The Straight Pride Parade began at noon and already Frenworld is being properly represented

167  2019-08-31 by FearOfBees


Say what you want about their politics but you gotta respect the hustle. Stealing money from retards is good praxis.

It's hard to go broke selling nerds their own impotent rage back to them.

Never heard of any of them lol. Also lmao straight pride is so pathetic. Like "antifafrenworld" - you're so dumb and stupid we're gonna totally copy lmao

Also this is the "clown world" thing and not really frenworld

Also this is the "clown world" thing and not really frenworld

It's basically the same thing, there's not a meaningful difference

Drama is literal identical to that clownworld sub but centrist. Change my mind.


Totally different tho

One is a wide spread idea about "lgbt pedo corporate trans crazy stuff"

The other one was a green frog subreddit

Why do you have to be like this

They're very different ideas bro. The vast majority of clown posters are discordcels or channers


True genetic superiority right there

They look like that meme of all the middle-aged, bald white guys on facebook collage.

Was gunna make a joke about them having a giant circumcised cock to all twerk and suck on like in the gay one but reality is close enough

Someone was flying an Israel flag so I’m cool with it.

I love the one black woman surrounded by mayoids. She looks at the dancing clown next to her and you can tell she is really wondering why the fuck she showed up.

Way more women than I expected.

Honk Honk

Ahahaha yeah what’s the point of having “straight” pride when it’s so irrelevant because you’ll never have sex?

To steal from the Twitter thread (Allah have mercy)

Aspirationally straight

Because angry white guys think there being a gay pride parade means straights are oppressed.

It's like when they show up and start preaching "white pride" and act shocked when everyone attacks them.

They just aren't very intelligent people.

Based and pizzapilled

Based and pizzapilled

"So Brad, what did you do this weekend?"

"Hell of a story, actually: I was getting finished at the gym and this chick was getting a smoothie and left her wallet at her apartment. I was feeling cocky so I paid for it. Turns our she's from Jamaica or something and she's here with her roomate and their new to the area. We got to talking and I met up with them later and showed then the city and.. no shit... it ended up like like some YouPorn shit. Never knew I liked a finger up the ass but man, here we are. Crazy, right? What did you to, Josh?"

"I dressed up like Bozo the Clown and went to that Straight Pride Parade and protested the closing of a Reddit subreddit dedicated to a meme frog and a tv show/sketch comedy group that's becoming more and more alt-right and worrying about White Genocide and the Jewish Question."

".....Wow. Ok, so I'm gonna go to the empty bathroom on the 3rd floor and jack off to one of the vids those chicks sent me. Nice talkin to ya!"

“Why do I even talk to you Josh?”

Exactly. My dude is walking around work thinking about two island hotties sucking on his nipples, and Josh has to bring up his FBI crime stats and kill the mood.



Holy shit lol, the title isn't even exaggerated 😂

Why would anyone ever want to cancel these retards when you could just let them be seen.

Cancel western civilization.

It’s cancelled. It’s just they haven’t heard the news.

This is encouraging. I look at this picture and think "Wow, I need not worry anymore. These men will be the saviors of the western civilization".

Thank you for the representation, brave warriors.

I’m sure Adolf would get no swipes on Tinder, too.


Can't these gross fucks stay home at least let the people who get laid do the straight parade

The people who get laid aren't going to attend

And that's a good thing

Judging by the number of counter protestors. More of them are straight and getting laid than the people in the straight pride parade.

you realize nothing is actually being done about the Jewish Question, so you move to more overtly fashy pastures.

Like /r/drama?

Oh, yeah, /r/drama is actually doing something.

All the right has to do is just not be as cringey, stupid, fat and outwardly disturbed as the left. Imagine not being able to clear that bar.

Being a non-repulsive human is obviously extremely hard for the type of person who thinks going to a straight pride parade is a useful way to spend their time

You're not wrong buddy

It's a contest of who can do more retarded things without stopping to reconsider their life choices and it's probably the most even game I've ever witnessed.

this post is clown oppression 😤

That's a good thing

Make Normalcy Normal Again

Normies smdh

White people nonsense, lmao.


Honest to god, how come these dipshits arent punched more often?


I can’t imagine ever telling anyone I go onto this garbage website IRL

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. The Straight Pride Parade began at ... -,

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When autists sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're bringing dead maymays. They're bringing crime. They're male-feminists.

This is their best

Oh god, so much... Kpop...?

Rightoids will cope and seethe at this but this is the absolute state of facists. Look at this and realize this is how retarded you look whenever you try and meme.



^ case in point. 100% this guy has masturbated to anime.

So what, I have a job I'm allowed to do what I want

I hate to break it to you bud but just because the bull gives you a dollar or so after you orally prep him does not mean it counts as employment.

Its embarrassing how fascists larp about cleansing the world of degeneracy when their only attempt at affecting change is making memes of retarded frogs.

Rightoids: Isn’t it silly to boil your entire identity down to the color of your skin and where you stick your dick


Self awareness doesn't exist anywhere outside the very center of the political spectrum.

This pleases the horseshoe


My favorite part of the straight pride parade thing is that every guy who actually gets laid knows that the gay pride parade has already become a straight pride parade because basic straight hoes make up like 95% of female attendants, so straight guys go and get easy lays with women who have had their empowerment dose met and want to be degraded.

I wonder how many of them are so far in the closet they're in Narnia?

You guys keep shitting on "commie faggots" and women on this subreddit, you guys at basically the alt right anyway.

I was expecting the straight pride parade to be a parade full of things straight dudes could be prideful about.

Then again, this was supposed to mirror gay pride parade, so the degeneracy is about on par.

I was expecting the straight pride parade to be a parade full of things straight dudes could be prideful about.

That's why it turned into a shitfest. Straight dudes have done nothing of consequence in history. Western civilization was built on the backs of gay, bi, and asexual men.

That's a disturbing amount of hate, and indignation in the comments over what was probably just a funny excuse to meet up with an acquaintance from the internet.


what was probably just a funny excuse to meet up with an acquaintance from the internet.

Aww, did your buddies forget to invite you?

So you're saying they dress up like clowns because they're like furries and just want to fuck other dudes on the down low?

This is so pathetic I think it goes full circle and becomes cool

Like they think it's cool because dude irony or whatever but no, it's cool because they are so outwardly pathetic

thats not how cool works

dude im drunk and retarded

aren't we all

lots of "uhm sweaty, you're an incel" comments in the mentions

All very well deserved

ok incel

Oooh! A chance for a literal "no u"!


So getting dunked on by a 5/10 and them still being above these guys is a point against the 5ers??

Now! That's what I call cope.
