
11  2019-09-01 by FODS_ARE_MAGS

seethe cope cringe dilate based yikes yall have sex sweaty rent free mayos mayocide foid moid troid bussy lolcow pinging lawlz chapocels tankies bootlickers leftoid nazis alt right rightoid TERFs SJWs radical centrism horseshoe theory MDEfugees SRDines sticky locked quarantine banned jannies admins mods powerusers AHS bernie biden hillary daddy burgerland commie-mommy somali-mommy taytay 4chan incels chads zoomers boomers neets tendies clownworld capeshit kino OH NO NO NO jordan peterson ben shapiro ben garrison libertarians inceltears asianmasculinity enlightenedcentrism unpopularopinion AITA /uj shitposting agendaposting schizoposting meta gamers 13/50 40% gamergate retards faggots trannies (((jews))) pibbles niggers.



You forgot BLACKED Asian Twinks. Do you even post here regularly?

Sometimes it really do be like that.

Not redpilled.
