AZNidentity proving that they're a group of incels

27  2019-09-01 by failurehuman


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This, but unironically.


  1. AZNidentity proving that they're a ... -,,

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Shouldn't surprise anyone. These guys got really mad and called me a pedo just for being white and liking a Chinese woman.

That was really rude. Hope you are doing good with her

ty, it's possible that she might like me but I haven't asked her out or anything. I'll do so when I get to see her again.

Make an update post

I can but it's like 6 weeks still. Also if we start dating I might want to delete the Reddit app; women can be too nosy :(

I only see genuine love 🤔

Is that really surpirsing i

Tbh if you use online dating as anything other than a based KING you are a cuck

