I’m sorry r/drama but I don’t have a witty title to sum up the absolute retardation on display here

36  2019-08-31 by Ghdust2


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


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But... it's TRUE? Lol 😈

How is it true? This is literally just the same delusional argument conservatives have been trying to make for as long as I can remember. The goal is to create racial conflict so they can pillage the country while everyone else fights.

I don't know how many times the GOP has to get caught suppressing black voters, saying and doing absurdly racist things and pandering to white nationalists before this whole "but democrats are the real racists" meme dies.

It's getting absurd.

Based and Latinopilled

Has this sub gotten so retarded that it unironically agrees with boomer conservative memes now?

"Just because democrats don't wanna deport all illegals today that means they don't care about black lives, because you can't fight for two social issues at the same time."

Dude do not make me agree with conservative boomers but in my adopted hometown of Denver, it wasn't but a month or two after Daddy won that they did 3 things:

  • Set up a legal fund to defend immigrants from deportation. Yes, public money to help illegal immigrants and immigrants going through criminal proceedings.

  • Refused to cooperate with ICE

  • Changed sentencing guidelines so that a host of offenses now have 364 days as their max punishment (a 1 year sentence automatically triggers a deportation)

After two decades of calls for criminal justice reform, these motherfuckers did it with a stroke of a pen less than 90 days after Daddy gave us his cummies.

The saddest thing I have ever seen was all the airport security staff replacing black women with like, 50 mexicans.

Just cuz they make those mother fuckers do drywall and shit for offwork. And you know Democrats just wanna replace all black jobs with mexicans and genocide blacks so Hillary can name one of her horses "Blacky Nignog" without being publicly shamed.

You idiot. You absolute moron. If you haven't figured out that killary just has a Latinx fetish, I don't know what to tell you. For fucks sake, wake up.

Ya hate to see it


resources are finite you absolute retard so often you do have to prioritize one thing over the other

resources are finite you absolute retard so often you do have to prioritize one thing over the other


you can't fight for two social issues at the same time

resources are finite you absolute retard so often you do have to prioritize one thing over the other

you can't fight for two social issues at the same time

resources are finite you absolute retard so often you do have to prioritize one thing over the other

It means that if the immigrants come first, then the whites come second, and so the blacks come last.

well, from the rightoid POV, illegals are taking jobs (ie farms, factories, restaurants, etc can cut costs with what's essentially slave labor who'll take far below minimum wage) from black and mayo Americans.

How so?

Black people don't care about black people unless a mayo cop stops one of them from going to college.

electricspook 230 points 16 hours ago* Goddamn, can this go viral please? Democrats only care about black people during an election, after that fuck em. Mountains of data on this. Per example, of the 25 worst congressional districts for black people, Democrats control 20 of them and 9 of the top 10. The worst district in the nation! Ilhan Omar.

I really wish you could ping. This is some juicy, very low hanging fruit. To explain why this is an absurdly dumb argument: You could do this exact same thing for white people. I could literally go and find the poorest white districts in the country (almost all of which are in poor, rural, red areas) and declare "of the top 25 worst districts for white people in America, republicans control 24 of them, therefore republicans don't care about white people" or some other stupid argument.

Obviously the Democrats are going to control the worst districts for black people, because democrats win most black voters. And due to socioeconomic differences, black people in most districts are worse off than white people in most districts.

When you dive into some of the numbers in his provided source, it gets even worse.

Disparities in socioeconomic outcomes in Florida’s 21st Congressional District are worse than anywhere else in the state. Black area workers are nearly twice as likely to be unemployed as white workers, and the 19.5% poverty rate among the district’s black residents is more than double the white poverty rate.

This is the national norm. Blacks are about twice as likely to be unemployed as white people are.


When you look at the unemployment numbers cited for these districts, you can see even white people in those districts have a higher unemployment rate than the national average:

Unemployment rate: 12.1% black; 6.6% white

This was probably way too much effort to slap down a boomer post on Reddit, but in closing, what this person has done is round up some of the poorest urban areas in the country (and because urban areas are far more likely to vote democrat, they'll be democratic districts) and claim these districts are somehow uniquely bad for African Americans, when in reality they're just districts doing worse than other districts as a whole.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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Are you getting banned so much here that you need 3 active alts?


You should be getting a cut from reddit. You are probably doing more work than most of them.

Three? There's yangpede and professorshillphd, but what's the other?

Pay for a yangpede ban and it won't be hard to find out.

Modern problems require modern solutions

How does pay for a ban work?

Where's the lie? Everyone knows democrats are the real racists.

