the horror show. Like googling for scat or any other kind of jazz.

Reddit is probably 2nd only to Twitter now in left-wing nuttery yet people still complain it's a white supremacist site. Amazing logic.

Not to mention that Karen is used to make fun of white women lol

👏🏿 WHITE 👏🏿 WOMEN 👏🏿 ARE 👏🏿 PoC 👏🏿

We don't have enough ways to make fun of mayo foids. We should have a government agency with some sort of alphabet acronym that is just a think tank, with a budget comparable to the FBI, and all it does is work on new and creative ways to insult white women.

You can get an Anti-Clam Studies degree at Arizona State. Might be smart to start now to get in on the ground floor of your idea.

Universities only exist so the Bogdanoffs can get their wireless transmitters installed in your head when you doze off during lectures. Then they sell your ideas to Hollywood and AAA Game Developers as soon as you have them.

Unfortunately the focus group for the Federal White Women Degradation Bureau did not go over well, both due to the lack of a catchy acronym and the presence of several Karens.

Unfortunately the focus group for the Federal White Women Degradation Bureau did not go over well, both due to the lack of a catchy acronym and the presence of several Karens.

If you had to guess, what percentage of truly great ideas in history have been hamstrung or destroyed outright by Mayo foidesses?

No, it's not a joke. These people are unbelievably paranoid.

I love it when they accidentally reveal that they automatically label anyone who isn’t sufficiently woke as every single kind of bigot.

are you retarded? being haven has nothing to do with it being popular. It just means this is a place where they can make their retarded frog memes and baby talk to each other.

Then anything big is a "haven" for anything.

Lmao white women problems


Poor SRDines, such a conundrum, a denigrating term for white women is literally half good, half bad, so what is it on the net? Does being racist against white people outweigh being misogynistic?

I do pretty much constantly...

MILF fetishists are only slightly better than foot fetishists.

But we are better. To be fair at my age having sexual thoughts about women who aren't MILFs just seems weird.

Being better than foot fetishists is like being less spergy than pizzashill.

True, it's low hanging fruit, but at least it's something.

The drama stack of intersectionality: it's not a race to the bottom, it's a struggle to stay above Pizzashill.

It's really all that matters.

Then like crabs in a bucket, we pull anyone back down that tries to escape the cesspool that is arrrr drama

Do you guys say deadmau5 as dead mouse or dead mau five. If you say the latter I hate you and ur a fag.

I don't say either because I don't listen to shitty music.

It's just something I remember from middle school.


It's deadmue

I say dead mau 5 and I am a fag. Send me some hate mail pls.

I say dead mau because I ignore the 5. Like the French.

I say dead mau 5 because I refuse to play along with his stupid-ass name

I just say marshmallow

Dead mouse, but I jokingly said dead mau 5 until it crept into my everyday speech. Haven't mentioned him in years though, I've been out of EDM for a while now.

"Reddit is a bigger hub for white supremacy than storefront"

I literally have no words for that brainlet

They've spent so much time huffing their own farts they got the hypoxia.


leafs need to be burnt

A fire is a fire regardles of how big it is.

Just because something is "more problematic" it doesnt take away the similarites of what it is either.

I wouldnt be quick to call others "karen" when you

ignore the points people are making in the similarity

focusing on what you dont like about it instead

wrongly insult someone for percieved social benefit

Believe your view to be correct

To think it would be snowing out this badly today.

Maybe they are trying to create poetry?

This is just mental illness.


So arguing with a woman now is misogynistic? Are you racist if you argue with a black chick? So like double the naughtisms?

Lol there's like 4 SRDines insisting that being called a Chad is an insult

because to them, it is. Remember idpol is a race to the bottom.

Wait until they hear about "cunt" aka the c-word

all you get is a bunch on intellectually sterile, money hungry, greedy pieces of right-voting rat shit...People whose only measure of value is their bank account and fancy things they can buy with it.

These people could not possibly be more dramatic.

or autistic

Because without things like music, all you get is a bunch on intellectually sterile, money hungry, greedy pieces of right-voting rat shit...People whose only measure of value is their bank account and fancy things they can buy with it.

Can someone point out the problem here?

Also I like how the entire sperge doesn't even address the original guy's point about how artists are able to make it without governmental assistance lmao

Hahaha, I got banned from SRD for replying to that with "Wait, doesn't this sub love using incel?"

I am looking to change Reddit policy and the closure of /r/subredditdrama

Idk that's pretty reasonable to me.

Not upper middle class white women! Won’t someone think of them?!?