We were architects and shieeeeeet. Also, Ed makes an appearance here.

53  2019-09-02 by 2Manadeal2btw


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Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. We were architects and shieeeeeet. ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Bring him home.

He’s clearly lost, look at his user profile.

He goes around Reddit giving sarcastic responses comment to comment with no wit, rhyme or reason.

Our sweet brown child, we dearly miss you.

He was always one of the worst posters here. The best was when he tried to sincerepost and would spout the most boring zoomer tier opinions.

How dare you, he invented 😪😪😪posting.

Show some damn respect.

Only people that liked snoozeposting were the """""centrists""""" that got assblasted whenever they saw a post making fun people/opinions they were sympathetic to. It was the emoji form of "where's the drama?"

Seriouspost real quick. First of all, Egypt is African so they’re talking shit. But let’s pretend they mean black Africans. The reason their architecture doesn’t get showcased is because it’s just different versions of whoever conquered them. Nubian architecture is just Egyptian or Muslim architecture. This goes back 6000 years until all you get are the outlines of buildings. So why the hell would you showcase that when it’s just an imitation of something that was done better without any appreciable changes? This was not possible for the Nubians because they were never able to break free from whoever conquered them (except that one time from Egypt). At least the Romans eventually eclipsed the Greeks. At lease Japan was always independent. Nubia was always just a piece of someone else’s territory.

Most other African civilizations didn’t even have permanent architecture. Why don’t we see Mongolian architecture? Why don’t we see Native American architecture? It’s because they didn’t have architecture. Neither did most sub Saharan African civilizations for a long time. Hell, in parts of Africa, the wheel hasn’t been invented until European settlers brought it over during colonization. How the hell were they supposed to make anything permanent without the tools to carry the raw materials? It’s just some of the most idiotic shit I’ve ever heard.

I mean dude bussy lmao

Ok we get it you hate black people



Most of racism is based on obvserving real world shit, you got to make inferior civilizations look better to counteract it.

AKA they were actually brilliant architects not a bunch of spear chuckers.

Niggers never designed anything besides mud huts and makeshift tents. Truth hurts.

tfw Arab and blacks culturally appropriate my architecture

smh fam

What won 't basketball Americans attempt to steal

A job.

"wage slavery" makes an appearance in this thread. One of my personal faves.

That thread is so retarded it hurts. Everyday redditors ear more and more of my hatred.

This is the shit you get when you let them use our water fountains smdh