Where's the lie? Everyone knows democrats are the real racists. They tossed blacks under the bus now that Latinos are the biggest minority group in the US. They weren't up on that debate stage speaking ebonics, they were speaking Spanish.

¿Qué estás tratando decir? No entiendo.

Pandering is a politicians default state. This take is retarded. The policy they support still benefits blacks more than republicans and at the very least do t scapegoat them for votes.

Pandering is a politicians default state. This take is retarded. The policy they support still benefits blacks more than republicans and at the very least do t scapegoat them for votes.


An r/conservative post? This pleases the horseshoe















Black people in the US are the #1 group most negatively affected by immigrants. Who's second? The immigrants who came the day before the ones today.

Didn't they like at least pretend they were only referring to illegal immigrants?

Hes not wrong either way.

He's wildly wrong. Immigrant communities tend to not compete with native populations for jobs minus some very blaring exceptions

You're wrong, and a retard.

I'm actually correct, retarded yes because I post here

But also seething and wrong.

Lol the whole "immigrants take jobs" is something that is oft repeated but has never been borne out by good, repeatable research. The Miami study from the 70s remains the test case and is often repeated in smaller samples. In fact more immigration m makes natives far richer than less.

As well there's ample evidence of "immigration gaps" where already rich areas get too much of the benefits of immigration, leaving areas in dire need of young blood high and dry.

Is it hard being economically illiterate? I've never known.

You're saying shit that conflicts with your retarded assertions so im not sure.

Why is it so hard to understand that bringing in outside labor that is willing to work for lower wages devalues the existing labor pool. Why do you self proclaimed economic wizards always ignore shit that is so obvious?

Holy shit you're actually stupid.

Why is it so hard to understand that bringing in outside labor that is willing to work for lower wages devalues the existing labor pool.

That's only if the demand for labour is static, you nob. Usually the labour flows into a community once the native source is exhausted/already at capacity doing other things (see slaughter-houses since the beginning of the industry) or the local source turns to higher valued niche aspects if doing manual labour or management positions (ie house painting and carpentry). Add in that an increase of population actually has cascading effects for the broader economy inducing demand for other services. As well many "low wage" jobs that immigrants take are actually fairly well developed skills, and not the mindless labour (ie fruit picking, house cleaning, etc) that's expressed. That makes it hard for natives to jump into those jobs even if willing and able. The numbers of "losers" in these situations are far out stripped by the "winners." The real issues there are laws like minimum wages, and enforcement of said laws.

You know what has crippled the manufacturing sector as a source of mass employment? Not NAFTA, not immigrants, not even off shoring. It's god damn automation. You in your thought process is very akin to burning the fucking looms. It's literally that fucking stupid.

Why do you self proclaimed economic wizards always ignore shit that is so obvious?

Because you ignore shit that is slightly more complicated than relying on how "your feelz" tell you and actually look at the data.

Only if demand for labor is static

Yeah you're just a dumbass. Lol

Also, you do understand labour value is what is called "sticky" right? That means it stays fairly consistent unless mass disruption. Real wages for US Workers hasn't increased since the 70's, across almost every industry and level below C-Suite. Even middle management bankers and lawyers are making about the same in nominal take home as they were in the 90s. These are nowhere near jobs affected by immigration on any real level.

Natural labor demand doesn't increase or decrease value, as been proven time and time again. Only Minimum Wage Laws and collective bargaining achieve that long term.

I see you're retarded and understand that is a fundimental characteristic.

Immigration contributes to wage stagnation by keeping the labor value from rising.

I see you're retarded and understand that is a fundimental characteristic.

Lol. It's not. I know you realllllllllllly want to believe this but it's like Bigfoot. The evidence just isn't there to back up your point.

Again, explain the lack of real wage growth in other sectors not affected by immigration.

I'll wait.

Tell it to the next H1B hire who replaces you at your data entry job nerd.

So again you're outing yourself as a complete moron. Congrats :)

And I actually have value, unlike your stupid ass.


You can impress your mom but not the rest of society. (Shes probably pretending and actually still disappointed though).

You can impress your mom but not the rest of society

Actually it's the opposite, society has way too low of standards... Ma has way too high. Kinda says something that you think society is hard to impress, though.

Your own-goals just keep coming. It's like Bra-Ger all over again but with the Germans just lounging around smoking cigs and talking about their plans for the weekend.

Somehow you admitting that your mom thinks you are wasteoid is reflective of me and not your own failures? 🤔

You thinking "a hard to impress ma" equals "she thinks you're worthless" like those are binary states is beautiful delicious projection. 😅😆😅

So you're fucking stupid and your mom hates you. Could you be any more pathetic?

