Celibate psychic defends marital rape: "All due respect rape in marriage has been looked at in several different ways and some people even women have agreed that they kind of enjoyed it"

9  2019-08-31 by ScrotalInterchange


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Celibate psychic defends marital ra... - archive.org, archive.today

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women enjoyed it

Must be stopped at all costs

Being raped, in every situation, is not about the man desiring the woman. And women know this. Rape has nothing to do with attraction. Spousal rape is raping a spouse because the rapist feels they have power and entitlement. No love or attraction is involved.

People say this shit - rape isn't about sex, but power - it's so obviously false I don't even understand what one is trying to say? "Bank robbery isn't about the money, it's about the thrill" yeah okay retards people don't rob police stations for the thrill and they don't rape bussy for power (like cmon I'm cute why no bussyrape here)

women want to be held down and dominated like the whores they all are


Socratic method: How much success have you had in your love life with women?

I've been with 69% of all women haha