As Gamergate 2.0 descends upon us like a rancid shit falling into the toilet bowl, a brave furry correctly calls out the "fetid miasma" that is the gamer menace.

122  2019-09-01 by KaaraRaven


Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


  1. As Gamergate 2.0 descends upon us l... -,

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Why is this furry acting like a freak show more than usual

Furry acts like a retard


I'd rather be a gaymer than a furry. 🤢

tranny ANTIFA furry

Fetid miasma is a good way to describe this spawn of incestuous degenracy

We're overdue for a plague.

I say that in jest, but we honestly are. The flu used to routinely kills tens to hundreds of thousands of people every thirty years or so. The last deadly flu epidemic we had was the "Spanish Flu" pandemic in 1918. We should have had another one in 1950, then 1980, then 2010. Medical science is preventing us from separating the wheat from the chaff, and that is what has led us down the path of degeneracy that gives us ugly trannies, kiddy diddlers, and furries.

Viruses might not be performing, but bacteria are patiently waiting while we basically perfect them.


Viruses might not be performing

They have a CRISPR for that. Consult your local pharmaco.

We had ww2, then aids, then video streaming services, roughly fitting the timeline.

Clearly not good enough.

In terms of population control, the nice thing about a plague or flu, as opposed to war, is that it mostly kills off the weak ones.

People with bad immune systems, poor diet, poor health. Which are the ones who pollute the gene pool anyway.

It also doesn't wreck infrastructure. People are generally replaceable in a bit, but salted fields and ruined industries take decades to repair, if at all.

By killing off the Chad's we further domesticate society, which will inevitably lead to a communist utopia of pure cucks who never fight and bang each other's chicks while the cucked one just shrugs his shoulders and continues dying his hair some new shade of neon. In a chadless world self respect will be unnecessary.

Based and blue-pilled

Like a bunch of basement dwelling NEETs will contract the next pandemic. The victims will all be extroverts

What if furries ARE the plague?

Then God have mercy on us all.

we just need evolutionary pressure to come knocking again

it'll happen soon enough when sea levels rise 50 feet, 50% of the earth becomes too hot to live, and all those hardass browns are flooding across the border - can'r fucking wait and I'm rooting for brownie

Evolutionary pressure is on the rise thanks to the collapse of the family unit and all the shit incels whine about, it just might not be pressuring us in a way you want. On the bright side, all the people suffering through the Xenoplague of 2101 are going to be tall as fuck.

The solution is to cuckify the browns, not uncuckify the west. Hell I think Muslims are already halfway there after all their Chad's went to join ISIS and 90% of them got killed. Now they don't even have the upper body strength in a lot of areas necessary to stone slutty women, those sluts will grow up to breed and make more cucks and trannies, etc....

For Africa I would recommend air drops of Anime and LGBTQ literature, maybe some blue hair dye. We destroyed Japan in two generations, China in one, let's see how quickly Africa can collapse.

They may have an incel reaction like Eastern Europe where cucks self consciously attempt to take on the social behaviors of Chad's, but this is sort of like the 99% mayo wearing a Nass produced feather hair dress, it's just really sad and pathetic and makes everyone else embarrassed.

can'r fucking wait and I'm rooting for brownie

lmao probably not going to go too well for them given history

I'm rooting for the watta.

Every time there's an anti-anti-vax thread the comment sections are filled with immunocompromised people talking about herd immunity. They never wonder if they're also bad for the herd.

Actually the flu and other plays typically lay waste to children and old people who couldn't breed anyway. Really during flus are notable for killing the young people in their prime just as bad but it's big like any of them target just cucked fellows.

War on the other hand anyways sends out all the bravest warriors while the cucks sit at home and realize they're basically alone in an entire land full of horny foids who haven't gotten good dick in a year, it's like a thirsty bitch in the desert seeing a mirage, where Jody is Lake Michigan. They go on to breed with like 20 foids each and the chads come home and call it their baby boom because they're too sad and depressed and worn out from the war to admit what's right in front of their faces.