I've never experieced seething claims of reverse projection like this. Wew.

Lol you're the one who believes that immigration suppresses wages 😅😅

It does. There is no question about it. The fact you think otherwise is insane.

There is no question about it.

There's actually loads of evidence that states the exact opposite, and your claim is thinly backed. What you got are feels... And hold onto it despite all evidence to the contrary. It's like saying a cat is a small dog... It's simply not true bro.

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Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals can believe them


Economists generally agree that the effects of immigration on the U.S. economy are broadly positive. Immigrants, whether high- or low-skilled, legal or illegal, are unlikely to replace native-born workers or reduce their wages over the long-term, though they may cause some short-term dislocations in labor markets. Indeed, the experience of the last few decades suggests that immigration may actually have significant long-term benefits for the native-born, pushing them into higher-paying occupations and raising the overall pace of innovation and productivity growth. Moreover, as baby boomers have begun moving into retirement in advanced economies around the world, immigration is helping to keep America comparatively young and reducing the burden of financing retirement benefits for a growing elderly population. While natives bear some upfront costs for the provision of public services to immigrants and their families, the evidence suggests a net positive return on the investment over the long term.

Net positive for the economy as a whole is not a net positive for the fucks who's job they took so companies could keep wages low.

Fucking retards always trying to cite macro economics for a micro economic problem.

It pretty clearly says they don't compete for the same jobs natives do, for the most part.

In fact, even states with hard-line immigration policies had to roll them back because it was obvious natives aren't interested in doing the work:


The reality is, immigrants, don't actually take jobs from natives really, as the papers say, they tend to be imperfect replacements due to language issues:

Has the surge in immigration since 1970 led to slower wage growth for native-born workers? Academic research does not provide much support for this claim. The evidence suggests that when immigration increases the supply of labor, firms increase investment to offset any reduction in capital per worker, thereby keeping average wages from falling over the long term. Moreover, immigrants are often imperfect substitutes for native-born workers in U.S. labor markets. That means they do not compete for the same jobs and put minimal downward pressure on natives’ wages. This might explain why competition from new immigrants has mostly affected earlier immigrants, who experienced significant reductions in wages from the surge in immigration. In contrast, studies find that immigration has actually raised average wages of native-born workers during the last few decades.

I don't really care if you want to ree about immigration, but don't think you have valid economic arguments for being against it, because you do not. The economic arguments being made are simply a veil to justify your actual motivations, and we both know it has little to do with economics.

"The immigrants are taking our jerbs" has been a meme repeated by morons for hundreds of years. I don't think it was about economics back them, and I don't think it's about economics today.

Pay natives more and they will do the fucking work corporateshill

Wow, if only you had read the article:

Workers are paid by volume, with skilled workers typically earning $15 to $20 an hour. Unskilled workers earn much less, which is why most locals don’t want the jobs.

They're paid based on how good they are at the job, the locals aren't good enough.

This is why you're a goddamn retard. Lmao.

Looking at only mexicans picking fruit for one. Secondarily not realizing their labor is being exploited and natives are not willing to endure human rights abuse for an extra $50 a day.

Yes, I'm a retard for knowing how these things work. You don't know how they work, so you clearly aren't a retard.

The thing about that though pizza is that you don't know how it works.

Which is why instead of even attempting to try explain how immigrants DONT devalue the existing labor market you link and article which says explicity that it does and claim victory like the mouth breathing single bedroom dwelling schmuck you really are in your heart of hearts.

I can not put into words how illiterate you are if you think anything I linked said that.

Educate yourself by reading your own posts.

This might explain why competition from new immigrants has mostly affected earlier immigrants, who experienced significant reductions in wages from the surge in immigration.

That's in relation to other immigrants, as in other illegal immigrants. The argument here is about native wages, as in you tried to claim native US workers were losing jobs and money.

You don't get to spin your argument to something else after being confronted with reality.

Doesn't say illegal immigrants. Hmmm .. 🤔🤔🤔

Also no, its unquestionable if those jobs paid real wages they would have natives taking the jobs instead, fucking retard.

It's specifically talking about immigrants.

Furthermore, those jobs would pay by volume if there were exactly 0 immigrants in the country.

At the end of day, what you did here was make a claim you couldn't support, and then attempt to shift your argument when it become obvious to you that you couldn't defend it.

At the end of the day you know you are wrong and trying to pretend immigration isnt a corporate interest.

I don't care what you think immigration is. I care about what the facts say.

WTFFFFF democrats were the fucking racists all along

voting for sanders