Do yoga pants abide by the NAP?

63  2019-08-31 by Ghdust2


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It's almost like girls want to wear clothing that emulates what the older foids are wearing.


Ah a quality man who took the black pill :D

I was feeling alone :)

They're such total fags lol

Holy shit can you imagine being that pathetic. Mgtow is so annoying because they all pretend like they can get any girl in the world, but only CHOOSE not to. Denialcels are the worst

Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


  1. Do yoga pants abide by the NAP? -,,

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I see 12 year old dressing like 19 year olds, and some could pass.

He's going to fuck a child.

I cant tell a 22 year old girl apart from a 12 year old

makeup can make you look both 10 years younger OR older

You may be right

Libertarians not even once

I can't tell if a girl is 18 or 16 but I'm also not out here ogling 18 year olds because even though I'm a little under 30, that's fucking weird.



No, remember they're going their own way.

Are they all Pedos?


Why don't they just do the 22 year old if they dig the look?

yoga pants are fine as long as you're not a fucking lard ass

hot bitches or bust (on your face)

Instead of plus size sections. It should be called you know better.

Fat lards wearing yoga pants annoys me to no end.

Yoga pants are the new double edged sword for straight men.

Imagine getting triggered by athletic clothing.


My sister was a huge conservative bitch growing up, fucking insufferable. Now I go to the BBQ and there is her daughter, my niece , walking towards the grill with a plate of hot dogs . Her fucking yoga pants (with half shirt as well) was so tight it looked as if she located at least one hot dog bun and was smuggling it between her legs. I just looked away quickly, looked at my stupid bitch sister and thought to myself " You numb cunt ... your daughter looks like she jacks off guys for nickles in the parking lot . She's a sweet girl but she looks like a whore and you allow it ." I have no answer for you, sorry . All I know is I avoid family get togethers altogether lest I turn into an asshole uncle nobody likes .

This guy is definitely that uncle

Probably fantasizes a out raping her every night.

Imagine not going for nubile 9 year olds as our prophet intended

And welcome to the world's greatest minority.. a man that can think for himself

Oh for God's sakes

As a future father if I have sons they will have to wear mandatory yoga pants to show off their powerful hapa glutes of steel. If I have daughters they must dress in kimonos or sailor fuku school uniforms at all times. No exceptions.

remember like 6 weeks ago when thinking influential rich guys were secretly trafficking little girls for sex made you conspiracy theorist

how many of those guys are working at or otherwise have influence at places like Disney and other media outlets “guiding” the portrayal of how young women should dress and act, totally not for the normalization of pedophilia or anything

The fuck is that sub

Incels in denial

Nothing says "Men going their own way" more than talking about women all day on your sub.