Saturday aSocial Mid to Late 2000s Teen Whore Appreciation Thread.

60  2019-08-31 by pewkiemuffinboo

This week in the celebration of how mean Lawlz's stickies are we're going to discuss the teen whores of the mid to late 2000s.

As a gay man past his prime I grew up mimicking the yearning whorish glazed looks of many teens girls glamorized in main stream media in the late 1990s. Mimicking these glamorous looks allowed me to be sexually assaulted many more times than would have been otherwise possible.

My favorite teen whore from my childhood is Mandy Moore.

Fun Fact: The rate of human trafficking of pre-pubescent girls increased 9.4% a year after this song was released.

Who is your favorite teen idol from years yonder?


All the Japanese ones that are actually 30 years old or the 40000 year old vamiess

Everyone knows that the Japenese dispose of women once they turn 16.

It's the chinese that use the filters to prolong their shelf life.

I know a Chinese woman in her 20s who could pass for sub 12 👍

Does early Brodie Armstrong count?

Brodie Armstrong looked like a post OP trans man. <33

Also we all knew she only married Armstrong for the last name to further her career.

What an aussie dude gonna do?

No lie she cleans up good tho

This is a Libertarian subreddit now 😎😎😎

I'd pay money to gift you a ban but then I remembered I'm a mod so I'm just gonna ban you for free :D :D\

:) :)





I realize I may be somewhat unusual, but I have never been mentally ruled by my emotions.

I have emotions, and I enjoy them, but my day to day life, sexuality, outcomes of my choices and my actions are not ruled by how I feel.

Explain what it's like to be ruled by your emotions.


A loooooong time ago, and a lot of other things. I experimented with much more powerful drugs than marijuana.

But again, a long time ago. Before all of you were even born.

I'm not sure how to explain how emotions feel to someone with autism. I do not have a background in childhood development, or autism-spectrum disorder.

I wish I could explain further for you but it's kind of like explaining what blue looks like to a blind person - you just simply will never really undertand it.

You're okay though! You know how to type on the internet and maybe some day you'll make a friend that will have to tools to properly explain what emotions feel like to you.

:) :) :)

You need to work on your reading comprehension skill.

I didn't ask what emotions feel like, I asked what it felt like to be ruled by them.

Oh, in that case here


Everyone but me and you are actually fully deterministic beings who are slaves to the causality train that rules what they believe to be choices through the hormones and chemicals that make up what they experience as emotions.

existential cope

The highest quality cope in a world where all actions are thinly veiled cope. I get existential when suffering from food poisoning, I'll be better tomorrow.

i wish the best for ur poisoned body

One time, a long time ago, I consumed what some people, in some circles call a heroic dose of LSD. It was the only that I had was some people also call a bad trip.

That part that was a bad trip was when I thought about what it might be like to not feel any emotions. For a time I was stripped of all emotional feeling.

It was so dark and empty, not feeling anything. It was awful. I had never experienced anything so bad before or since.

I ripped myself out of that at that moment, and will never do that again.

As for me my emotions and reason aren't really different in any meaningful sense. One must deeply understand instincts, but also intellectually understand things

yearning whorish glazed look

Checks out

I've always had a love/hate thing for Britney, but now I just want her back 😭

How could anyone hate Britney 😔 😡

It was more of like me pretending to be too cool for her, I was an angsty little girl. I 💖 Britney.

Good, I was this close to y'alling this thread.

Gotta go with Britney Spears, the classic.

Um britney is a kween and goddess. I think you're talking about Tara Reid.

Alyson Hannigan or charisma carpenter. They may not have been tweens tho.

I get Charisma, she was smoking hot when she started on Buffy. Hannigan tho was a total mushy tater face tho. Ew.

Let me gauge your tastes. Look up meg mac attractive or no?

She's pretty but I don't find her sexually attractive.

Well she has a gussy sooo


What do gay people do when they get older? Kill themselves or become pedophiles? Asking for a friend.

They either become pedophiles or self-diagnose themselves as transgender so they can grift for money online.

I'm gonna be such a hot daddy

The twink lovers are pretty openly pedo already ...

Lindsay Lohan was hot back then 😌

Mean Girls Lohan was peak. Then she discovered coke.

Britney Hillary Duff Ashley Simpson Lindsay Lohan Ren from Even Stevens

I was an Asuka guy but then snallygaster came into my life and now I question my hetero-dimensionality 😬

I have two nieces who were addicted Hilary Duff in those years and so ended up spending a lot of time with her tv show on in the background at grandmas house

I thought she was a better role model for them than some of the other teen whores because she didn’t look like a model, she was short and chubby and flat just like a lot of girls that age

of course then she grew up and got implants and eating disorders and everything else so that was a shame


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Saturday aSocial Mid to Late 2000s ... -,,

  2. Mandy Moore -,

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