Chaos errupts when confused grandpa tweets private pictures from workplace to dunk on haters

34  2019-08-31 by Matues49


Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.



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Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. Chaos errupts when confused grandpa... -,

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He's the president. He can do this all day.


If aliens existed he would have already told us 😭

Exactly so why would they tell him? I sure as fuck wouldn't. I'd lie. No sir, there's no aliens. nobody tell him about the fucking aliens.

Very transparent and open of him

I know aliens aren't real because Trump would have taken them golfing by now

God I wish

We're gunna die lol

If trump ever launches a nuke because someone denies him the right to tweet photos of classified information and it results in my death i will be a happy man.

Snappy material from r/politics: "As more news like this comes in, and the insanity appears to increase in intensity, I find myself questioning whether this is real.

But then, I find myself knowing this one, somber fact. This is real, and it is not a joke. Everything that has come out in the last two years has been real, and the insanity itself has been real.

Which leads me to one, final question. Where does this all end? Does it even end?

That, my fellow redditors, is still unclear, and that is the scariest part."

That's your contribution to an intelligent discussion? A vague, unspecified criticism, accompanied by an implicitly self-aggrandizing bit of arrogant dismissiveness?


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