British tourist in Morocco yells her head off at at chicken seller for keeping his chickens in cages

100  2019-08-31 by throwaway782187356


All british should be confined to their miserable island.

Tbf i could see some woke American from LA or NYC doing the same thing

That's because they have a point. Chickens shouldn't be kept in cages but in torture harnesses to constantly remind these feather wearing fucks of their miserable semi-sentient existence.





Are you Moroccan? Post recipes

I’m not Moroccan bby


It’s ok bby <3

Someone do the world a favor and glass the UK, please.

I just stabbed the ground with my bottle for you. Still a lot of idiots around.

Need more bottles.

You know what, I take back what I said about these Arab gangrapes

they all make sense now, you have my blessings

Dumb dumb vegan

The incident is an example of ‘white privilege’ in practice, and is a common theme in the modern phenomenon of ‘voluntourism.’ In an ever more global society, where the privileged classes are able to travel at will, the global south is experiencing a resurgence of colonial powers at an individual level.

Is this praxis?

Can we stop calling everything bad that happens to minorities 'colonialism' please.

Minorities? Lol. This girl was in Morocco. She was the minority here.

"Minorities" is just a polite way of saying niggers.

How stupid do you have to be to get that out of "dumb vegan bitch does dumb vegan bitch shit"

If you go abroad, you can't help but notice how western lefty mayos (usually foids) feel the need to insert their woke views at the forefront any time they get the chance. White people should not be allowed to leave their own countries.

They're also usually the ones going into Buddhist temples half naked

And they steal shit as "authentic" souvenirs.

Woke mayos should be forced into slavery until they don’t suffer from crippling white guilt. It’s the only way.

if the only tool you have is a hammer...

Minus "white privelige" this is completely true.

Of fucking course they have to work that shit into it.

white foids smh

Lmfao, that’s exactly what someone said on the Moroccan sub

tbh that bitch was probably just hungry for cock

A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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If this happened in UK, she'd be arrested and charged for hate crime.

Chicken guardian would also win undisclosed amount of money for pain and suffering.

Britbongs, do better!

We sent her to a mental health facility to check what's wrong with her head though


Praise Allah Bongistan is disintegrating before our eyes

If you've made the decision to have a public breakdown in a foreign country at least do the polite thing and throw out a racial insult or a couple swear words in their language. You know that a white man would've at least called them ragheads or lobbed a well timed "kuss ummak" at them. Why can white women not even do mental breakdowns properly, that's their own area of expertise...

Lol, area of expertise. I’ve no idea. I agree though, the should at least make it authentic if they’re going to have a public breakdown like this

The ironic part is that this is the exact type of Brit who'd cancel someone for implying that a an immigrant should follow the culture of the place they've emigrated to.

They'd come up with a long winded explanation about how white males are the most evil people which have ever existed, and that such expectations are white supremecy in Action,forcing Western culture on others.

And then ignoring the fact that veganism, besides India, is rarely found outside of first world cities in Western countries.

British people, especially the women, love thinking of themselves as woke.

The real truth is, that they have no idea which struggles poorer countries to through, and are only able to think of things via the perspective they grew up in.

They think of concepts like eating meat as being toxic masculinity, while the poorer countries just think of it as basic survival.

British who claim to be woke have no idea about stuff like this. They just expect everyone to have their ideology.

It’s not even just the British. Americans, Germans, and Scandinavians do this too. I agree with you, too many Westerners act like the ultimate authority over other cultures’ lifestyles as if they know and understand exactly what’s best for them. It’s incredibly arrogant. They stand up for things like this when it’s just a likely poor man trying to make a living. So yeah I totally agree with you, it’s all bullshit.

British. Americans, Germans, and Scandinavians

Based Moroccan hates all white foreigners. You'll fit in well here.

I’m not Moroccan, I am some sort of Arab tho



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she's just jealous of all the chicken she won't have after brexit.

How else are you suppose to transport and sell live chickens?

See, this is why they cut off the heads of western foids, no respect

That was Isis

I was referring to those 2 hiking chicks who got beheaded in Morocco

Yeah I know, those that did were ISIS members, and now they're serving a life time in present.

Oh i get it now, you work for ISIS. How are the benefits? Do you travel for work often?

What are you talking about ?

You either work for ISIS as an image consultant or you're a homosexual liaison for Morocco, which is it?

Well you got me I'm actually Oussama ben laden, you're getting smart infidels.

Just so you know those white girls who you and your friends killed most likely deserved it and so does this one.

Dude you're creeping me out WTF is wrong with you

Come on dude. You know you hate white women, I know you hate white women, why play so coy?

The only thing that I know is that you're crazy.

Are you Muslim?

Yeah why

When then you obviously beaten a woman into submission.

Yeah the same way that you have a slave in your basement and that you think you're the superior race.

I'm black tho. You think all Americans are white? Nice, you're a womanizer and a racist

I have some stereotypes on black people too if you're interested, I'm just showing you your fucked up logic.

Yeah but stereotypes usually ring of the truth so you're the one with the faulty logic. If you spent more time on self meditation and less time on oppressing women you would know this

Ok deal, I'll stop oppressing women, and you stop gang raping white women and robbing cars and convenient stores.

See I can play this game all day.

I've never seen anyone try so hard to get beheaded.