Fights break out in /r/news when good guys with guns can’t stop bad guy(s?) with gun when he decides to play GTA irl Texas edition. (5 dead 21+ injured)

52  2019-08-31 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. Fights break out in /r/news when go... -,,

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Race of Peace at it again

If it could be a girl, just once.

Can they even shoot guns without them flying out of their hands on the first shot?

Well there was a school shooting where one of the accomplices was FTM so that's as close as it gets in modern times still a dude but a dude with a pussy

Wtf, convert them the other way.

Sorry bud, but mass shootings are for men moment a chick starts thinking about it she becomes he

Mandatory estrogen must be pumped into every male as they start puberty if they are not already on a top tier sports team and every female who wears all black. It's the only way.

Nah, it was mtf, just confused reporting at first due to political correctness.

Wikipedia says transboy so I got it right in my post.

Oops, you're right, they corrected the story again apparently.

Probably because they put the birth name on the court documents so that caused confusion

Everyone forgetting about the vegan woman who shot up YouTube. Women always getting over shadowed by men.

That's cause she did kill anyone and wasn't she like Iranian or something that's not mayo enough

it’s midland/Odessa, it’s basically south Chicago but for Mexicans

that said one guy taking out 30 people smells like the work of a white man instead of some banger firing his 9 over his shoulder while running down the street and accidentally hitting some kids like what usually happens down there

hehe gamers

When will we finally address the Male Question?


Too many women crunching the numbers now to ever get an answer. But if a guy put a gun to my head, I could give you a good estimate.

Where was Agent Cooper during all of this

Europoors are major coping that they’ll mostly be ruined in 20 years while chad Americans realize that mass shootings don’t actually kill that many people compared to literally everything else.

8x more people die of stabbings than all rifle deaths combined so why don’t we fucking ban pocket knives like those fags in the UK?