Hi I'm Steve. I make pictures of animal people and lots of music ( @runetoothmusic , @asseasexhale ). Social justice RDM/AST. [XIV:excalibur] he/him #blm ☭

I think I got a bingo!

I'm sure "Bingo" is his furry name.


And bingo was his name-o!

Bingos the name of the dead dog he fucks

I see you're familiar with the topic at hand.


The absolute comedy of a furry attempting to speak down to anyone.

just found out there's a word for time blindness damn that shit sucks

(also if you deal with time blindness do you have tips for what's helped you make it manageable because I got it REAL BAD and good lord my executive function weeps every day)

Finds out there's a social/personality/mental disorder, immediately claims to have it

There's a scene in Frasier where Frasier and Niles discover that there's a new shade of beige and get really excited about it. This phenomenon reminds me of that scene.

Is this what you’re referring to?

No, it was another scene.

No these are all symptoms of autism, and he is a furry. He's definitely autistic.

Why can't these retards just pretend to have ADHD to cop some Adderall like normal people?

Maybe they dislike masturbating for 8 hours straight

I never minded though so Adderall is pretty good for me

masturbating for 8 hours straight

I have to assume by "masturbating" you mean posting on /r/drama.

Imagine not selling the Adderall like a responsible citizen, you absolute degenerate.

Too addicted, plus I would have to talk to other human beings

Do coke like a real man. Fund your habit with Adderall sales. Use dead drops to avoid human contact. This isn't rocket science here...

whatever makes them stand out better in a crowd just allows normal people to avoid them better

Sometimes I wonder, was it to much bullying or not enough that makes these things. Maybe they just needed to play a team sport.

We need to bring back bullying

Unironically I'd pin it on a lack of fathers.

Close, but I'd pin it on the lack of fatherly figures, even among their parents.

Good point. Men need father figures, be it fathers or otherwise.

There are countries that stone these people who don’t have these problems 🤔

What these types needed was a nice zyklon b shower tbh

saying a prayer for the unfortunate kids that have to read your dogshit ideas

lmao based furfag

no one should listen to furries. ever.

People are taking the sisters word as gospel, even though she is just some retarded teen. She didnt know everything her brother went through, and is only saying the shit is she is saying so she doesnt get doxxed and murdered.

Worth pointing out that furries are probably gonna be intimately involved in this drama, since the game Alec Holowka worked on, Night in the Woods, has a MASSIVE furry following due to the characters all being anthropomorphic animals.

If someone drew furry fanart in memory of me I'd probably come back from the dead just to kill myself again.

I'll be sure to draw some stuff when the time comes.


Better sooner than later.

Now that's just mean and uncalled for, hun.

I'm sorry the karmawhoring got me.

(If you ever wanna draw me tho, feel free <3)

Talking about the issues and exposing Zoe, her mob and the harassment that led to a suicide is now perceived as "fascist propaganda pushed by nazi gamers".

Also, for some reason there is a flood of furries and other degenerates running in support of Zoe and still attacking a dead man.

Seriousposting about Gamergate

You're on thin ice, bucko.

Lmao Americans are so retarded they thought they could just move to a shame culture without the numerous social protections that keep things private and save face present in East Asian cultures. You can't just shame people non stop en masse without expecting tons of an heroes to emerge.

Gas the furs

Don't be furphobic, honey. :v


Did zoie quinn epstein herself? 40%

Lmao did gamer gate ever stop

Future generations are going to reckon dates from the moment that autist tard released his retarded angry rant about his mediocore sjw game dev ex gf. We are now in 5 AGG.

""Qui n'a pas vécu dans les années voisines de 2014 ne sait pas ce que c'est le plaisir de vivre." - Autist tard watermark on one of his legion of alts" - Future retarded historians born in the AGG epoch

lmao why are furries always commies and antifa

Furries tend to lean toward either extreme because they're they're mostly nerdy friendless mayo proto-incels that are desperate for validation and belonging.

someone in the comments talks like a "uwu" cell

Imagine unironically categorising people by what entertainment they use. Did the Netflixers rise out of the tomb of reoccurring credit card charges to fight back?

Dude really wants to squeeze every dollar’s worth out of the thesaurus he bought