Kevin Hart in car crash, might be paralyzed permanently so no stand-up comedy for him anymore.

66  2019-09-02 by Ultrashitposter


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. Kevin Hart in car crash, might be p... -,

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gay conspiracy to take down a problematic homophobe

They got Tracy Morgan the same way. I would be worried if I were Dave Chappell.

I couldn’t stand SRD. The cringe there was suffocating. One idiot was whining about /r/drama being a doxxing paradise, others were circlejerking about how the sub leans slightly right but is really moderate. And as you note OP, they all fuckin whine about Daddy, altright, and idiots who can’t get laid.


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To Kevin, lady Fortune was a Hartless bitch.

Why wasn't he in his child safety seat


The dude walked out of the crash I doubt he is paralyzed

not supposed to move after a back/neck injury cause problems can show up later due to inflammation but i guess no one had the Hart to tell him. >![   ](!<


Yeah, Ricardo Lockett would’ve died if he moved his body at all after getting a neck injury in an NFL game. It’s a miracle he survived.

He'll still be able to do sit-down comedy, surely?


no stand-up

ayyy lmao

from oscars to cancelled to wheelchair.. sad

Fucking who? And where is the drama?

pretending not to know who Kevin Hart is

3rd degree cope right there

So hes some actor manlet that has been in some of the absolutely worst an unfunny comedy movies in recent years? Yeah big womp womps from me dawg

Hope the surgery can stretch his spine for a couple of feet

He was supposed to host the Oscars earlier this year, but got CANCELED for some tweets he made 10 years ago.

That is what he gets for making gay jokes over a decade ago

They're saying he might need back surgery but is expected to recover fully.

Anyway I want to know what this dumb motherfucker was doing in that car with those people that made him have his security come and get him (and ONLY HIM) to flee the scene of the crash.

He was smuggling a pot of gold probably

More like a pint of vodka, in his digestive system.

Guarantee you the little guy was wasted, driving his brand new gay ass vintage muscle car on Malibu Fucking Canyon in the middle of the night, ran it off the road because that area is treacherous as fuck even if you're not a drunk little manlet driving a car you don't know how to handle, called security to pick his ass up and told his passengers to say that they were the ones driving.

Probably drugged out too

Wow, I’m assuming you were a witness of the crash? Cause I otherwise don’t see how you could know that any of what you said is true, and not just speculative bs based on your opinion of him?

Lol take it to /r/entertainment fag.

They're claiming he wasn't driving and someone else was and nobody had been drinking.

Given that he was in a barracuda pushing 700-800 HP it's likely they were just trying to drive a car they had no business driving.

Of course they're going to claim that.

That car was brand fucking new. Hart had posted about it on Instagram as recently as that day. You gonna let your wife's trainer's boyfriend (or whoever the guy actually is) drive your brand new incredibly expensive high end sports car in the middle of the night on a notoriously dangerous road?

Yeah, I'm not sure if I buy it, but it was also his birthday or something, so I don't find it hard to believe he was drunk as shit and had someone sober driving, for example.

He fled the scene of the accident, leaving the passengers. He had something to hide.

who tf sells a midget an 800hp car lol thats asking for trouble

idk sounds like a good time

Life fuel. That dude was a pos.


I really hope that he will recover from this horrific back injury.

If he loses his legs below the knees he'll be able to play a midget when Hollywood reboots Wizard of Oz.

Manlets just can’t catch a break

unless it’s in their necks or backs

He played the caretaker to quadrapaligic in a movie recently... this is gonna be a twist if he really can’t walk anymore.

I bet he recovers walking though.


RIP Kevin