North Baton Rouge introduces the wakanda Mardi Gras parade. South siders scream all-Krewes matter

38  2019-08-31 by cfbWORKING


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Go start your own white people parade in st George. Call it “mayonnaise mambo”

I'm offended.

That one is truly woke to the mayoid menace. Shame they offed ping

Mayos mad

Trying to act like Wakanda has zero to do with race is...... a more OP’d superpower than marvel could ever dream up.


Wakanda was invented by mayos

Doesn’t Louisiana have some “no negro” Krewes? Also protesting a parade is gay.

Wakanda in 2019... they’re a little behind aren’t they?

Baton Rouge, where trends never die

But the people sure do

Its great that real shit is so bad they have to go to fictional shit for a racial theme

Thats because Black history is pathetic, My reaction to black history as a kid was this is it? Cause I just assumed they would have actual accomplishments outside of a couple small inventions

NBR is an unrepentant shithole. I’ve never been to a third world country but sure a good bit of them are nicer than NBR.

Okay boomer

If you’re gonna call me a boomer over that comment go hang out in NBR lmao.


ok gamer

North Baton Rouge?

Sweetie we all know what you meant

Don't talk to me grandpa

Bayoucels of all ages agree

Then maybe they should make steps in the direction of not being a wasteland shithole anymore.

Boomer doesn't even make sense here.

No sane white people will go to this. I only go to NBR for Tony’s crawfish.

The plate lunches are good at Tony’s too. Also it’s fun to watch the catfish get shocked

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. North Baton Rouge introduces the wa... -,,

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Fucking lol at Mardi Gras in Baton Rouge. If it’s not Nola you might as well be in port Arthur or galveston

Mobile is the OG

Spanish town and south downs are both great parades.